市场汇报 - 牛市复活了吗?
潘钟华 – 4月14日2020年
我们在2020年3月24日所发表的“市场下滑放缓的迹象- 4个关注图表”市场汇报里,预测市场在经历了好几星期的猛烈抛售后,有可能已达到一个支持水平。美联储宣布无限量化宽松(又称“ QE Infinity”),以及一系列其他措施,例如向外国央行提供美元掉期信贷额度等,似乎已经平息了融资市场的恐慌。
Market Update: Is the bull market resurrected?
By Thomas Poh – 14 Apr 2020
On the 24 Mar 2020, we published a market update titled: “Signs of Market Consolidation – 4 Interesting Charts” calling for the market to have found a potential base after the relentless selloff starting in the early part of March.The announcement of the Federal Reserve’s decision to embark on Unlimited Quantitative Easing, a.k.a “QE Infinity” as well as a host of other measures, like the provision of USD swaps credit lines to foreign central banks, seemed to have restored stability in the funding markets.
The market’s reaction since then was arguably just as fierce on the rebound.The S&P 500 index futures hit a high of 2818 on the 13th of April vs the low of 2174 registered on the 23rd of March.This is represents a 30% jump from the low.Technically, an increase of more than 20% from the previous low represents the start of a new bull market.However, as we had anticipated for the selloff to abate on the 24th of March, we would also now advise caution against over-optimism.
“Bear markets are known for sharp rebounds”
Firstly, from a technical point of view, bear markets are known for sharp rebounds.Given the unprecedented pace of the selloff, we should expect that the short squeeze to be also fast and furious.Surpassing 20% from its low is just a technicality.From the bear market point of view, this bounce represents slightly more than a 50% retracement from the low.This is where we urge caution because the economic impact resulting from the ** lock downs are only just beginning to surface.
As it is, France is expecting Q1 GDP to contract by 6 percent while Germany’s economy is expected shrink by close to 10 percent in Q2.US jobless claims have hit 16 million over the last 3 weeks.Canada’s unemployment rate has reached 7.8% for the month of March.One should not be expecting a global recession of the garden variety.
No doubt the Fed, together with other central bankers, had pulled all the stops to prevent the world financial markets from capsizing.They have succeeded in this aspect.However, what they had solved is only the plumbing issue.Clearing the chokes, so that liquidity can flow to the areas that badly needs it.
Resuscitating the world economy can only be done when the lock-downs are lifted AND coupled with the successful implementations of the fiscal measures announced by the various governments.There are already signs of some governments planning to lift the lockdowns.However, there is a risk that the rate of pandemic spread will pick up again after they have been lifted.
The other concern is the efficiency in the dispensation of the government fiscal funds into the economy.It is one thing to announce a bold newspaper headline.Getting the money to the main street in time, before companies (SMEs especially) close down and unemployment spirals, is another matter.Once unemployment spirals, it will take a much longer time for the labour force to be re-allocated (assuming the lock down has been lifted in the first place).
“The flow of labour, unlike the flow of funds, is an inefficient process”
An economic recession of this scale and scope simply do not justify a V-shape recovery scenario.While it takes seconds for funds to flow back into the stock market, it takes much longer, for businesses that had survived, to regain their footing and for new companies to replace the bankrupted ones.The flow of labour, unlike the flow of funds, is an inefficient process.
All these lead to the next question, which is the impact of ** on companies’ earning and subsequently their new fair value stock prices.The coming corporate earnings release season over the next few weeks will give the market a good indication of this.Given that the stock market has rebounded sharply, one would expect money to be taken off the table in view of the upcoming earning announcements.
In conclusion, it is of our opinion that we are far out of the woods.The big technical rebound is not unexpected in terms of its occurrence and magnitude.However, big uncertainties lay ahead coupled with an arduous economic recovery journey.Wall Street’s viscosity in its views is seldom shared by the main street.We should take heed of that.
$SP500指数主连(ESmain)$ $道琼斯指数主连(YMmain)$ $NQ100指数主连(NQmain)$ $恒生指数主连(HSImain)$
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