$Coinbase Global, Inc.(COIN) I goofed up again by not buying enough shares when I bought! It took off on me.
$Square(SQ)$ Seems to be trading with close correlation to BTC, even though this company has revenue. Seems cheap compared to recent historical prices, but still probably a bit over-valued in the near term from a PE perspective. Long term this could be one of those moments where people get rich. JMO
$Roku Inc(ROKU)$ For stocks like roku, next year will be the toughest since there will certainly be a slower growth in 2022 due to post pandemic effects, growth will likely normalize around 2023. Next year's growth rate might only be around 15-20% then rebound to 20%+ afterwards. Unless you are more of a younger and long term investor, it really doesn't make sense for people who are close to retire to invest on this.
This is so overvalued at the moment its nuts yet there are many exciting growth stocks growing rapidly with 52 week low prices which will treble in 18 months to 2 years from now.Buy $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ Nvidia at this price at your own risk. I'm staying away unless it falls 25%.
Interesting battleground. $ChargePoint Holdings Inc.(CHPT)$ CHPT is a leader in EV charging, but they are losing money with no sure path to profitability. They are growing, but the bigger they get, the bigger their quarterly losses. Stock trades at 30 times sales. At what point do their investments turn into profits?
$Walt Disney(DIS)$ Disney stock is still overvalued. If you have been to any of the boring parks that have just become stores with a parking fee and cover charge, you know the Magic is gone. The streaming service is a joke and many, many investors fell for the lie that Disney is now Netflix and just ignore empty parks and quiet movie sets. This stock is worth 100 to 120 a share.$Netflix(NFLX)$
Sofi one day will be investing and banking for many Americans and perhaps across the world. I am going to hold 20 years. $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$
$AMD(AMD)$ The reopening whenever and if it ever is the same as before will only help AMD. The stock is not overvalued, all AMD needs to do is gain another 4% of Market Share from Intel which it will easily do. At the same time, tech is not going away it cannot be fraudulently stolen away like 1999 when the old robbers and thieves of Wall Street spooked the markets so they could make money by consolidating and buying tech stock at rock bottom.
Great busy model but people don’t rush to buy $3,500 stocks . A split would lift the stock.$$
$Novavax(NVAX)$ Well well. Big weeks coming up. High probability that EMA approves this week, and spark a series of approvals across the globe. And next weeks probably approval for The Pill that has shattered our SP more then once already.Overall market sentiment and sentiment towards vaccines is downward.Explosive mix for massive volatility. I will just hold and hope we will be over 300 in a few weeks. Maybe add some at dips.
$Australian Gold and Copper(AGC.AU)$ I got in few minutes before the market closed today - bought at $8.85 ps. I thought I got in at bargain price.I worked in Singapore for 6 years in early 2000 and I can honestly say that people in Singapore are very hardworking so I believe our investments are in good hands!
$Twitter(TWTR)$ I love Twitter! Great stock. Twitter is a great source for open and unbiased information. To the moon!
We are averaging a 25% drop after earnings are released.... At this rate, it might be $100 after earnings. Start selling the stuff you don't use at home guys. Time to double (or triple) down!!!$GameStop(GME)$
I would venture most serious traders in here like me , would agree with the sentiment this is "too late to sell." Any idea why most of us have that sentiment? We have that sentiment because that is absolutely correct. We are sitting on the bottom. If you want your discount, here is your chance. You don't have severe drops to this magnitude very often. If you are short on Facebook, you should have covered by the end of the day, and if you didn't, you are taking a big risk. I short on occasion, like I did GME$GameStop(GME)$ the other day when it squeezed to 250. I rode it down and made some money. Would I short THIS at this price? NOT A CHANCE.$Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$
Technically, this stock, $PayPal(PYPL)$ PYPL is now way oversold and in my opinion, has reached a near term bottom and should be primed for a nice reversal back to the upside. The Omicron variant and its potential impact should actually assist PYPL in terms of increasing on-line payment transactions and hence increased financial revenues for PYPL going forward into the next quarter. This stock is primed for a nice reversal back to the significant upside after plummeting from the mid-$200's. A nice strong reversal back to the $200's is on the way. Average analyst target price for PYPL amongst the 40 analysts covering Paypal is $276, suggesting more than 50%-60% upside for PYPL stock. Long term, this is a great price to start to build up a nice positi
Several sources report 113% as the "official" short interest. Very bullish since the hedgefunds has been hiding their shorts in contracts for the last year.$GameStop(GME)$

Be patient

So much muting required. Listen closely: Be patient.Approvals from the UK, EU, WHO, Canada, India, etc., will come. It’s only a matter of time.Be patient. If you want to make money in the stock market, learn patience. Breathe deeply. The long term is what matters.The long term is where markets achieve rationality. The short term is, generally speaking, messy, emotional, irrational, and loaded with manipulation.Be patient.I’m speaking from experience. I bought my first NVAX shares in 2014. Added more shares MANY many times since during panic-selling and FUD manipulations.My average price per share is in the $20s right now. I’m still holding.Because the formula for NVAX stock at this moment in history is as easy as it comes.(1) Buy.(2) Hold.(3) Be patient.(4) Try to be self deprecating and c
Be patient
Remember we have digested worst situations, MRK pill, pfizer pill, COVID is over news.. compare to that this is dawn of new beginning for NVAX irrespective of we get approvals in days or weeks. Based on the news going all over the world, we can feel the momentum for all vaccine stocks and particularly for NVAX .. and yes we can also feel the desperation of shorts to cover their positions..$Novavax(NVAX)$
Modernas PR wins again. In a Dow Jones release the company said they went on full alarm last Tuesday when information on the Omicron variant was noticed. Well, BNTX has been working for months expecting just such an occurrence, yet Moderna, a US company was the feature stating they could have a solution by 2022s first quarter end. Once again the market reacts to a PR with scant detail and ignores data presented earlier by Pfizer/BNTX. That’s not new. Both will rise but it seems twisted. $BioNTech SE(BNTX)$ $Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ $Pfizer(PFE)$
No more PC's, Laptops, Windows, iOS, GPU's, CPU's, DPU's, and no more glitches, crashes, and headaches and heartaches of "The Old World and Way of computing". All the Digital conflict, incompatibility, and redundancies are going away... and good riddance!The Omniverse is becoming "The Infinite Universe of Everything-Digital".Everything is in the Omniverse. The Omniverse is Everything.There is only one Omniverse, and The Omniverse is: NVIDIASee, you will... or will not.Now, The GeForce is with you. Always.$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
