Tesla will be the worlds biggest company sooner or later


$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 🚘🚀⚔️🐻
Something I wrot months back but never submitted thought now is a good time to release it
Tesla becoming the worlds biggest company isn’t a matter of if but when.
-Tesla profits just came out, 1000% over last year with over a billion dollars made last quarter alone.
-Tesla keeps completely selling out of vehicles, they cannot even make them fast enough to keep up with demand, most are sold out 2-3 months in advance.
-Tesla will be making around 2 million vehicles a year by the end of next year
-2 more gigafactories are about to be complete, the one in Austin is the BIGGEST BUILDING IN AMERICA and second biggest building on Earth, and will be PUMPING out cars and batteries.
-They will be announcing even more gigafactories to be made soon.
-Tesla already has supercharging stations ALL OVER THE PLANET with much more superior tech to anything else available and expected to make at least 25 billion in revenue annually.
-CyberTruck is going to be rolling out within the next year. CyberTruck already has around 1,250,000 preorders.
-$25,000 Tesla vehicle will begin production in 2023 causing a landslide of Tesla orders and decimating the competition.
-Tesla’s 4680 batteries have revolutionized battery technology and nobody has any comparable battery tech coming out anytime soon.
-Elon has stated Tesla’s energy+solar will be EVEN BIGGER than its vehicle branch, this will eventually add a trillion+ to the marketcap.
-Waymos CEO abandoning the company has proven radar as completely useless and incapable of anything else besides in already geofenced premapped areas.
-Full self driving subscription purchasing went live recently on Tesla.com $199 for FSD and $99 for enhanced auto pilot per month. Subscription plans are the future, and will be available to purchase directly from your Tesla’s screen on almost every single Tesla. Imagine suddenly over night millions of Tesla’s will suddenly become capable of driving themselves bringing in an INCREDIBLE amount of revenue. This is worth at least a TRILLION dollars alone as people abandon the old way of manual driving and begin the new era of self driving cars.
-Full Self Driving beta has just dropped recently and it’s AMAZING and will continually get better and better, within the next 6 months Tesla will begin releasing FSD slowly to all. Your car will now be a lifetime chauffeur.
-Tesla is LIGHTYEARS ahead in the full self driving tech, no one is even close. Your car will be able to take you from Los Angeles to New York 99% of the way with no interference within the next year.
-Sandy Munro one of the most respected vehicle engineers on the planet of over 30+ years says Tesla is ATLEAST 5 years ahead of everyone else in tech.
-The model S plaid goes 0-60 in TWO SECONDS the fastest production car on Earth, faster then a Bugatti faster then a Lamborghini, and the Roadster will be EVEN FASTER.
-Tesla vehicles are statistically the SAFEST cars on earth, this is not even including how safe they will be when FSD is a 10x better driver than any human can possibly be. A human has 2 eyes a Tesla has 8 that provide 24/7 360 degrees of visibility around the car at up to 250 meters of range. A computer doesn’t need to blink or ever get tired or get distracted.
-Other car companies have already went bankrupt and been bailed out and are on the VERGE AGAIN. That’s why Bugatti and Rimac are combining. Why Lamborghini and Ferrari say they’re not even trying to be the fastest cars in the world anymore because Tesla is DESTROYING EVERYONE . Tesla is so far ahead in Tech by the time people catch up they’re already another 5 years ahead.
-Every legacy auto/ice company is desperately trying to rush out electric vehicles because Tesla is killing all their sales so they’re paying MILLIONS to spread FUD, mislead, twist, and clickbait any story about Tesla over major news stations, the Internet, etc but it’s too late they don’t have the batteries or the tech or production capability. Most will not have comparable vehicles till years from now by then Tesla will be even further ahead.
-Elon is starting to build tunnels under all the major American cities to avoid traffic by going underground. Hate city traffic? Gonna take you an entire hour to get across town? Tunnel will only be 15 minutes and are currently EXCLUSIVE to Tesla vehicles and will be built in tons of cities.
-Gas cars are going extinct, 2 years from now you will be a loser if you drive a shitty slow loud gas car that doesn’t even drive itself. That isn’t even considering that MANY countries have already put laws in place to completely ban new gas cars being made and many more are following.
-Elon might even combine all his companies, Space X, Neuralink, Starlink, etc into one sending the stock rocketing even higher. All of this doesn’t even consider all the unknown things Tesla will unveil and do in the future. This all sets the scenario for the tipping point when the average person realizes Tesla’s complete superiority in technology and place as the only EV company even close to completely solving FSD.
-Tesla has released its plans to create a Tesla AI powered robot which could easily change the planet and add trillions to the market cap, setting Elons scenario for a workforce to colonize Mars.
-Float is being locked away, leaving less and less shares to buy causing big swings up in stock price as people scramble to collect the few shares left, Billionaires like KoGuan Leo are scooping up millions of shares because they see what’s coming. With Elon owning around 25% of all Tesla shares on Earth and long term holding institutions and retail owning a giant percentage of shares as well this sets the possible scenario where Tesla shares become scarce causing giant moves up in stock price as people scramble to collect what few shares are even left over.
-This is your one chance to get in on Apple or Amazon when they were first starting off. Tesla will make TONS of people MILLIONAIRES. Do not miss the boat,buy as many shares as you can and hold them for the next 5 to 10 years and beyond because this stock only continue to rocket up and WILL 10x your money if you just hold and don’t sell long term.
TLDR: Tesla is destroying all the current legacy/ice car companies and they’re pumping millions of dollars to try and spread FUD and slow Tesla down because they’re on the brink of extinction. Tesla is lightyears ahead of everyone in not only battery tech, but production as well, FSD capabilities, etc. With everything in the pipeline this stock is set and ready to rocket to Mars and beyond. Tesla will become the worlds biggest company very soon.
“The day FSD goes to wide release will be one of the biggest asset value increases in history” “The value of a fully electric autonomous fleet is generally gigantic, boggles the mind really... it will be one of the most valuable things that's ever done in the history of civilization."
-Elon Musk
“History is a great teacher, & I cannot help but see parallels between Elon Musk’s engineering efforts at both Tesla and SpaceX (as well as Neuralink, Boring Co, etc.) and those of Thomas Edison in the 1870s and 1880s.”


