
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $Sea Ltd(SE)$ $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$ $$ All these financial institutions and analysts talking what a great buy this is and how some are adding to positions and creating new positions but yet it won’t stop dropping. At some point this Has to explode to the upside. I added a lot. Thank you. I also bought FB, CRM etc.
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $Microsoft(MSFT)$ $Apple(AAPL)$ Just something to consider. Apple and Msft were both positive on Friday while the rest of the market was down. Market leaders are usually first to recover. Might be nearing a bottom.It is weighing time! Stock market is a voting machine between earnings and weighing machine on earning dates.  
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $NIO Inc.(NIO)$ $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $Qualcomm(QCOM)$ With ET7 you no longer have situation of dozens of chips needed with any one single chip being a potential supply chain issue crimping deliveries. 4 NVDA Orin SOC chips plus QCOM 5G Snapdragon Digital Cockpit chip will dramatically simplify ET7 chip supply chain issues. No doubt CATL$Contemporary Amperex Technology Co.,Ltd.(300750)$ , NVDA & QCOM will have been given long lead times on ET7 supply chain needs.
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $Microsoft(MSFT)$ yes the fed is trying to take out price increases but actually the inflation shows we need more production and efficiencies\ which msft will provide thru better software the fed cant take out too much liquidity they will stop soon and msft will add value to the countries issues thats what they do and its stock price will continue up
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ Shorts keep thinking with conventional "groupthink" wisdom on the shares lockup. Just because tehy think something is going to happen because it is "supposed to" usually does not go that way. No one is going to sell their shares. Everyone knows this is a golden, long-term hold. EVERYONE! No one wants to be the guy who sells the early Tesla$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ from 2019. Lucid is better than Tesla. We know, they know....we all know it.
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$ Nice bounce off old resistance, 125 has been strong all 2021. Would like to see it be a new support going forward. most powerful producer, AMD$AMD(AMD)$ , QCOM$Qualcomm(QCOM)$ , AVGO$Broadcom(AVGO)$ , NVDA$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ , all dependent on TSM production - correct ?
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $TENCENT(00700)$ With the support of sensor technology, communication technology, cloud computing, Internet, artificial intelligence, 5G, great data and other technologies, the Internet of Things technology has developed very rapidly, and the society has gradually entered the era of intelligence. Technology companies such as BIDU$Baidu(BIDU)$ ,TCEHY,GOOG$Alphabet(GOOG)$ are using 5G, AI, Internet of Things and other new technologies to change our work and life scenes, making everything intel ligent, efficient and digital.
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $$ If l don't experience it. I wouldn't believe it. Amzn is down from 3700-3265 in little over a month. Why? How? And #$%$ Suddenly everyone and their friends ? are dumping this stock? Amzn has not changed anything since it has reached the high. Jeff. B instead of shooting yourselves into the moon. You should shoot the price up. . I have been waiting for my 4000 since 2020.
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$ What is the point of shorting the best company Facebook? I simply don't understand why there is someone not optimistic about fb . What did you do? Look at all the stocks on the market and pick the one with strongest financial to short? LOL. That's pathetic. I will never give up this stock and hold on to it for a long time.
    • BaronLylyBaronLyly
      $Microsoft(MSFT)$ 12 years of fed money printing has produced the biggest bull market in world history and conditioned investors to buy the dip as any pullback was quickly followed by big rebounds... now the fed is REMOVING liquidity from the markets and anyone who does not change their thinking and continue to expect big rebounds to new highs will learn the lessons of their lives in 2022 as this market deflates a minimum of 25% to 50% to the shock of brainwashed investors..
