
the pandemic has taken demand to a new level

$Lam Research(LRCX)$ AMD CEO Lisa Su at a conference 3 weeks ago said the semi industry is investing aggressively in new capacity, with 20 new factories coming online this year and similar number in 2022, she also noted that the pandemic has taken demand to a new level with every industry seeking more components that nobody has expected this much demand before.Just buy and hold!$AMD(AMD)$
the pandemic has taken demand to a new level

Such a corrupt tactic to deter retail investors

$Phunware, Inc.(PHUN)$ I got 1900 shares now @ a $9.14 avg, funds just cleared in order for me to buy more to avg down which is the absolute only sane thing to do right now. Bringing my ave to the 8’s and ride it up to at least lower teens without the corrupt halting from the SEC, it would’ve ran to over $25 at the absolute least if it wasn’t being halted every 5 mins. Such a corrupt tactic to deter retail investors.
Such a corrupt tactic to deter retail investors
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ Just buy.Morgan Stanley raises NIO price target to $80 Morgan Stanley analyst Tim Hsiao has raised its price target for NIO to $80; this is very good news. This is a continuation of price target increases for NIO; for example, only last week, Daiwa Securities raised NIO's price target to $100.

This train is taking off!!

$RLX Technology(RLX)$ oh sweet baby Jesus! It’s not too late this company has exponential growth potential and has a flawless balance sheet! Still training way below it’s fair value price! Hop on board or get left behind! This train is taking off!! Chooo chooooo!Just do the right things guys!Buy more and hold tight!
This train is taking off!!

a few reasons to own this awesome stock

$Merck(MRK)$ Here's why you should own Merck.1) Keytruda- on patent for another 7 years. One of the best selling drugs of all time and still growing at a strong clip.2) Garadsil franchise generating billions in revenue with a long runway for growth still.3)molnupiravir approval is likely and will add many billions of dollars to the top line for years to come.4) Rock solid balance sheet and overall safety rank for this company.5) 3 plus dividend yield.These are just a few reasons to own this awesome stock.
a few reasons to own this awesome stock
$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$ Look at the 1 month chart, we dipped from 10.30 to 7.09 before running up and hitting $11, patience is key.
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ Not adding until the macro economic environment and the Clown show that is the federal reserve raise rates. Their "plan" to do rate hikes in 2022 and 2023 is meaningless until that actually do what they promise to do. My prediction? Inflation is going double digits / further supply chain fuckery and they'll have to hike rates HARD. PLTR shouldn't be affected by this given their balance sheet, but Wall Street and the big boys decide which direction the market will go. PLTR will be swept up in it. Not falling for their bullshit. I'll add when those reset the market because of their overleveraged buffoonery and the Fed gets their together.
$Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$ Buy and hold. Hedge funds needs to fulfill the call option this Friday. So they have no choice but to buy our shares at high price.

Just hold!

$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$ One fact we know to be true. It went up more than it went down in the past 8 trading days. With a short attack after hours it still did not break the low from last week. Math tells me the upside potential is greater than the effect a short attack can have on the downside.Just hold!
Just hold!
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ Just buy.Morgan Stanley raises NIO price target to $80 Morgan Stanley analyst Tim Hsiao has raised its price target for NIO to $80; this is very good news. This is a continuation of price target increases for NIO; for example, only last week, Daiwa Securities raised NIO's price target to $100.
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$ Just buy.Morgan Stanley raises NIO price target to $80 Morgan Stanley analyst Tim Hsiao has raised its price target for NIO to $80; this is very good news. This is a continuation of price target increases for NIO; for example, only last week, Daiwa Securities raised NIO's price target to $100.

This stock could go much higher

$Inspira Technologies Oxy B.H.N. Ltd.(IINN)$ Banks, investment firms, hedge funds etc take time to analyze the company and decide whether to invest. The float here appears ~ 10 million shares, so once the institutional investors act this stock could go much higher. Crypto is nice to have, but one needs good health first!
This stock could go much higher
$Camber Energy(CEI)$ Congratulations to everyone who continued to hold and Buy! Nothing has changed, shorts still have to cover their positions! See you at $10 +

The future will bring prosperity to PHUN

$Phunware, Inc.(PHUN)$ I'm not telling you to hold, buy or sell. But if you want to sell in my opinion don't sell on a loss at least. The future will bring prosperity to PHUN. This company has proof of concept and a viable product. It has a solid client base. Building mobile and blockchain technology.Do your research!Buy more and hold for a long time!
The future will bring prosperity to PHUN
$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ As we all know Moderna’s SpikeVax is more durable than the Pfizer weak sauce against the period of Delta transmission. Let’s go!Just buy more and hold!$Pfizer(PFE)$
$Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$ Open at least $2.50 . Good job to all the longs. We are happy but not complacent. We are not there yet. Realistic pricing for this company is at least $7-8. Think about how all the crooks short this from IPO $14 to $0.77
$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ mrna gives best antibody levels of all vaccines. this is a fact shown over and over again. and when vaccine efficacy drops vs omicron or the next variant, mrna will be the most, maybe the only, effective one among them still.Just buy!

Morgan Stanley's price targets are realistic

$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ I like Morgan Stanley because their price targets are realistic. But that’s hard to bank on considering how irrational markets are. Price target 16 given by Morgan Stanley after commending them for taking the 1.7 billion loan. I totally agree this company is outrageously priced. But markets are conditioned by a year of buying the dip and full of hopeful bulls and too much money. Who knows man. Bond market is kind of ominous.
Morgan Stanley's price targets are realistic

Palantir is now crypto play as well

$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ Announced foundry for crypto.. Palantir is now crypto play as well..PLTR’s Foundry for Crypto allows Web3 startups to build complex workflows on top of dApp metadata with rapid speed, enabling data-driven internal product roadmaps, external campaigns, and governance measures.Just buy the dip and hold for a long time!
Palantir is now crypto play as well

See you all at $125 before the end of next year

$Intel(INTC)$ CEO Patrick Paul Gelsinger, has to say something positive about the the progress Intel has made. It’s been almost 10 months since he took charge of Intel and he is turning the ship 🚢 around. He is a very bright Ceo. I think they are going to beat and hard !! Also in a few weeks we get the $.3275 dividend. Intel is a much better company than AMD. Buy and hold. See you all at $125 before the end of next year.$AMD(AMD)$
See you all at $125 before the end of next year
