
Investment GOONDO

    • AhbiaAhbia
      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$Misconception!! Ticker name AGC will change only! Everything else remains the same. Just treat it as Company AGC is being aquired byCompany Grab. And the name is changed.. All options, shorts or longs, prices all remain the same 
    • AhbiaAhbia
      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$AGC is being discussed on Reddit WallstreetsbetsELITE. Expect some volume and some play these few days.. lets hope for the best and head to the moon. 🚀🌝AGC 在Reddit 被讨论.. 准备这几天或今天美国开盘来场好戏!飞向月球吧🚀🌝
    • AhbiaAhbia

      Which phase is AGC now?

      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$Accumulation phaseTrend: This is the phase where no new highs are created and the stocks move sideway for a period of time. Why: Institutions buys up main bulk of the sharesavailable in the market. In the case of AGC, institution are holding close to 90%. They will help us form the base of the stock price and we will unlikely to see a big drop. What could go wrong: Of cos we cannot expect all to Long this stocks. We are also having a greatbunch of institution and shorties shorting this. They are expecting this stocks to fail once it merge.This will be a fight now between long and short. But LONG will win the battle. Markup phase Trend: New highs are created with upward trend.Higher p
      Which phase is AGC now?
    • AhbiaAhbia
      $Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$A good read for the lost sheepThe Anatomy of a Gamma SqueezeHope everyone enjoyed their weekend and is just as excited as I am to see that volume AH. There are a lot of people on here who do a great job of breaking down the Fundamental's and the Technical Analysis on BBIG, so I don't think it's necessary for me to go into that. With that being said I wanted to put out a piece of education material, reason for that being is I believe that more knowledge in the tool box only makes for a better trader, and I'm not sure how experienced people are with interpreting the Greeks on the option chain and how they essentially impact price action. So as I've said before and u/widowmakerlaser has pointed out, BBIG has a really nice set
    • AhbiaAhbia

      AGC GRAB stars aligned

      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$Look at the stars, look how they shine for u…. All stars aligning themselves for the AGC rocket.(within days now)Another F4 amendent This spells good news since its the 2nd amendments made this week. Agc x Grab are in talks w the authority to make the necessary changes. If not there wouldnt be any news or amendments neededProxy voteI’m expecting the proxy voting to happen within days from now.. earliest estimated will be next week. Law firm handling the case mentioned that itswithin the time frame for Q4 2021Merger After the voting, which is 100% most of the cases for such SPAC deal, we can expect the merger to happen within 48hrs Short interestAs of today, the % short interest stands at 40ish %. Well done..
      AGC GRAB stars aligned
    • AhbiaAhbia
      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$cup and handle price pattern.. Look out for this pattern.. this is based on 5d charting. i) Huge volume ✅ii) U - shape ✅iii) Handle forming (downward trend)— in progress-buying opportunity iv) Rocket to the moon — in progress
    • AhbiaAhbia
      $Sundial Growers Inc.(SNDL)$its coming 🚀🤑
    • AhbiaAhbia

      AGCxGrab TP of $50-60

      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$With a valuation of 40b and largest SPAC deal, u dont want to miss this and not be part of the history.Dash IPO was ard $100, less than a year on, it shoots up to $200. Shorties are hoping that it will be similar SPAC deal that fail big time. But fundamentally, they are not aware of how big Grab is in the whole of South East Asia(not only SG). GRAB’s POTENTIAL With the upcoming merger, Digital banking licnese, opening of economy of whole south east asia and shorties scrambling to cover their shorts.. i can only advise.. its now or never. U wont see the price of $15-18 anymore. Institutions are holding on to 80+ % of the total shares. That leaves abt 10+ % for retail traders like u and me. SHORT SQU
      AGCxGrab TP of $50-60
    • AhbiaAhbia
      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$🚀🚀🚀. institutions squeezing the shorties instead..holding 85% shares..they wont let go until AGC announce merger.. Lets just ride the wave and hitch a ride to the moon 🚀🌝
    • AhbiaAhbia
      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$💎🙌🏻 Paperhands gonna regret selling anything below $18 😉🚀
