第六届“金中环”榜单揭晓:GlobalX ETFs Hong Kong 荣获双重大奖, 3416&3419获最具创新ETF
【仅供香港投资者参考】2024年12月13日下午,第六届“2024·金中环论坛暨金融机构榜颁奖典礼”在香港中环成功举行。大会组委会在论坛上隆重揭晓了第六届“金中环”金融机构榜单,Global X ETFs Hong Kong凭借卓越的金融产品服务和强大的基金管理团队,脱颖而出,荣获“最具创新力中国主题ETF发行商”和“最具创新ETF奖”。 金中环论坛已历经六届,成为金融界具有深远影响力的权威盛会。本次论坛的由智通财经、久期财经以及香港中资证券业协会的联合主办。同时,我们很荣幸能作为协办方之一,与建银国际共同支持此次盛会。此外,论坛得到了香港中国金融协会、中国首席经济学家论坛等多家权威机构的战略合作。 Global X ETFs Hong Kong此次获奖,显示了资本市场及业界对其在基金管理策略、产品多元化布局和市场趋势洞察等方面的高度认可,展示了其在中国主题ETF及创新型ETF领域的领先地位以及持续创新的能力。 在先进科技领域,Global X ETFs积极布局电动车及电池、半导体、云端运算、机器人和人工智能,帮助投资者把握技术革新机会。同时,Global X ETFs关注中国人口结构变化带来的投资机会,积极布局消费、医疗和生物科技领域。此外,Global X ETFs致力于洁净能源投资,响应全球可持续发展的趋势,关注中国“小巨人”企业及出海故事中的领军者,发掘新兴领域的增长潜力。 在创新型ETF方面,Global X ETFs凭借海外市场的成功经验及强大的基金经理团队,成功推出香港市场首批两支备兑认购期权策略ETF,Global X 国指成份股备兑认购期权主动型ETF(3416) $A GX国指备兑(03416)$ 和Global X 恒指成份股备兑认购期权主动型ETF(3419)
[HIGHLIGHTS] Covered Call ETF: Ten Months of Steady Dividends, Supporting Your Bullish Investment Journey with Growth and Protection
[For Hong Kong Investor Only] The Global X HSCEI Components Covered Call Active ETF (3416) $A GX国指备兑(03416)$ Global X HSI Components Covered Call Active ETF (3419) $A GX恒指备兑(03419)$ has distributed dividends for the 10th consecutive month, demonstrating robust income potential. Regardless of market fluctuations, this ETF will provide strong support for your bullish investment journey. • Stable Income: The covered call ETF offers relatively stable cash flow by selling call options, making it suitable for investors seeking regular income. • Risk Management: This ETF effectively manages market risk, making it suitable for capital appreciation in a bull market while providing some downside protection during marke
Unlocking Growth Potential: Why Hong Kong Investors Should Consider the Global X India Sector Leader ETF (3084/9084)
[For Hong Kong Investor Only] The Global X India Sector Leader ETF(3084/9084) $AGX印度(03084)$$AGX印度-U(09084)$ is a high conviction strategy focusing on existing and emerging industry leaders within the Indian equity markets. We continue to see exciting opportunities for multi-decade growth, both in India’s economy and its equity markets. We believe that India’s superior demographics, rising middle class, low household debt, and low penetration, the creation of new jobs provide significant headroom for growth for leading organised players over a longer-term investment horizon. A key differentiator of our approach is the ability to generate insights for long-term alpha creation through our regional perspective