LCID is the next TSLA !!This is going to be 1000$ in 2022 !!Many people who know the news say that LCID will have great operation in 2022. Maybe now is a good time to buy$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$
1. AMC will create it's own Crypto . 2. They will use it as a Dividend. 3. That will FORCE a share Count. 4. The Counterfeit shares will be Discovered. 5. The Hedge funds will be EXPOSED 6. ALL shares must be settled, starting the MOASS. I trust their technology this time. Let's see.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
SHORTS make money when LONGS sell their holding and SHORTS buy it back at lower price. Then they do this over and over to bring stock price down and take away both our money, shares and confidence. Look at where you invested and reason behind it. Stick to it. BUY AND HOLD IT. Weather it’s lucid or Tesla. You won’t loose in long run. $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
I do aggree with Oueslati. There is no reason for Ford to joint developing with Rivian, but keeping their stake is good investment plan. at least, up to May. Amazon's stake and its order is sure to kick start Rivian.Remember that Ford still has a lock of 6 months on their IPO investment so they cant sell yet till next May, this can trade up and down for the next couple of months, dont be too fast to lock losses yet. Amazon knows what to do.$Rivian Automotive, Inc.(RIVN)$$Ford(F)$
Just look at the chart. Low December and most of January 2021 and the hello February Boom. Right up over $300. Guarantee it’s gonna happen again but this time to 500 $Novavax(NVAX)$
Chairman of the Board of directors loaded up on SOFI share spending over 6 million of his money on Nov 22 - something big is about to happen!  If you are smart, don't miss this opportunity, because you don't know when the next one will come. Good luck to everyone!!😂😂😂 $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$
BB did this last quarter. It should trend downwards for a bit. Revenue is not there. Blocking and tackling. Not next year's draft pick wins in football. The financials are the blocking and tackling. The patent sale is the draft pick. To those that do not have shares, you should be able to get some for cheaper. For those with shares, you just have to wait. Best case scenario is that it will rise in early January. Worst case, right before next earnings in late February. The future is bright for BlackBerry but they must start monetizing their partnerships soon.$BlackBerry(BB)$
AMC is thinking about getting back into the content creation business and financially backing movies, which could be exclusive to AMC theaters. But it's a bad idea, just as much as it was the last time AMC did it.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Doing business well can create greater value, so I think it is suitable for long-term investors.
candlestick pattern for PLTR is very bullish. Difficult to say if today was capitulation for PLTR since the QQQ is only off it's high by 5%. Will have to see if there is more panic selling in the market.Maybe investors are too excited, keep rational! There may be room for growth. be paitent$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$
I love to witness the desperation of the so-called bears who don’t even have a dime to hedge. Talk is cheap and that fits you very well. But I’d love thank all the panic sellers who have sold me cheap shares.$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ PLTR buying opportunities will appear immediately and the market will move downward in the near term
At first this company seem very overvalued, but with their unique position on NFT and their commitment on metaverse, they could also be one of the best metaverse bet in the long run.$GameStop(GME)$
Could anyone explain how this stock didn't develop anything for 17 yrs / traded between 1-6 bucks share. They create a few good products and now they are going cure the world and replace all manual labor. Have no stake anymore, but be very cautious with this stock. no one wants to miss this opportunity, but it's hard to say who will take the lead at the moment. I'll buy some of them all.$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
Can anyone think of a great company that went public via SPAC MERGER!?? —Only speculative garbage has to use this OLD REVIVED FORM OF PUMP AND DUMP!! Lucid is just another car company. Once the Saudis and management bailout, the stock will crater!!  and it's still going on, so you know what to do$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$
It cannot go unnoticed that the daily float is getting smaller every week. does it mean that everyone is loaded (incl. institutional owners) and price can go up much faster once we hit any of the major milestones? or is it rather dangerous for us?$Novavax(NVAX)$
Air passenger travel in 2019 was 4.5B. The estimate for 2021 is 2.2B passengers. Only in the Airbnb-cult group think world are these the same number. If you like to invest for the long term, you can buy, because soon business will return to its previous level. An increase in profits will also drive up the stock price, so don't miss this opportunity.$Airbnb, Inc.(ABNB)$
Let me give you know it all's some advice.  NIO just hit record deliveries for the year and at the same time paid off a $165 million dollar convertible two years in advance.,  If you cant read that message you should not be trading. That's a lot of cash to have on hand for any company. $NIO Inc.(NIO)$
$Pfizer(PFE)$The philosophy of PFE (board of directors) is to hold tight the inflowing chips in order to stabilize 2.71% yearly dividend payout. Regardless double or triple revenue increase, make sure it is only a dividend stock. Don’t push up the stock price appreciation, otherwise it will decrease the dividend payout rate lower, that’s their philosophy!
Sadly, it looks like is the$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ play this time around. I think GME gets the runup next time. but with Spiderman and NFTs and mainly the VOLUME that AMC beings.. it's clearly the pay. but we can always make our money there and bring it back to our e-commerce stock GME 💪 Do you have better plan? good luck$GameStop(GME)$
It's funny how Jim Cramer was claiming an early Christmas rally yesterday and is saying there are very few investment choices today. Stick with quality companies in growing markets and make your own investment decisions. There is no better than AMD. Invest wisely.   do not miss this chance. good luck$AMD(AMD)$
Let’s consider something for a second, ok? The Fed literally has all the power to either tank the market tomorrow or drive it up and none of are certain what they will say. That is the fact! The other fact is that inflation at 40 year highs and it’s the Fed who has the authority to get inflation under control using their tools that usually POP BUBBLES. The reality is that ALL OF US playing this stock market is at the complete mercy of the Fed whether you are a bull or bear and nobody knows exactly how the short to mid term future will shake out! Enjoy!!!$Microsoft(MSFT)$$Adobe(ADBE)$
