AMD reached $158.89 & closed at ATH of 155.2, up 65% this year! The reason for an annual price increase of about 100% in the past 3 years (2018-2020) was due to increases in PC sales, especially the servers! Can this amazing revenue increase (45% in 2020 & 65% this year) continue? It won't be easy, but if the recent success in new high tech areas can continue, it may do it again in the next few years: (1) Server (data center): ATM (total addressable market) is about $23B in 2021. AMD market share near 20% and is growing strongly because all the new data centers are using EPYC chips now. It may pass 50% market share soon! (2) Smart phone: Revenue in 2020 was $409B. With Samsung Exynos pre-sell order of 200 mil, even a $5 per unit fee will give AMD an $1B revenue, not counting revenu
PFE along with other pharmaceutical companies,do to the essential nature of the product, should be able to pass along any costs they incur do to inflation.This is another thing that makes PFE a good "investment" in this covid-inflationary,economy.I predicted $50-55 by the end of the year {I honestly,really dont know} and keep in mind that PFE is subject to, the overall market momentum which could take a downturn at any moment.Essential product+leading company+dividend+increased revenue+increased profits$Pfizer(PFE)$
SOFI Morgan Stanley bought 2,916,926 shares at $17.13 1,238,227 shares at $19.02 807,087 shares at $19.31 and 30,734 shares at $11.29 We are still in buying zone.$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$
You know when the bashers are here they are losing money at this point. LOL$Sundial Growers Inc.(SNDL)$
Two things real quick before I settle into this        LIGHT! prog looks good, next week we will be back in the saddle imo. amc OF money doesn’t make you a stock trader and tagging actual stock traders within the community doesn’t make you relevant. Jobs not done.$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$AMC Entertainment(AMC)
Meet the innovation behind the K-Supreme Plus Brewer – MultiStream Technology. Extract more flavor and aroma in every brew.$Clover Health Corp(CLOV)$
In 2008, AMD executives announced a new strategy. They were going fabless. They spun out their semiconductor manufacturing business. That is the company IPO'ing today: $GFS GlobalFoundries.                It worked out for AMD. The stock is up 22x. But what about GFS?$GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc.(GFS)$ $Antero Midstream Corporation(AM)$
Just curious, did you ever find out just how ComputerShare generates income holding your shares, esp if no holding fees involved? Are you sure they don't use them as collateral in any way, based on value of assets under management at the very least? Why would they hold them for free otherwise? just askin'                    $游戏驿站(GME)$
On Sep 16 we were at 372 and 13 days later we are at 276. That 96 lower or 26% down. What happened? No negative news except the loss of interest. How much does Bntx project on profit for 2021 &2022?About 18b for 2 years?? 18b divide by 67b(mc)=26.8%. I might be a bad businessman to do analysis that way. What do you see??$BioNTech SE(BNTX)$

If you want to invest, just buy an index and wait

$标普500ETF(SPY)$ crypto is particularly volatile and scam-prone, but now is a good time to remind yourself that *you should not try to trade*in one study, 97% of high-frequency stock traders lost money; only 1% made more than min wage! if you want to invest, just buy an index like $SPY and wait  $纳斯达克(.IXIC)$ $道琼斯(.DJI)$ $纳指ETF(QQQ)$
If you want to invest, just buy an index and wait
The strange behavior has begun! I’ve had like 10 of these pop into my at early hours of the morning over the past week. #AMC $AMC$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
I don’t normally do threads like this, but I’m a big supporter of elonmusk and I follow $TSLA stock closely. This is going to be a nerdy, conspiracy-theory type thread on Tesla , based on some recent hints from Elon himself. Take it for what you will; I just think it's fun.$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
AMD will get back some of the loss tomorrow, no doubt about it.$AMD(AMD)$
Astra $ASTR will hold a press conference with CEO Chris Kemp tomorrow morning to discuss the company's first successful orbital launch.$Astra Space(ASTR)$
Listen up folks and please read fully. Jim Cramer caused this huge pump and dump. He and his hedge fund friends. People should complain to CNBC until they remove him off the air. They allow him to be on CNBC every morning telling viewers what to do from 9am to 10am. He kept telling everyone to buy Paypal because it was going much higher than 300 and now he changes his tune. Watch on video for yourselves and hear him admit how he manipulated the stock market. His friends are hedge funds. Read how Jon Stewart tore into him for telling all those people to buy Bear Stearns, right before it collapsed. Get it? This bum I'm sure owned a whole bunch of Bear Stearns and found out it was collapsing so he told all people to buy Bear Stearns so he could sell his position. Look, please pass this on to
$MU DDAstronaut • Next BreakoutExclamation question mark • The whole semiconductor sector has been ridiculously strong the last few weeks and $MU still has a ton of room to the UPSIDERocket • $NVDA reports earnings next week which could be the catalyst MU needs to explode higherCollision symbol • Data via ChatterQuant$Micron Technology(MU)$ $Micron Technology(MU)
#Cramer dumping $PYPL the moment sellers are out. By telling his that their still woud be pressure by sellers. Nice wishful thinking move. Cramer redefined the „Cramer Bounce“. Firecracker$PayPal(PYPL)$
Not only SNDL acquired Alcana Inc but along Alcana it also got 63% in Nova Cannabis Inc. automatically!! Alcanna’s strategic partner, in which it holds an approximately 63% equity interest, Nova Cannabis Inc. (TSX: NOVC) (“Nova”), is one of Canada’s largest cannabis retailers offering a wide range of high-quality cannabis products at value prices. Its really a smart move by Sundial. Its like killing 2 birds with one stone! This is going to rocket soon$Sundial Growers Inc.(SNDL)$
This move is not a short squeeze and will not cause a short squeeze. Look at short interest: it’s very low, around 3.4% I believe, but Moderna has gotten good news about it’s vaccine from the EU amongst several other pieces of very good news and that’s why it’s up 4% AH, and not AH around 4 or 430, this all happened at around 640ish when all the news came out. This will open around the $325 mark and will get to around $340. If we’re lucky more, but I think it get to right around $340 and then closes at around $330. When market closed today options were implying a 4% move tomorrow, obviously it will be higher than that. The most volume on calls today was at $310 strike and on Puts it was the $290 strike. On a normal day I’d expect I’d expect the MMs to keep the stock in a tight range and it
