The Next Move for Crude Oil — Wyckoff Sign of Strength Rally?

Light Crude oil Futures $WTI原油主连 2111(CLmain)$  could be in Wyckoff phase D with a sign of strength rally unfolding. Find out how you can take advantage of the strong crude oil price. Refer to this post on how to anticipate the breakout before it makes the greatest gain on DVN. This video is extracted from my Weekly Live session on 26 Sep 2021. Watch the video below:

Current Crude Oil Market Update

Crude Oil daily chart as of 15 Oct 2021

Despite the light crude oil hit the overbought of the up channel on top of spike of supply for 4 days as annotated above (volume bars are circled), change of character bar was not observed. This suggests that the up move will be resumed to test 83–88 until emergence of excessive supply.

If you are day trading the US futures or swing trading for Malaysia and US stocks, do check out my YouTube Channel: Ming Jong Tey for additional videos and resources. $阿里巴巴(BABA)$ $苹果(AAPL)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $Sea Ltd(SE)$ 

Further Reading

Will The Rising Interest Rate Crash the Stock Market?

Failed Breakout in AAPL — Change is coming for Apple Stock (What should Investor and Trader do?)

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