
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      Investors have filed shareholder lawsuits. That is their only recourse. The latest move by Nikola to pay SEC $125 for the fraud makes the shareholder lawsuits a slam dunk. But, they may not recover all of their money. Nikola doesn't have enough money to cover investor losses due to bad actions.$Nikola Corporation(NKLA)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      Don't ever buy or sell stock on one of the management team filing a SEC Form 4. These are often planned sales that have nothing to do with what they think the future prospects of the company are. Case in point: April Arnzen , SVP Chief People Officer sold 8300 shares of MU as part of a trading plan established . She sold the shares at $82,09 per share ( the day before the 10.54% gain). Many times these shares have a cost basis of ZERO, so i"m sure she wasn't hurt too badly. I'm just saying don't make your trades based on SEC Form 4 filings.$Micron Technology(MU)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      the best part of the MOASS is watching everyone trying to hop on board and spending thousands of dollars on single shares when they could have gotten on board for $160/share. Might not be able to get on board at all if you’re a normal investor....you’ve got a closing window available right now. Don’t want to miss this.$GameStop(GME)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      Tesla will always dominate the car industry because they don’t have the middleman and the prices are one either online or by dealer and they are much better quality and much cheaper they need the years to reach Tesla that’s the truth the price of Tesla will reach at least $2000 minimum God willing $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      The deal Paypal made with Amazon will make for a beautiful 4th quarter. This is a solid company, don't forget why you invested just because of a drop like this. Wish you all the best$PayPal(PYPL)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      nice move on Jaya acquisition, foods are necessity. Now we know that this will not go to $0. I’m much more confident on what I’m holding now. The people who compare the best growth stock with GRAB just make me see that they don’t even know what are the future principles of Grab. Please, do an intensive DD lol. SE and GRAB are not comparable$Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ $Sea Ltd(SE)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      GME faces questions about the world's battered supply chain and adapting to a digital world. GameStop reported revenue of $1.297 billion, better than FactSet estimates for $1.189 billion. Yearly comparisons have gotten tougher as more GameStop stores reopened in late 2020. The company lost $1.39 per share. That was worse than the 52-cent per-share loss forecast. The situation reflects its focus on front-loading investments in inventory to meet increased customer demand and mitigate supply chain issues.$GameStop(GME)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      I believe in this company, just hoping with sports book & quick increases n subs, revenue etc they can maybe turn a small profit or break even in the next 12 to 18 months to get the share price moving up quicker!$fuboTV Inc.(FUBO)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      Did you guys see the MASSIVE amount of call options bought on MRNA & PFE for the next 3 months? I'm gonna sit back and chill 😁😁😁$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ $Pfizer(PFE)$
    • Jim1995Jim1995
      Most of the effect of interedt rate is about risk. When interest rates rise, risk reward balance between equities and bonds shifts. So its about valuations with equities. The higher the valuation the more it will get hit. The effect on Sea Limited will not be any different.$Sea Ltd(SE)$
