
Longs should be finger crossed and be patient waiting for the next quarter report.

Well, I have to admit that this Q3 earning is not stellar, from any point of view, it is mediocre. The Q4 guidance of $418M is not sexy at all, albeit a little bit better than Q3, I think they can deliver $425M for Q4. However, the Q3 earnings and the Q4 guidance did confirm PLTR's long term development trajectory, it is well aligned with the management busyness development plan. The consequence is this ER sharply dampened the stock uptrend momentum in the past weeks, and traders expecting for extra size short term gains will move out with deep disappointment. Fundamentals of PLTR stay the same, even strengthened a little bit due to the significant growth from the commercial business. Stocks will trade sideways for the coming months, it is a good time for big boys to buy with leisure. Long
Longs should be finger crossed and be patient waiting for the next quarter report.

i will hold

i will hold $Histogenics Corporation(OCGN)$ I’ll say this again. I sold NVAX at $20 I won’t make that mistake again $Novavax(NVAX)$
i will hold

DWAC valuation possibilities are tremendous.

$Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC)$ At $10 per month x 75 million subscribers = $750m per month in revenue from only 22% of the USA population. Haven't even calculated the world population even though Trump is a worldwide draw. Common sense is universal.$9B revenue. Current valuation is in the single digit billions.Seems conservative to me.
DWAC valuation possibilities are tremendous.

Why does AMC bite off of GME all the time?

Why does AMC bite off of GME all the time?Why is it that GME's DD, somehow applies to AMC?I understand the Algo makes both stocks sometimes move together, but how is it that AMC has anything to do with GME's future?I understand that GME isnt going to sell popcorn in kiosks in malls and Airports, but they are creating a new NFT environment and Taking on Amazon for market share.I guess I'm just asking Why do you think AMC is a better play than GME? let's talk about it, show me your thoughts $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ $GameStop(GME)$
Why does AMC bite off of GME all the time?

GFS needs to concentrate on...

it is almost impossible for GFS to compete in the same market withTaiwan Semi and Samsung Electronics. Those two have supports ofincredibly dedicated engineers and extensive ecosystems.GFS needs to concentrate on their own niche technologies that are bestin the world. That's how GFS can grow, not relies on short term cheap chip shortages. $GLOBALFOUNDRIES Inc.(GFS)$
GFS needs to concentrate on...

$1 Million Dollar Tesla Short ($TSLA) 📉

$特斯拉(TSLA)$ How I plan to Short Tesla ($TSLA) with a max of $1,000,000. Then, walk away with roughly +$300K-$500K in profits. Or, I will walk away with lower profits if Tesla crashes before any of the next steps shared below. ✅ Step 1/Position Started:Current Average: $1,070.14Current Cost Basis: -$200,117.03✅ Step 2Short at: $1,200~Amount: $200K~Shares to buy: 166~New Cost Basis: $400,117.03~New Average: $1,131.20~✅ Step 3:Short at: $1,500~Amount: $400K~Shares to buy: 266~New Cost Basis: $800,117.03~New Average: $1,289.68~✅ Step 4/Optional:Short at: $1,700~Amount: $200K~Shares to buy: 117~New Cost Basis: $1,000,117.03~New Average: $1,354.91~I plan to cash out after a -30% drop, maybe ill aim for a 50% drop which means Tesla would be either at $949.4
$1 Million Dollar Tesla Short ($TSLA) 📉

growth stocks will rule the world again

Interest rising is going to make this stock go down..It will force SE to focus more on profitability and less on growth.. When rates stabalize in 2022/2023 and GDP growth goes back to 2.00 to 2.5 percent, growth stocks will rule the world again $Sea Ltd(SE)$
growth stocks will rule the world again

AMD goes above $160 again.

If you've been following the market long enough, the reasons that supposedly explain sell-offs (a new variant, run for your lives!!) just make you laugh because a week later everything is suddenly okay again. I guess there's a never-ending supply of new investors who sell and run away in terror whenever someone shouts "Boo!" AMD goes above $160 again. $AMD(AMD)$
AMD goes above $160 again.

this stock is acting is very concerning!

I can't lie!! Short term the way this stock is acting is very concerning!! Acts like it's never going to stop giving the feeling i had from the start, it will lag behind and never get any benefit of the doubt with it's stock price! Feels like an UPSTART EVULATION IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR SOFI! EVER! Hope it changes! This is acting like this on green day after great earnings, great evaluations, great catalyst . NOT GOOD, I DON'T CARE HOW YOU PUT IT!!! Little worried about my long term involvement if this is continuing to be the case $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$
this stock is acting is very concerning!

XP to 60

Xpev is valued at half of what NIO is.Xpev produces more and better quality EV than NIO. i believe it will got $60 at the end of the year. $小鹏汽车(XPEV)$ Trust me
XP to 60

i missed the best opportunity

Maybe on Tue this will climb. in should have bought Friday when it was in the $12 range. The actual merger is likely weeks or a month away from what I have read. It will not happen right after the vote. I should have bought in Friday. Those who snooze lose I guess. $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$
i missed the best opportunity

Airbnb was an OBVIOUS buy

Just amazing to me that there were people with Peloton in their accounts and not Airbnb. That shows an absolutely incurable lack of intuition and stock picking. Select indexes in the future if that was you. Airbnb was an OBVIOUS buy the last several months.$Airbnb, Inc.(ABNB)$
Airbnb was an OBVIOUS buy

30m buying volume is very important

Congrats to $游戏驿站(GME)$ holders, back to 200+ and that's with about 4 million volume up almost $20. $AMC院线(AMC)$ is about 30 million volume, just a matter of time the buying volume truly counts as well.
30m buying volume is very important
Just be safe from cunning Elone. He is just having his own people for question answers. He is trying to sell as many as he can. $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$

Four Corners Community Bank chooses upst

Four Corners Community Bank chooses $Upstart Holdings, Inc.(UPST)$ UPST!This is really important for the marginalized in the 4 corners area. Great to see the inclusion of worthy people and the investment in the people in this area. At first glance the population seems low, but it has reach and forms strong ties to a whole people, culture where it’s needed.
Four Corners Community Bank chooses upst

another 10%?

I don't think that $Greenpro Capital Corp.(GRNQ)$ has another 10% in gains in it.  however, going back to $2 is not impossible, let us see
another 10%?

sea and viacom

SE,billionaires buying it.interesting,$288 a share versus viacom at $30.viacom 27 billion in revenues, se 8 billion. Viacom 2.90% divided. i see the growth potential for se,but viacom just added 1 million subscribers in a for today what is the right viacom $Sea Ltd(SE)$ $Viacom(VIAB)$
sea and viacom

I would go all in.

If Mr Bezos would give one share to every employee making below 100k with amazon who has been there for the past 2 years during pandemic....I would go all in. $$
I would go all in.

anyone know?

Sorry to ask this, but anyone know an approximate date for merger acceptance news?Just look at VOSO today, up 50% on merger announcement. We're going to do that also.But... need a date because I play with options. Thanks in advance. $Virtuoso Acquisition Corp.(VOSO)$ $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$
anyone know?
People dont want to go to malls nowadays coz the gas and effort,transpo fare is too much..they prefer going online and shopee gives that convinience..i will buy more when this goes down further this is good for $Sea Ltd(SE)$
