
i won't sell tesla till 2032

i will keep my tesla stock till 2032, at least! the year is 2032. Starlink now extends to Mars with a special optical connection.Elon has sold all is shares in Tesla and has jumped on a Starship to Mars.Not to be out done, Jeff Bezos has purchase a Starship as a personal 'space yacht', butit does not have ability to break orbit.But back to Elon, who as settled on Mars to start his own new colonywhere everyone has a special talent. $特斯拉(TSLA)$
i won't sell tesla till 2032

Never give up!didi

DiDi is the AI and Autopilot company and can grow globally nation by nation.The SP should be over $1000 in the long run...This may explain why Apple CEO Cook and other big shots wanted to invest this company!Never give up! $DiDi Global Inc.(DIDI)$
Never give up!didi

Tesla will be the worlds biggest company sooner or later

$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 🚘🚀⚔️🐻Something I wrot months back but never submitted thought now is a good time to release itTesla becoming the worlds biggest company isn’t a matter of if but when.-Tesla profits just came out, 1000% over last year with over a billion dollars made last quarter alone.-Tesla keeps completely selling out of vehicles, they cannot even make them fast enough to keep up with demand, most are sold out 2-3 months in advance.-Tesla will be making around 2 million vehicles a year by the end of next year-2 more gigafactories are about to be complete, the one in Austin is the BIGGEST BUILDING IN AMERICA and second biggest building on Earth, and will be PUMPING out cars and batteries.-They will be announcing even more gigafactories to be made so
Tesla will be the worlds biggest company sooner or later
I hope they keep bringing it lower and lower - then it will explode to amazing new highs...!! This is great!! $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$

i love this stock

Like I have mentioned.. Even thought I bought at $Unity Software Inc.(U)$ 120, I still kept adding until my avg at 170/ share.I am an architect and been using Unity for my presentation works since 2017 with VR. My clients loved it and it helps my firm winning projects.Beside, this has open marketplace capabilities... the better the creator developers using this software, the higher valuation Unity will be.Think about the infrastructure of metaverse, this is an essential tool, just like Adobe, ADSK, Intuit... Use that as your base valuation. This is just my thoughts and opinion and I won't sell for until I cash out for my wife's bag funds lol.
i love this stock

DWAC option trading risks

$Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC)$ If you are trading DWAC options today, be aware that the current Hard to borrow rate of short stock is around 100%. This will cause certain spreads, such as boxes, to trade higher then the normally would.Deep in the money calls will have a higher risk of early exercise, so be aware if you have any spread where you are short these calls. If you are assigned early, you will have to pay this hard to borrow rate for at least 1 day.
DWAC option trading risks

up to 6 again

All Day today shorts post 100% guarantee going to 3 ! . In reading most here trade with a few k shares. longs seem to post more reasonable info. Shorts seem to be in panic mode for tomorrow may surprise & pop up to 6 again. $Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$
up to 6 again
Benzinga - Palantir Technologies Whale Trades Spotted. A whale with a lot of money to spend has taken a noticeably bullish stance on Palantir Technologies. RSI indicators hint that the underlying stock may be approaching oversold. $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$

insanely high

$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ is a massively overvalued hype stockBuying in at these insanely high multiples, history has shown, is one of the worst investment decisions you can make period🤡Whole lot of downside coming folks
insanely high


Here is the most important sound byte from NVDA's Earnings Call. An analyst asked the potential size of the AI market and where are we in AI development. Jensen response was that "All data centers will be accelerated...currently only 10% of data centers are accelerated". The data center GPU/Accelerator market will see massive growth over the next 3-5 years. This will benefit both NVDA and AMD! I own both and will not be overly concerned about share swings between AMD & NVDA....tide is rising to the benefit of both companies. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $AMD(AMD)$

all way down 50 dollar per share loss

Just as I predicted Gamestoppers $GameStop(GME)$ the red slide has begun. Hope you did your bobsled training in Jamaica mon because you bout to be sliding all way down 50 dollar per share loss these days
all way down 50 dollar per share loss

bullish stance on Moderna.

Moderna Whale Trades Spotted: A whale with a lot of money to spend (and possibly insider knowledge) has taken a noticeably bullish stance on Moderna.Looking at options history for Moderna $Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ we detected 49 strange trades.If we consider the specifics of each trade, it is accurate to state that 53.06% of the investors opened trades with bullish expectations.
bullish stance on Moderna.


$AMC院线(AMC)$ 1). AMC earnings estimates deliver a Y-O-Y increase of about 500% - 600%.2). Citadel call options in the $338M. Think layers/levels about #3. Do you remember when Citadel bought back 20M shorted shares on June 2nd & the AMC SP jumped from $37 to $72? When they buy back their shorted shares, they do NOT borrow shorted shares. It's a double whammy!!I did the linear calculation when they (Citadel) bought back all 100M shorted shares previously. (These are only Legal Shares).I calculated there are about 15.4 Billion synthetic shares!! SEE my previous posts!!3). Ban of PFOF and Dark pools will likely happen for AMC before EOY.4). More Computershare converting out of DTCC (Think VW when its Float reduced to 1%).5). Fidelity has linked step

This is why I belive AMC is on a long term uptrend regardless of MOASS

$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ The end of all short thesis is the two links provided bellow. It is real and proven.This is beyond the idea of MOASS, it may well happen but the focus is deeperThe tendency of some consumers to continue buying the same brand of goods rather than competing brandsThis is why I belive AMC is on a long term uptrend regardless of MOASS
This is why I belive AMC is on a long term uptrend regardless of MOASS

real reasion:Elon thinks the stock price is too HIGH !!

The real reason Elon sold 10% of his holding is NOT due to tax issues.Fact is Elon thinks the stock price is too HIGH !! $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
real reasion:Elon thinks the stock price is too HIGH !!
Interesting approach to thinking about how the closing of the arbitrage gap will transpire once merger announced. Arb gap at 18.5%. The assumption is that current combined market cap ($178b + $53b) will stay stagnant at moment of merger. Then to close the arb gap of 18.5% and maintain current market cap, AMD moves down 4.5% and xilinx needs to go up 14%. After the gap closes, it makes sense for the stock prices to be pegged to eachother and rise / fall based on combined company dynamics. any thoughts? $AMD(AMD)$ $Xilinx(XLNX)$

don't believe in musk

Musk and brother selling his shares using cover of the internet vote and Bernie Sanders. He knows the party is coming to an end and All competitors closing in fast. Grantham andCarson block Chanos are all exposing what a nonsensical valuation Tesla has and what a carnival huckster Musk is. Like in the wizard of Oz the curtain is being pulled back and the scam will be over. That’s why he is selling. He knows the manipulation he has engaged in. Like the Jim Jones cult the Musk cult will come to an end only he will walk away unscathed while the shareholders are left holding the bag or the cool aid.$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
don't believe in musk
It’s a baseless smear campaign against FB. The campaign adverts claim that FB stores your personal data but fail to state that FB gives users control on which data they want to share, which makes me really believe that this is a very deep conspiracy against FB. There some special interest groups that are paying for these smear campaigns, maybe FB should turn around and start investigating these groups on conspiring to destroy their business $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$

hard time for pypl

Paypal has never fallen this hard ever in the history of it being public, which shows how much overselling occurred, Imagine Paypal released these most recent earnings 1 year ago when it was at 200$ the stock would skyrocket.$PayPal(PYPL)$
hard time for pypl

I am a moderna fan however....

I am a moderna fan, however I am concerned there expected earnings are already baked into there current prices.Second concern is they only have one product for sale, earnings call will be interesting to see if any new MRNA developments are in the pipeline. $Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$
I am a moderna fan however....
