
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      $PYPL I think this will continue to trade sideways for a while - it's obviously consolidating at these levels before the next leg up. Holding long. Common more negative posts please. We need all weak hands and day traders out so we can start a new uptrend. there was a major institutional dump in the last quarter. Big red bar w/ large volume. Does that not concern anyone? $PayPal(PYPL)$
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      $HIMX flying high and still way undervalued. Long.$INDI$TSM$QQQ$GRAB $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      for the moment, the price action makes this a hedge to the overall market. not what i was seeking and i hope it doesn’t continue this way. $PFE But wait I have questions. a very knowledgeable man told me once that the vaccine will make you grow boobies on your head! 😂 yeah that guy works with you. $Pfizer(PFE)$
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      ridiculous. This would fly up if ask-ers woud raise their price in$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ stead of fake asks bowing to low bids. It's obvious this is being held down by MM's. Raise your ask people! They'd buy it if not for manipulators putting in low asks! I love the company but at 100$ it’s still expensive. Maybe I’ll take half off.
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      yea nice administration. Lets see how we close today - just technical games, it's all program trading, once that ends we will climb. This is a long term hold, traders gonna trade.....broke trend support and failed to reclaim swing low AVWAP. $110 (demand vol shelf) looks to be incoming. $Unity Software Inc.(U)$
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      $NVDA$TSLA day traders can either win big or lose big right now.Exchanges are on fire and quotes are being mismatched right now. Market makers are just having a ball. Highly recommend avoiding scalping at this moment until the brokers catch up.$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      $F day trades here make me laugh …ya really think 1 of the best American automobile will stay till low …take your little short money and turn the other way …Long term 👊🏽  $Ford(F)$ $XSPA Bad day overall. The only stuff that I have holding up are most of my financials, miners as well as$JBLU$T$X to some extent$F I guess it's a day for single letter tickers. Lol
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      market up toward eod! 🙏😌 without fail, right wing nuts come out any time this stock goes down and blame it on Biden. It's like the market never went down with any other US President. Also, the market is up... We have been driving past all times highs on the constant. Markets go up and down... that's how it works you twats. Trust when I say I don't expect you to understand this. When this stock is green you going to give Biden credit? $AMD(AMD)$
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ $GRAB this stock is going down to $6 today just because Mel@Abartho keeps writing things about people. Sorry your uncle touched you Mel but there are better places than here to let out your rager. so when I look at the option chain for this there ain’t shit to cover call or put. No volume I need more shares .. Come on back to $7.06
    • PaulaBaldwinPaulaBaldwin
      $NVAX$PFE$MRNA If anyone thinks we are not in a pandemic right now, my god you have to open your eyes. Novavax is literally the key to the problem.$Pfizer(PFE)$ $BNTX$MRNA$PFE more revenue from boosters selling around globe.$PFE so $50 by thursday close and $64.50 eow? bahaha
