$1 Million Dollar Tesla Short ($TSLA) 📉


$特斯拉(TSLA)$ How I plan to Short Tesla ($TSLA) with a max of $1,000,000. Then, walk away with roughly +$300K-$500K in profits. Or, I will walk away with lower profits if Tesla crashes before any of the next steps shared below.

✅ Step 1/Position Started:
Current Average: $1,070.14
Current Cost Basis: -$200,117.03
✅ Step 2
Short at: $1,200~
Amount: $200K~
Shares to buy: 166~
New Cost Basis: $400,117.03~
New Average: $1,131.20~
✅ Step 3:
Short at: $1,500~
Amount: $400K~
Shares to buy: 266~
New Cost Basis: $800,117.03~
New Average: $1,289.68~
✅ Step 4/Optional:
Short at: $1,700~
Amount: $200K~
Shares to buy: 117~
New Cost Basis: $1,000,117.03~
New Average: $1,354.91~
I plan to cash out after a -30% drop, maybe ill aim for a 50% drop which means Tesla would be either at $949.44 for a -30%. Or, $677.45 for the -50%. This leaves Tesla with room to run from its current position of $1,100 a 23% gain to the final breakeven point or, 54% to the final optional step.
Worst Case:
Tesla runs up from my even price of $1,354.91 to $2,100 a $2.1 Trillion Market Cap. I'll take a half a million dollar loss which I can afford all day, any day. Won't kill me. (-50%).
If Tesla doubles from its current price, it will be worth more than Apple and Microsoft by $1 Trillion Dollars. I strongly believe the ROI for new buyers is dramatically decreasing. In other words, the Greater Fool is running low/near the end. There is too much risk, too many emotions, and greed flowing around. Be fearful when others are greedy. In this case, ill profit from their beyond delusional greed. Or, Tesla is currently at peak levels and I don't even get to the next steps. Still a win.


