各位好,我刚加入这个平台目的就是要写文章。内容会很丰富但最终还是围绕着投资和密码货币这个范围。希望你们会喜欢我的作品。喜欢的话可以给我点赞,好评或可以在你的朋友圈分享给其他人阅读这篇文章。多谢支持!如果你有某个内容想要我写,可以在评论里留下留言。谢谢!Image by authorThere are only that much investing and financial tips I could share here. In order to speed up your understanding to invest safely with a well maintained portfolio allocation across asset classes, it will be of best interest to share real life examples of what people are going through so that we can minimize making the same mistakes. Disclaimer: All information stated below are only for illustration purposes. Its not a call to buy or sell any financial products. As always, please perform your own due diligence before investing. Here, I will share the first real life example of the following issue that this person is facing. To read the original post,