
    • Meet0Meet0
      gates adding to Microsoft fortunes. soon to come out.....chickenless eggs. he has been working on it for 10 years.what a coincidence on timing.hahaha... you cant make this schlitz up..... hahaha,please invest safe everybody.if you have any ideas please leave a comment below and we could discuss here, thank you so much guys~$Microsoft(MSFT)$
    • Meet0Meet0

      FFIE: Strong Buy

      $Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc.(FFIE)$ They will have 180 days to become complaint with the Nasdaq, and will be granted another 180 days for a extension, which is more than enough to have the car launched.Strong buy! Criminally undervalued.Notified they have until May 1, 2023, to lift its stock price consistently above $1 per share to avoid listing.They got approval for reverse split.
      FFIE: Strong Buy
    • Meet0Meet0
      Musk is an excellent entrepreneur

      Musk done selling?Tesla to the moon!

      $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Elon Musk has exercised all of his tesla options expiring next year, signaling an end to his stock sales that triggered a fall in the share price of the world's most valuable carmaker, and meaning tesla shares may rebound sharply. In the process, tesla shares lost about a quarter of their value after Musk in November asked his followers on Twitter if he should sell 10% of his holdings. They have rebounded to $1,088.47, but are still below the record closing high of $1,229.91 in November. Tesla's stock price has been affected by Musk's share sale, there are three main factors: First, investors often view stock sales by so-called insiders, such as executives and board members, as negative because they believe insid
      Musk done selling?Tesla to the moon!
    • Meet0Meet0
      $Rivian Automotive, Inc.(RIVN)$ This is a stock you buy and let it run for at least 10 years. If you try to day trade or short term trade a stock like this good Luck! You might as well just go to a Las Vegas Casino and roll the dice
    • Meet0Meet0
      $Pfizer(PFE)$ what do you get when you spread non stop fear for 18 months, the world shuts down, look at the dangers of this new variant as reported by south Africa and ask yourself, are we overreacting, science says this one will become dominant and would be better to get then Delta and would have more antibodies to fight previous strains in the event of a reinfection, so as countries close borders to try and delay the final end to this, get that last shot sold, just know this is it and what's pfe worth in 6 months when 3 months from now it'll be clear.
    • Meet0Meet0
      $GameStop(GME)$ Why are people upset that I sold at $247? My goal is to make money from swing trading, your goal is to make money from MOASS. Our goals are literally the same I’ve said before I don’t agree with hedge funds destroying people’s lives, but from being an Ape myself since January, I feel that swinging is better I hope my cycle theory DD helped people out like the double settlement date. We are still in the cycle so I am keeping an eye on the stock Next big date based off my DD is late January, but until then I will swing like usual.
    • Meet0Meet0
      $$ So everyone (at the same time) just magically decided this needed to jump $150 today? Remember, kiddies, the markets are controlled by the big boys, and we're just all along for the ride. (Remember that on the days it drops $100 for no reason.)
    • Meet0Meet0
      $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ squeeze a little to 150. Some apes will sell but not me :)
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      $Pfizer(PFE)$ Bourla says 3 billion doses in 2021 and 4 billion in 2022, Nasdaq goes up and PFE goes down.
    • Meet0Meet0
      $Intel(INTC)$ With stock market at all-time high, it's hard to find value stocks. After dropping over 10% Fri, INTC looks like a bargain. INTC has 3 years in a row with >$70B rev and >$20B earnings. Are there any other companies making this much money with a P/E under 10?
