
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      AAPL definitely leads when others don't even think of it , they closed stores to keep people safe , and now SEE's candy has opened Pandora's box with that brilliant response "derivative" , ... I'm sure there will be plenty there to buy if W.B. is forced to sell , and I wouldn't want to be in Wally Worlds shoes right now either$Apple(AAPL)$ $Sealed Air(SEE)$
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      Tencent Holdings and Alibaba Group Holding have dropped out of the global top 10 companies in market capitalization, new data shows, leaving no Chinese members on the list. The market lacks confidence, should I stop the gain? $TENCENT(00700)$ $Alibaba(BABA)$
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      Volatility, and subsequent beta, high for XPEV. Can be a disconcerting position. Personally, it has the greatest weight of 21 positions in my portfolio. Taking into account that their are no distributions, that’s a mouthful for me. Although I dislike the anguish, the upside remains particularly attractive. My portfolio has underperformed the sagging markets and XPEV is the primary culprit. Nonetheless, the risk reward factor keeps me holding. I can only imagine the pop to SP when XPEV turns a profit. Requires doubling the revenues to reap the economies of scale. The numbers continue to trend in that direction and quicker than anticipated.$XPeng Inc.(XPEV)$
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      honestly I don’t get it! Why are people still buy options for amc, knowing hf wont let them win??? Buy shares not options! That way we all stand together and fight them! Buy options for other stocks not amc$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      Disney is losing fans left and right. That is the reality of Disney. After the feminist Star Wars, people are just sick of them. I cannot imagine an executive team that was given the golden goose and they immediately slaughtered it. It is not just the movies. It is across all their products. After COVID and after the elections, sentiment in this country is shifting dramatically. Disney will have a very hard time attracting fans back. I personally laughed when I saw the price they are asking for Disney +. Why would I spend all that money to watch woke leftist policy? The answer is that I wouldn't and so many more people aren't either.$Walt Disney(DIS)$
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      A merger will boost AMD before EOY. A CES 2022 will boost AMD right after that.$AMD(AMD)$
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      🚨🚨🚨🚨👍🏽LOOK AT THIS:Short Interest on IWM is 146 million shares!! This is the ETF for all the Memes with AMC being the largest hold. THIS IS HOW THEY’VE BEEN SHORTING AMC, dropping the price, UNDERNEATH THE RADAR. Utilization is at 100%!!TICK TOCK KENNY!!
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      The video game retailer's stock was under pressure throughout the session after announcing mixed quarterly results. Cohen has revealed few details about his strategy. I also feel panic this time. Do I need to leave this stock? $GameStop(GME)$
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      The analysts keep talking about high growth stocks without any profit is not the place to be. I would think high growth stocks that are profitable would be a safe haven. Glad UPST is profitable!$Upstart Holdings, Inc.(UPST)$
    • AaronJeAaronJe
      Needham's Laura Martin says the deal drives upside value, for a few reasons - key among them that "we believe this is a 3-year deal for both ad-driven YouTube and YouTube TV (the vMVPD), so this source of headline risk should not recur soon." YouTube was also Roku's "most formidable foe" as the biggest ad-driven app, she writes - and it pays virtually no revenue share to Roku because "it was large before Roku began and was grandfathered." There's no other ad-driven app with power equal to Roku's she says, and there shouldn't be issues with other apps on the platform. Up 18%! What a joke. A P/E of 136. A person can watch YouTube anywhere. Roku devices are great and I've had about six of them but this stock value doesn't make any sense. How does YouTube help Roku make money? Almost every con
