老虎认证: Options Day Trader, my posts are for educational purposes, not investment advise

Options Trade Ideas

Swing Trade Ideas Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Ltd. ($台积电(TSM)$) Strong bounce each time it hits the support zone 107.05-109.34. Currently very near the support zone. If breakthrough 112.80, my target zone is 116.19-118.13. Possible to enter a small position at the current level as the risk/reward ratio is relatively good.If fall beyond 107.05, my target is 104, which is the next support level.I will take at least 1 month's expiry. DraftKings ($DraftKings Inc.(DKNG)$) DKNG is a little tricky. Currently, range-bound but might see a relatively big move once it breakouts from this range. I'm looking at 53 calls if it holds around 47.70 level, with a tight stop-loss
Options Trade Ideas

Options Trade Ideas

Weekly Trade Ideas Boeing ($波音(BA)$)Currently at a very interesting spot. Reaching a support zone that had been held nicely previously. Make or break situation here. Worth putting on our watchlist.If breakthrough 208.24, my targets are 212.85, 216. If fall beyond 204.80, my targets are 200.94, 196, which are the next support levels.Lucid Group ($Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$)Made a big move last week and won't be surprised if we see a little pullback. Just follow the price action and trade accordingly.If breakthrough 41.60, my targets are 45.89, 48.55.If fall beyond 35.48, my targets are 33, 30. If the price holds above 30, I might add some common shares here. Not interested if there is n
Options Trade Ideas

Options Trade Ideas

$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Closed into weakness on Friday.If open below 700 can look into buying puts. Below 694 for confirmation. Target 688.If breakthrough 724 can look into buying calls. 727 for confirmation. Target 737.Not interested in trade between 700-724.$Zoom(ZM)$ Closed into weakness on Friday.If open above 385.50 can look into buying calls. Enter above 390.88 and 392 for confirmation. Target 395, 399, 402.50.If break Friday low 380.80 can look into buying puts. Target 377.50, 375.$Shopify(SHOP)$ Over 1556 might see a nice breakthrough from the DTL. Targets above 1582,1595.Below 1490 might flush down lower. Targets below 1
Options Trade Ideas
曾以为30好遥远,却发现18岁已经是很久以前的事了。[嘘] 现在00后都开始炒股了。[惊讶] $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$买在支撑点,突破盘前趋势线,卖在盘前高点。[真香] 0.83买入,1.3卖出。3分钟 55%+[财迷] 

复盘 8月24日

$Apple(AAPL)$ 我最近在练习的交易方式,就是交易盘前趋势线突破。刚好观察到苹果在开盘强力突破了盘前趋势线,点击买入call,20分钟左右成功赚到53%盈利![财迷]  $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ 这周一直在关注这股,有些人喜欢抄底,我比较喜欢买突破。个人喜好,没有对错。盘中一直没能突破,接近收盘才有小突破,但我已经在睡觉了,所以也没去交易。其实盘前向下突破是可以买put的,但是像这种强势的股很有可能随时会反弹,所以我选择耐心等待不交易。[吃瓜]  $AMD(AMD)$ 另一个我关注的股。之前有说到我想看到突破109.70。但是很可惜,没有突破。昨天走势比英伟达弱,但是还在105上方不考虑买put。继续观察能否支撑在107.55上方和突破109.70。目前还是上涨趋势,只考虑买call。[正经]  总结 以上是我昨天关注的股。我只聊盘前趋势线,因为这是我判断要不要买入的标准,卖出是以支撑位/压力位为标准。[可爱]  庄子说:“吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。以有涯随无涯,殆已。” 生命是有限的,而知识是无穷尽的,拿有限的生命去追求无穷尽的知识,是很危险的。 虽然有很多种赚钱方法,但是我们不要追求太多的方法,专注学习一种就可以了。如果你的策略可以赚到钱,就不要一直改变,让这策略成为你的交易习惯,慢慢地成为自然。我也在努力做到这一点。希望我这些小小心得能对你们有所帮助![保佑] 
复盘 8月24日

Options Trade Ideas

Weekly Trade Ideas Paypal ($PayPal(PYPL)$)Currently at a very interesting spot. Reaching a support zone that had been held nicely previously. Worth putting on our watchlist. One thing to note is ER is on 8 November, so might be better to wait and see what happens after.Resistance above at 233.55-236.07. If breakthrough this range, my targets are 239.75, 245.82.Support below at 223-226.09. If fall beyond this range, my targets are 218.55, 215.83.Blink Charging ($Blink Charging(BLNK)$)After the breakout of the downtrend line, it is now forming a bull flag currently. Worth watching for a break of this flag.If breakthrough 32.30, my targets are 33.13, 34.67.If fall beyond 31.28, my t
Options Trade Ideas

Options Trade Ideas

Swing Trade Idea DraftKings ($DraftKings Inc.(DKNG)$) Interesting Wyckoff distribution playing out on the weekly chart. No clear signs of a bottom yet so I would like to swing trade and give this more time instead of day trade. We need to see this holding above 28.26 and stop making new lower lows. My plan is to buy calls at least 2-3 months expiry with the target at 41.66. Not interested or will cut at a loss if the price goes for new lower lows. Weekly Trade Ideas FedEx ($联邦快递(FDX)$) With the market becoming more volatile, I'm looking at other sectors besides the big tech stocks that I mainly trade. This caught my attention as the previous resistance turned into support an
Options Trade Ideas
Not everyday is a fancy win.[真香] $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$Chased in put when it failed to hold 222. Got out when it spiked down. Buy at 2.45. Sell at 2.7. 10% in 9 minutes. [保佑] 
$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$Nice technical breakout after 7 months of consolidation.[哇塞] Got in around 4.20 trendline breakout level. Amazing move AH. Will set stop-wins according to how it moves next week.

Options Trade Ideas

Weekly Trade Ideas Disney ($迪士尼(DIS)$)The weekly chart is currently closed near crucial support. Watch for a potential bounce or breakdown below.After gapping down due to missed earnings, this stock has been making lower lows. The downtrend might not be over, however, it has the potential for a short-term bounce.If breakthrough 155.58, my targets are 157.09, 159.63, 161.62.If fall beyond 152.94, my targets are 150.63, 149.30, 146.87.Meta Platforms Inc. ($Meta Platforms(FB)$)This has been lagging behind while other big tech companies are making new highs or close to ATH. For short-term trend this has been making higher lows, watch for a retest near 353, a breakthrough might see
Options Trade Ideas

复盘 8月27日

$NASDAQ-100 Index ETF(QQQ)$ /$S&P500 ETF(SPY)$ 纳斯达克($NASDAQ(.IXIC)$)和标普500指数($S&P 500(.SPX)$ )都在开盘30-45分钟左右突破了我经常说的盘前趋势线。这是市场强势的表现,有许多股也跟着突破了,希望大家都有抓到不错的交易。$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ 最近市场对半导体炒得有点火热,连$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$都连涨了几天。[惊讶] 有关注我的人会知道我这星期都在关注半导体,也多次提到$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$。[你懂的] 周四错失了一分钟50%盈利没关系,周五立马补上。可以看到周五不单单是突破盘前趋势线,也突破了前两天形成的趋势线。一开盘果断买入和周四一样的call,1.03买入 2.0卖出,在5分钟内达到90%+。盘中又有多一
复盘 8月27日

Options Trade Ideas

Weekly Trade Ideas Boeing ($波音(BA)$)The weekly chart is currently closed near the downtrend line. Watch for a potential breakout or rejection back to the support zone below which held nicely multiple times.In the daily chart, the price has been consolidating between 217 to 227.If breakthrough 225.24, my target zone is 235-239.67.If fall beyond 212.79, my target zone is 204.80-207.03.iShares Russell 2000 ETF ($罗素2000指数ETF(IWM)$)After a breakout from close to 1-year consolidation, we are seeing a pullback from the all-time high. Watch for trend continuation higher or falling back to retest the breakout level.In the daily chart, we are seeing 2 inside bars as the price consolidate
Options Trade Ideas
我不相信奇迹,只相信自己的实力[得意]  $PayPal(PYPL)$盘前趋势线突破,一开盘就飙升,我等待回落到趋势线买入,在291.40左右的压力位卖出。[你懂的]  9分钟35%+ [鬼脸] 

复盘 8月26日

$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$盘前看到了想要突破趋势线的迹象,于是一开盘我就买入call。[你懂的] 买入后就直接飙升,最高在1.7。很可惜,我忙着截图没来得及卖出,然后就砸下来了。最后以1.1卖出,付了手续费。[喷血] 卖出原因是因为我观察到$S&P500 ETF(SPY)$在走弱,$NASDAQ-100 Index ETF(QQQ)$也有突破被拒绝的迹象,所以我选择先卖出保护本金。[丢脸] SPYQQQ$Facebook(FB)$看到大盘偏弱,我就开始找比较弱势的大盘股。发现了$Facebook(FB)$在盘前就一直保持在趋势线下方,以我的标准这是偏弱的表现。于是我等待跌破367支撑位时买入,接近我的目标价365.63时果断卖出,防止第一交易的悲剧再度发生。[叹气] 1.13买入,1.5卖出,3分钟交易,开盘1小时,+30%左右。[财迷] 结论这本来可以是我以最快的时间达到每日目标的一天,1分钟达到50+%。为了能要截图分享而错失保护盈利的行为和想法是非常愚蠢的,所以我对自己今天的操作是非常不满意的。很可惜,不过没关系,是人都会犯错,重要的是不要一错在再错。如果下次一买入就飙升,我会选择先卖出。[摊手] 声明:以上只是分享个人交易和个人看法,并不是投资建议。如果有不同看法,可在以下留言讨论[暗中观察] 
复盘 8月26日
你必须非常努力,才能看起来毫不费力。[鬼脸] $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$盘前趋势线突破, 2.3 买入, 3.25卖出。56秒赚40%+[财迷] 破个人记录[开心] 太快了,没截图到可爱老虎图![愤怒] 

How to buy the dip for fundamentally good stocks? (Bollinger Bands)

Many people heard of this advice "Buy low, sell high", but how exactly do we achieve that?[疑问] This post is for long-term investors who believe in DCA(Dollar-Cost Averaging).[开心] Fundamentals and TrendFirst, the stock we pick has to be a fundamentally good company and be on an uptrend from a long-term perspective. Information such as profitability, revenue, assets, liabilities, and growth potential are considered fundamentals.Example of a downtrend(Ref: $Robinhood Markets, Inc.(HOOD)$):Avoid stocks constantly making new ATL(All-Time Low)/52wk LowExample of an uptrend(Ref: $英伟达(NVDA)$):Look for stocks that have been making new ATH(All-Time High)/52wk HighBe Patient with
How to buy the dip for fundamentally good stocks? (Bollinger Bands)

复盘 9月13-17日

$S&P500 ETF(SPY)$ 偏红的一周。[喷血] 周五跌破了上升通道的底部。周一需要看到强力反弹才有望回到上升通道。如果跌破440,高几率会测试436-437.50支撑位。虽然偏红,但是我还是抓到了买入call的机会。周四开盘5分钟一度飙升,我在支撑点买入call,等待突破盘前趋势线后在盘前高点卖出。3分钟 55%+ [龇牙] $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ 这股出现上升旗形形态。价格正在短暂休憩、巩固近期的涨势。接下来的走势关键在于能否向上或向下突破这旗身。突破230可看到新高。跌破216.70,可能会往208.75下跌。这股我一直都在密切关注,周一和周二成功从这股获利。周一开盘就飙升,我在盘前趋势线上方买进call,在之前的压力位卖出。56秒 40%+[DOGE] 周二在盘前就突破趋势线,所以我没着急一开盘就买入,选择耐心等待机会。开盘十分钟后,在跌破支撑点买入put,然后在下一个支撑点卖出,小小获利。9分钟10%。[真香] $Facebook(FB)$ 跟着大盘一起跌跌不休。恭喜看跌的朋友,应该收获不少![保佑] 周三开盘无法站稳趋势线上方强力下跌。我在跌破支撑点买入put,在之前的支撑点卖出。2分钟 25%+ [捂嘴] $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ 非常高震荡的股,交易这股容易让人胆
复盘 9月13-17日

Greed Can Stop You From Being Successful

Today is Deepavali and I have some free time. I'm going to go over a trade recap of a failed trade I did yesterday.[鬼脸] Many people experience greed when it comes to profit-taking. We often aim to guess the top which is impossible to guess correctly every single time. I am no exception. [丢脸] The stock I was trading was $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$, which was mentioned in my weekly trade ideas.On Tuesday, this stock fell beyond 35.48, reaching 33.02 as the LOD. I didn't take any trades on this stock that day but it caught my attention.I determined the daily pivot to watch out for at around 34, as that was the most active traded price for Tuesday.On Wednesday, I was
Greed Can Stop You From Being Successful
$AMD(AMD)$Hold above 108.8 and reached 111 as I mentioned premarket. Got in twice and got out fast.[龇牙]  Hope someone who saw my post caught it with me.[安慰] 

Trade Recap 10 September

$S&P500 ETF(SPY)$ $NASDAQ-100 Index ETF(QQQ)$ Nice textbook downwards impulse waves on the 2 big indexes intraday.[眼眼] Hope those who recognised this managed to get in some good trades riding the market down.[胜利] For those who don't know what are impulse waves, here's an example: [你懂的] I got in 4 trades intraday. First 2 trades were riding the $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$impulse waves down.[财迷] First trade sold at 0.91, 30%+ in 6 minutes. Second trade sold at 1.40, 20%+ in 1 minute. The third trade I tried to buy calls for$NASDAQ-100 Index ETF(QQQ)$at support level in hope
Trade Recap 10 September
