Be patient


So much muting required. Listen closely: Be patient.
Approvals from the UK, EU, WHO, Canada, India, etc., will come. It’s only a matter of time.
Be patient. If you want to make money in the stock market, learn patience. Breathe deeply. The long term is what matters.
The long term is where markets achieve rationality. The short term is, generally speaking, messy, emotional, irrational, and loaded with manipulation.
Be patient.
I’m speaking from experience. I bought my first NVAX shares in 2014. Added more shares MANY many times since during panic-selling and FUD manipulations.
My average price per share is in the $20s right now. I’m still holding.
Because the formula for NVAX stock at this moment in history is as easy as it comes.
(1) Buy.
(2) Hold.
(3) Be patient.
(4) Try to be self deprecating and call it “luck” when people ask or find out about how much money you’ve made by investing in this stock.
You need to be dispassionate and stick to your investment thesis. Don’t get caught up in the day-to-day. Money is made long-term. Big money. Small money is made in the short term, if it’s made at all.
Be patient.



