
Wealth needs to generate wealth. See how I use stock and crypto to take a shortcut to FI, follow me!

    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马

      【星股有约】Travel Recovery Play with Singapore Airlines

      Omicron has given investors another chance to scope SIA at a discount.Why $SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD(C6L.SI)$The airline industry is badly affected, and some airline has already folded. SIA who is thought of as one of the best airlines in the world will surely be the preferred choice for the majority of traveler who resumes air travel.With the shake up during covid-19, the manpower cost is also greatly reduced. Once more traveler resumes their habits of traveling either for business (earlier) or for leisure (later), SIA will be the one with a high-profit margin.But Omicron is still there...The severity of Omicron and its transmission is still in research, but countries are no longer closing travel entirely. The travel industry might still face so
      【星股有约】Travel Recovery Play with Singapore Airlines
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马

      Investing in OTC counter -PKKFF

      Not every OTC counter will be a win. But thanks to PKKFF, I am cashing in with slight profit and let the rest run!$PEAK FINTECH GROUP INC.(PKKFF)$outlook is pretty strong and are waiting to get approval for NASDAQ listing. I do believe in itbut still want to rebalance my capital therefore selling 60% of my position.Note, every OTC counter will want to got to the larger exchange like NASDAQ. But not all will succeed, so invest cautionly on OTC.
      Investing in OTC counter -PKKFF
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马

      Gift from Tiger, Thank you!

      Been a busy few months for me since July. Had been trading lesser lately but still thanks tiger for the wonderful gift!I been skipping day trading and only pick onstock for investing. I got a positive half year,but this 2 month are challenging.$Skillz Inc(SKLZ)$are one of my pretty underwater stocks. But certainly got lucky with a few others that I decided to hold longer like $PEAK FINTECH GROUP INC.(PKKFF)$and $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$.I always wanted to increase my position in HKEX. With the latest downturn, I am looking to add to tech and also other sector that aremore stable like the banks and consumer defensive goods. Hope that the marke
      Gift from Tiger, Thank you!
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马
      $Alibaba(BABA)$still has a very solid business. Chinese ruling will actually help make e-commerce a fair game for all players. It is going to benefit everyone in the long run.No one is bigger than the Chinese government, as long $Alibaba(BABA)$don’t act like $DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$to challenge the rulesoutright and continue to cooperate, $Alibaba(BABA)$will continue to do well.

      Alibaba EPS beats by RMB2.27, misses on revenue

      $Alibaba$ posted financial result in premarket, which showed that:. Alibaba Q1 revenue RMB205.74 bln vs. RMB153.75 bln a year ago; FactSet consensus RMB209.11 bln.Alibaba Q1 adj. EPS RMB16.60 vs. RMB14.82 a year ago; FactSet consensus RMB14.33.Revenue was RMB205,740 million , an increase of 34% year-over-year. Excluding the consolidation of Sun Art, our revenue would have grown 22% year-over-year to RMB187,306 million .Annual active consumersof the Alibaba Ecosystem across the world reached app
      Alibaba EPS beats by RMB2.27, misses on revenue
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马
      With the new regulation in tech company, $Alibaba(BABA)$already face the wrath and fine. Other tech company are beginning to face investigation too.Generally all tech company in China will be affected but the larger company with strong fundamentals should come out on top. Once all is over and the sentiment turn back positive, we should see Alibaba going closer to $300. At the meantime, I will look to buy in at every support level.
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马

      Missfresh not so fresh for its opening day

      $Missfresh Limited(MF)$backed by Tencent, are the first to open lower in all recent IPO of Tiger [Cry] Hopefully we see some reversal in this sinceChinese stocks are doing well in the last fews trading day.
      Missfresh not so fresh for its opening day
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马
      @小虎活动 @小虎AV one on apple watch!


      观看老虎7周年视频,寻找视频彩蛋,就有机会获得7周年限量礼盒,在全球与你不期而遇。上周的《老虎大搜查》活动,你找到了几张图片啊?本周我们继续跟大家玩个小游戏,我们在以上视频中随机放了10个与老虎或者投资相关的彩蛋,每找到1个彩蛋可以获得50虎币,找到彩蛋最多的虎友可以获得7周年礼盒。【参与方式】我们在视频中随机放了10个与老虎或者投资相关的彩蛋,你可以在本帖评论区留言晒出你寻找到的彩蛋,或者在“老虎七周年精彩回顾”主题发帖晒晒你找到的彩蛋,并@小虎活动、@小虎AV 即可参与。Tips:一定要记得留言哦,要不然我们没办法统计到你~【活动时间】6月15日-6月21日【活动奖品】每找到1个彩蛋可以获得50虎币,找到彩蛋最多的虎友可以获得7周年礼盒。
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马

      Got all the TIGER letters for 7th anniversary!

      Thanks to the help of everyone and also finding the relevant article to comments. Simple but fun event, looking forward to the price!$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$always awesome to run event to share the joy with the customers!
      Got all the TIGER letters for 7th anniversary!
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马
      Tiger make investing easier! Forward $Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$ cant wait for more exciting feature


      在活动现场的虎友,欢迎大家分享你在老虎七周年活动现场的照片,即可获得66-666虎币随机打赏~更有机会赢小虎玩偶,马克杯等周边奖品。【活动时间】2021年6月12日【参与方式】欢迎大家在本帖“留言并转发”参与活动,或者在“老虎七周年嘉年华”主题下发帖,晒出你在现场的活动图,并艾特 @小虎活动 @小虎AV即可参与【活动奖励】凡是按照规则分享活动照片即可获得66-666虎币随机打赏,我们还会随机选出幸运虎友赠予小虎玩偶,或者马克杯等周边奖品(质量越高,点赞越高,互动越高,获奖几率越大)【特别奖励】相信有很多朋友由于各种原因没有办法到达老虎七周年的现场,不要着急,福利来啦!6月12日,社区将为无法来到现场相聚的虎友们同步进行线上直播! 戳我围观直播悄悄地告诉你,本次Open Day直播还会设有抽奖环节,主持人会在15:00、16:00、17:00、17:40 四个时间节点在直播间进行提问,参与抢答问题的虎友将有机会赢得老虎全球限量大礼包!【抽奖规则】:每轮抽奖主持人提问或发出口令后,虎友们需要第一时间在直播间评论区敲出答案获对应口令,工作人员将随机截取3位回答正确的幸运观众,送出老虎7周年全球限量大礼包哦~【奖品发放】中奖名单将当场公布,届时中奖的虎友请主动添加@爱发红包的虎妞 微信领取奖品,微信号是tigerbrokers。
    • greenhorse绿马greenhorse绿马
      Tiger is here


      6月11日消息,美国当地时间周四,$滴滴出行 $的运营主体小桔快智向美国证券交易委员会提交了IPO招股书,计划在纳斯达克股票市场或纽约证券交易所挂牌上市,股票代码为“DIDI”。根据滴滴披露的数据显示,目前滴滴已经在15个国家的4000多个城市和地区开通业务,年活跃用户数量4.93亿,年活跃司机数量1500万,日均单量4100万,年平台交易总额3410亿元,2018年至2021年Q1累计司机收入6000+亿元。
