巴伦周刊 | 罚款10亿美元,阿里股价为何飙升-沉浸式翻译

Alibaba Stock Soars After China Fines Ant Group $1 Billion. Here's Why. -- Barrons.com 中国罚款蚂蚁集团10亿美元后,阿里巴巴股价飙升。原因在这里。-- Barrons.com

Dow Jones Global News - Jul 07, 2023 10:17:00 道琼斯全球新闻-2023年7月7日10:17:00

By Jack Denton 由杰克·登顿提供

Chinese regulators on Friday fined Ant Group almost $1 billion, lifting shares in Alibaba, which owns a third of the fintech company. The penalty brings short-term pain, but hints at a brighter future for the whole Chinese tech sector. 中国监管机构周五对蚂蚁集团处以近10亿美元的罚款,提振了$阿里巴巴(BABA)$  的股价,后者拥有该金融科技公司三分之一的股份。这一处罚带来了短期的痛苦,但也预示着整个中国科技行业的更加光明的未来。

Alibaba's <BABA> Hong Kong-listed stock gained as much as 6.4% on Friday after Reuters reported that the penalty was coming. The U.S.-listed stock was recently up 5.8% in New York trading after China's central bank and the country's securities regulator confirmed the 7.123 billion yuan ($990 billion) fine for Ant Group, among the largest ever for a Chinese tech company. 据路透社报道,$阿里巴巴-SW(09988)$  在香港上市的股票在周五上涨了6.4%。中国央行和证券监管机构确认对蚂蚁集团的罚款金额为712.3亿元人民币(合990亿美元),这是中国科技公司迄今为止最大的罚款之一。目前,阿里巴巴在纽约交易所上市的股票上涨了5.8%。

Regulators said part of the fine included confiscation of illegal income, based on a statement published in Chinese and translated with software by Barron's. Authorities alleged, among other things, that Ant broke rules when conducting banking, insurance, payment, and settlement business in the past, and had issues with corporate governance and anti-money-laundering obligations, the statement said. 监管机构表示,罚款的一部分包括没收非法收入,根据《巴伦周刊》使用软件翻译的一份中文声明。声明称,当局指控蚂蚁在过去的银行、保险、支付和结算业务中违反规定,并存在企业治理和反洗钱义务方面的问题。

While such a fine for Ant Group bites, it actually bodes well for the company, as well as Alibaba and tech peers such as <JD>.com (JD), because it signals that almost three years of regulatory pressure on the sector are drawing to a close. 尽管对蚂蚁集团来说,这样的罚款是一种打击,但实际上对该公司以及阿里巴巴和科技同行如京东(JD)来说,这是一个好兆头,因为它意味着对该行业近三年的监管压力即将结束。

Chinese authorities began a brutal crackdown on the country's fast-growing tech sector in late 2020 by scuttling Ant's hotly anticipated initial public offering -- a move that ushered in a stock market rout, which wiped away billions of dollars of value from China tech stocks. 中国当局从2020年底开始对该国快速增长的科技行业展开了残酷打击,取消了蚂蚁集团备受瞩目的首次公开募股,引发了股市的大幅下跌,使中国科技股市值蒸发了数十亿美元。

The Ant penalty from regulators should pave the way for the group to move forward -- and possibly even go public. 监管机构对蚂蚁集团的处罚应该为该集团铺平道路,甚至可能使其上市。

It is another symbolic development from Beijing that the tech sector is free to continue its streak of red-hot growth -- albeit now in a macro environment in which the world's second-largest economy is facing a slowdown. That should lift some of the overhang from shares in Alibaba, which lost almost half their value in 2021 alone and in 2023 trade at less than a third of their 2020 peak. 这是北京又一个象征性的发展,科技行业可以继续保持火热增长的势头,尽管现在面临着全球第二大经济体增速放缓的宏观环境。这将减轻阿里巴巴股票的压力,该股票在2021年单独损失了近一半的价值,并且在2023年的交易中仅为其2020年峰值的三分之一。



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