

    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉
      $万科企业(02202)$ 彭博:中国在房地产债务减轻后发出更多经济支持的信号 中国在为支持陷入困境的房地产市场采取小步骤延长开发商贷款救济措施后,预示着更多经济支持措施即将出台。 顶级国有金融报纸周二发布了一份报告,提到可能采取更多支持房地产的政策,以及提振商业信心的措施。 早些时候,金融监管机构加大了对银行的压力,鼓励通过谈判延长未偿贷款的条件,以缓解房地产公司的压力。中国人民银行和国家金融监管局在周一的一份联合声明中表示,目的是确保正在建设中的房屋能够按时交付。 中国的房地产危机正在扼杀全球第二大经济体的复苏,加剧了人们对政府采取更多措施刺激需求的预期。今年年初短暂反弹后,6月份住宅销售再度下滑,给负债累累的开发商带来了更大压力。 为了恢复市场,监管机构早就期望出台更多支持性政策。知情人士在六月份表示,中国正在考虑一系列新措施,例如在一些非核心城区降低首付款,降低交易中介佣金,并进一步放宽住宅购买限制。 …… 下载沉浸式翻译阅读双语全文:https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-07-10/china-to-extend-policies-to-support-ailing-property-market?srnd=premium-asia
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉

      沉浸式翻译 | WSJ:忘掉比亚迪!中国的汽车帝国将进入美国

      The Chinese Auto Empire Coming to the U.S. 中国的汽车帝国即将进入美国 Forget BYD: Geely is the Chinese car company Americans will see most of in the coming years, through brands such as Volvo, Polestar, Lotus and Zeekr 忘掉比亚迪:吉利是美国人在未来几年中看到最多的中国汽车公司,通过沃尔沃、Polestar、莲花和Zeekr等品牌。 July 8, 2023 10:00 am ET 美国东部时间2023年7月8日上午10:00 Chinese automotive tycoon Eric Li is letting more people into his $30 billion-plus private garage. It is full of old brands, new tech and potential conflicts of interest. 中国汽车大亨李书福正在让更多人进入他价值300多亿美元的私人车库。这里充满了老品牌、新技术和潜在的利益冲突。 Li Shufu, as he is known in China, is most closely associated with two brands: Geely and Volvo Car VOLCAR.B -1.41%decrease; red down pointing triangle. The first is the name of both his private holding company and a publicly listed Chinese automaker he founded i
      沉浸式翻译 | WSJ:忘掉比亚迪!中国的汽车帝国将进入美国
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉
      WSJ:中国曾经是全球投资者最感兴趣的地区股市。但随着全球第二大经济体的增长放缓,这些投资者已将目光转向其他地方。香港$恒生指数(HSI)$ 包含了许多中国大陆最大的公司,今年下跌超过6%。而日本、韩国和台湾的股票指数则以两位数的百分比增长。 最大的受益者是日本,日经225指数$SGX日经主连 2309(NKmain)$ 已经达到30年来的最高点,今年上涨超过23%。 沉浸式翻译查看双语全文:https://www.wsj.com/articles/anywhere-but-china-asia-stocks-rally-leaves-the-biggest-market-behind-6a41c0fe?mod=markets_lead_pos5
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉
      路透:中国主导的泰国电动汽车热潮威胁着日本在关键市场的主导地位。 自2020年以来,中国的投资已达14.4亿美元,其中包括$比亚迪(002594)$ $比亚迪股份(01211)$ 和长城汽车,这在日本汽车制造商一直主导的市场上开辟了新的战线…… 沉浸式翻译查看双语全文:https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/china-led-ev-boom-thailand-threatens-japans-grip-key-market-2023-07-09/
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉

      沉浸式翻译 | 彭博:高盛研报看空中国银行业 引发新一轮批评

      Goldman Analysts’ Bearish China Bank View Draws Fresh Criticism 高盛分析师对中国银行业持悲观态度的观点引发了新一轮批评 Merchants Bank says report misleading, lacking common sense 招商银行表示报告误导,缺乏常识 Analysts face growing scrutiny in China on their research 分析师在中国面临着对其研究的日益严格审查 Shares of Merchants Bank have lost 12% in Hong Kong since Goldman cut its target price.Photographer: Brent Lewin/Bloomberg 招商银行的股票在高盛下调目标价后在香港下跌了12%。摄影师:Brent Lewin/Bloomberg July 10, 2023, 8:50 AM UTC 2023年7月10日上午8点50分 A bearish research report on Chinese banks by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has drawn fresh criticism from one of the nation’s biggest lenders after receiving backlash from a state media. 高盛集团发布的一份对中国银行的看空研究报告在国内最大的一家银行之一遭到了国家媒体的批评后,再次引发了争议。 Goldman’s assumptions have “misled some investors and caused them to worry about the asset quali
      沉浸式翻译 | 彭博:高盛研报看空中国银行业 引发新一轮批评
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉

      沉浸式翻译 | WSJ深度:牛市?这五个趋势让投资者感到担忧

      五个趋势让投资者感到担忧的牛市--华尔街日报 Dow Jones Global News - Jul 09, 2023 23:00:00 道琼斯全球新闻 - 2023年7月9日23:00:00 A familiar question has crept back onto Wall Street: Could this be the most-hated bull market ever? 一个熟悉的问题再次出现在华尔街:这可能是有史以来最受厌恶的牛市吗? The S&P 500 charged into bull-market territory in the first six months of 2023, marking a 20% rally from a recent low, yet investors say they can't stop looking over their shoulders. Even after U.S. stocks overcame big risks -- including repeated interest-rate hikes and a banking crisis -- money managers say they aren't convinced this rally is sustainable. $标普500(.SPX)$  在2023年上半年进入了牛市区域,从最近的低点反弹了20%,但投资者表示他们无法停止回头看。尽管美国股市克服了重大风险,包括多次加息和银行危机,但基金经理们表示他们并不相信这次反弹是可持续的。 History shows that investors
      沉浸式翻译 | WSJ深度:牛市?这五个趋势让投资者感到担忧
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉

      沉浸式翻译双语阅读 | 蚂蚁给困住的投资者提供了一个套现机会

      China’s Ant Gives Trapped Investors an Opportunity to Cash Out 中国的蚂蚁给困住的投资者提供了一个套现的机会 Dow Jones Global News - Jul 09, 2023 09:40:00 道琼斯全球新闻 - 2023年7月9日 09:40:00 HONG KONG—China’s Ant Group told its shareholders it will buy back up to $6 billion in stock, offering its international and domestic investors a chance to cash out more than two years after its blockbusterinitial public offerings were scuttled by Beijing. 香港——中国的蚂蚁集团告知股东,将回购高达60亿美元的股票,为其国际和国内投资者提供了一个机会,在其由于北京方面的干预而被迫取消的重磅首次公开募股两年多后,获得现金回报。 The financial-technology giant said on Saturday that it intends to repurchase up to 7.6% of its existing shares at a price that represents a company valuation of around $78.48 billion. 这家金融科技巨头在周六表示,打算以约784.8亿美元的公司估值,回购其现有股份的最高7.6%。 That is a big comedown from Ant’s $150 billion valuation five y
      沉浸式翻译双语阅读 | 蚂蚁给困住的投资者提供了一个套现机会
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉


      This Year's Most Buoyant Sector Was a Win for Value Investors -- Heard on the Street -- WSJ 今年最活跃的行业对价值投资者来说是一场胜利--《华尔街日报》街头传闻 Dow Jones Global News - Jul 07, 2023 06:30:00 道琼斯全球新闻-2023年7月7日06:30:00 By Spencer Jakab 由斯潘塞·雅卡布(Spencer Jakab)撰写 Ask a retail investor what this year's best-performing industry has been, and he or she probably would guess artificial intelligence, electric vehicles or social media. 问一位零售投资者今年表现最佳的行业是什么,他或她可能会猜测人工智能、电动汽车或社交媒体。 While the likes of Nvidia, Advanced Micro Devices, Tesla and Facebook owner Meta Platforms have had gaudy returns and grabbed headlines, the strongest group of stocks overall has been cruise lines. Carnival, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings and Royal Caribbean Cruises are all in the top 10 among large companies and took the top three spots in t
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉

      巴伦周刊 | 罚款10亿美元,阿里股价为何飙升-沉浸式翻译

      Alibaba Stock Soars After China Fines Ant Group $1 Billion. Here's Why. -- Barrons.com 中国罚款蚂蚁集团10亿美元后,阿里巴巴股价飙升。原因在这里。-- Barrons.com Dow Jones Global News - Jul 07, 2023 10:17:00 道琼斯全球新闻-2023年7月7日10:17:00 By Jack Denton 由杰克·登顿提供 Chinese regulators on Friday fined Ant Group almost $1 billion, lifting shares in Alibaba, which owns a third of the fintech company. The penalty brings short-term pain, but hints at a brighter future for the whole Chinese tech sector. 中国监管机构周五对蚂蚁集团处以近10亿美元的罚款,提振了$阿里巴巴(BABA)$  的股价,后者拥有该金融科技公司三分之一的股份。这一处罚带来了短期的痛苦,但也预示着整个中国科技行业的更加光明的未来。 Alibaba's <BABA> Hong Kong-listed stock gained as much as 6.4% on Friday after Reuters reported that the penalty was coming. The U.S.-listed stock was recently up 5.8%
      巴伦周刊 | 罚款10亿美元,阿里股价为何飙升-沉浸式翻译
    • 爱投资的小沉爱投资的小沉

      巴伦周刊 | Threads对投资者意味着什么--沉浸式翻译

      DJ Tech Trader: Twitter vs. Meta: What It Means for Investors -- Barron's DJ科技交易员:Twitter vs. Meta:对投资者意味着什么--巴伦周刊 Dow Jones Global News - Jul 07, 2023 21:30:00 道琼斯全球新闻 - 2023年7月7日 21:30:00 By Eric J. Savitz The chattering classes are abuzz about the launch of Threads, a new social-media platform from Meta Platforms, parent of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. Threads, which launched on Wednesday night, is a near carbon copy of Twitter, a place to post and discuss content and ideas, mostly in text form. 舆论界对$Meta Platforms(META)$  平台旗下的Facebook、WhatsApp和Instagram的新社交媒体平台Threads的推出议论纷纷。Threads于周三晚上上线,几乎是Twitter的翻版,是一个发布和讨论内容和想法的地方,主要以文本形式呈现。 Threads already has more than 30 million downloads, according to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg
      巴伦周刊 | Threads对投资者意味着什么--沉浸式翻译
