
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile
      I was lucky to joined Tiger in Jan 2021 when it was very established, one of the decision I am thankful for this year.My first stock I liked and traded is $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$. My first stock in Tiger have dipped but I am still holding on to the first stock I have traded.The first follower I followed is none other than @小虎活动 . Gotten to know many news and followed many more Tigers through its posts.First article I posted is about Tesla and crypto-related article. I remember then Tesla announced its intention to accept Bitcoin as payment.With it, you can guess that I am a young Tiger. I am glad to know many fellow Tiger and Tigeress down here, and many shared their valuable know


      感恩节马上要到了,小虎提醒:感恩节周四(11月25日)美股休市哦!感恩节翌日(26日)美股提前3小时收盘~ 为了回馈广大虎友们的支持与陪伴,小虎君为大家准备了一些小礼物,参与即可获赠66虎币,如果你愿意多聊2句,还有机会获得小虎全套盲盒。 不知不觉,老虎已经成立7年了, 在过去年的7年,我们认识了很多新老朋友 可曾记得你是何时加入老虎的? 又是缘何来到这里? 【参与方式】 本帖留言说出 「你和老虎的第一次」 你发布的第一个帖子是什么? 你关注的第一个好友是谁? 你关注/交易的第一只股票是什么? 【活动奖励】 凡是参与晒单的虎友均可获得66虎币,除此之外,还有机会获得以下奖励: 知己奖:我们会选取“第一条帖子”发帖时间最早的虎友赠予1套小虎盲盒手办(5个) 人气奖:我们会选取评论获赞量最高的3位虎友,随机赠予小虎盲盒手办1个 优质奖:我们会随机选取评论优质有趣的虎友,随机赠予小虎盲盒手办1个 【活动时间】: 2021年11月23日-11月29日 【特别说明】 水贴,重复内容,广告,恶意营销等属于无效内容; 文章需原创并首发于老虎,并且版权归老虎社区所有; 本次活动中用户所提到的标的,仅供参考,不构成投资建议,据此操作,风险自负; 活动最终解释权归老虎社区所有; 若对本次活动有不解之处,可在此贴留言,或微信虎妞(微信号:itiger2014)咨询。 欢迎大家在下贴评论区留言说说「你和老虎的第一次」,你发布的第一个帖子是什么?你关注的第一个好友是谁?你关注/交易的第一只股票是什么?参与即可获赠66虎币,如果你愿意多聊2句,还有机会获得小虎全套盲盒。
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile
      I think something similar was said when they published a wonderful Q2 results? And history repeats again when the shorts win right after it went up a little after announcement. 

      Palantir Stock: Teaching The Market A Lesson

      Summary Palantir submitted a strong earnings card for the third quarter. The analytics firm is rais
      Palantir Stock: Teaching The Market A Lesson
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile

      Riding into the hype.

      Many of us have seen the violatile of 'Trump-related' stocks. Some have positive gains, while some have posted loss. I, myself, have also suffered from losses in such meme stocks.A short read on the background, and a little of what caused the hype on such stocks.As many would have know, he, who got kicked off from popular social media apps, have launched his own social media named Truth Social under his company Trump Media and Technology Group. His company and $Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC)$will merge and list on Nasdaq.Such news prompt his supporters, many of whom were from his president-elected days, to come forward to invest into DWAC causing the spike in price.Shortly after the increase, other companies who supported his ele
      Riding into the hype.
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile
      If i am heading to Beijing, i added Univseral Studios Beijing as a place that i need to go. Once the traveling ease, I am sure many tourists will flock to there for a brand new experience. Though some of their performance such as Future seems the same like USS, but their rides such as Transformers and Harry Potter seems awesome, not to mention Jurassic side. But for now, I believe the locals will flock and experience it first hand.Tourism stocks will rise before soaring once individual countries ease up. With vaccination figures heading up as time passes, governments will want tourists to enter and boost their economy. Even with allowed visitation by tourist, the pickup rate will also take time and effort to reach pre-pamdamic figures.


      前后耗时近10年之久的著名旅游项目——北京环球影城(Universal Studio Beijing),即将在9月20日正式开业啦!门票最早将于9月14日正式发售! 值得一提的是,目前北京环球影城已经开始了小规模试运营,而运营的门票据说已经被抄到2000多元!北京环球影视城的开业,代表了包括迪士尼在内的世界又一顶级主题乐园将正式入驻中国。同时,也将成为环球影业在亚洲的第三座,全球的第五座主题乐园。 北京环球影视城主要有7大乐园,具体如下:哈利波特的魔法城堡 哈利波特童年的记忆,这个园区想必也是最火的一个园区。 必玩项目:哈利波特禁忌之旅,一定要第一时间冲向这个设施,绝对超值体验~ 变形金刚基地 由【霸天虎过山车】、【变形金刚:火种源争夺战】、【变形金刚传奇现场】三大项目组成,汽车人将与人类联手,共同保护地球。 必玩项目:最最最刺激的过山车系列必须要玩 小黄人乐园 这里适合全家带着小朋友一起玩,在园区里兜兜逛逛,街道上还有真人扮演的小黄人说着奇怪语言,拉上一起拍照~ 侏罗纪世界努布拉岛 全是恐龙的地方谁能拒绝,当手中的玩具成为现实,这是一种超级奇妙的存在~ 必玩项目:侏罗纪世界大冒险!就是热带雨林风格的激流勇进 功夫熊猫盖世之地 这是北京环球影城独有的园区,这里是慢慢的中国元素。 必玩项目:功夫熊猫神龙大侠之旅 未来水世界 惊险刺激的水上爆破特技表演! 好莱坞 感受浮华之城的无穷魅力! 最后呢,大家也不用担心吃的问题,在环球影视城内有各种各样的特色美食:对啦,可能要担心的还是价格的问题 哈哈,略贵一点点,比如:一根雪糕40元,一杯可乐15元,但基本上花200块还是能吃饱吃好滴~ …… 最后,大家聊一聊: 你想去/打算去北京环球影视城了吗? 马上迎来中秋/国庆佳节,旅游板块会大涨吗? 精彩留言用户可获得888社区积分噢!
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile
      Cathie Woods remark about Chinese companies have reflected in her investments, cutting down her holdings in those companies. However, a small piece of her still believe in it, which isn why she cut down, instead of removing.I also believe chinese companies will be due for a bounce-back after the authorities relax or finish with their checks. I dont expect it to be so fast. I am looking at Q1 2022 for positive news on companies adhering to compliance checks and government regulations.$Alibaba(BABA)$$Pinduoduo Inc.(PDD)$$$


      近日,美国知名知名基金经理 木头姐(Cathie Wood)大幅减仓了包含$阿里巴巴(BABA)$ 、$腾讯控股ADR(TCEHY)$ 、$京东(JD)$ 和$拼多多(PDD)$ 等在内的中概股,并发表了一些列消极看法: 在西方投资者眼里, 中国市场正在变得“没法投资”,我们怀疑政府对互联网突然失去了兴趣,对自给自足的制造业兴趣极大,“精神鸦片”(游戏行业暴跌)、在线教育行业(暴跌)。。 。会让我们的记忆烙印很长一段时间,这可能发生在任何行业。中国监管机构的打压措施,将对投资者情绪产生持久影响, 受影响的股票可能很难反弹了。 与此同时,上周五港资净流出108亿,周四也是净流出上百亿,是2015年7月以来是首次出现连续2天净流出上百亿。 外资的疯狂出逃,中概股的崩盘式下跌,引起了不少人的不安。中国知名牛散 葛卫东 发表了呼吁反思、恢复市场信心的看法: 不过也有人发表了不同看法,股民 愉悦海 称: 其实木头姐逻辑是有很大问题的,美国的反垄断更厉害,行业规范也更严。举个例子,扎克伯格很严厉被国会质询了很多次, $Facebook(FB)$ 被反复调查,但是没人认为这是美国准备
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile
      Personally, I feel that you should inform your partner on your investments. He or she may not be interested nor understand what is share trading. But at least when something bad suddenly happen to you, they know how to unlock yoir account to gain access to your funds, and not let the funds stuck in an account which they have diffculties withdrawing or closing the account. [微笑] I also believe the saying of investing secretly and only show if you have success. So I only choose to inform my partner on my personal details. I dont invest using credit, thus my losses are still within my limits. [财迷] Lastly, give me the bear bear lah. Consolation prize and let TigerBrokers, Tigeress and Tiger friends be my Valentine. [流泪] 


      虎友们好呀~明天就是七夕情人节啦~! 七夕是爱人之间相融相欢的日子,但最近的股市行情不好啊,我就想到了一个灵魂拷问: 你在瞒着另一伴偷偷炒股吗? 注意,不告诉另一伴持仓的、只报喜不报忧的也算瞒着炒股喔! 其实,把股票账户密码或者持仓,全部呈现给另一伴或者家人,真是一件非常难的事情,至少我没有做到,哈哈哈o(╥﹏╥)o接下来我们看看网友们的观点: 股民之家 aotouge 发帖提问 : 瞒着老婆炒股亏 了20万,怎么办,几年收入啊!看样子要各奔东西了,男人就不能有野心吗? 网友的留言多为鼓励、坦白从宽,但据aotouge回应称“老婆很凶,想尽快回本”,看样子一时很难有好结果了。[摊手] 天涯 endasky1 发帖求助: 2015年瞒着老公炒股赔了7万,后来主动坦白,得到了老公的谅解,并被告知以后不允许再炒股,否则离婚。 但2016年没忍住,使用信用卡套现炒股,又赔了15万,前几天实在受不了了,想着不行就去死,可还是忍了下来,决定以后再也不碰股票了,这几天已经把股票账户注销了,但欠了银行13万。其实我已经做好了离婚的准备,只是怕太突然老公受不了。我们有一个13岁的儿子,今年就要上初一了。想问问大家,该怎么和老公说这件事? 网友也多数鼓励,好在13万并不多,并且已经注销,看样子还能回头是岸。 网友 asien : 2015年初入市,那时候我告诉自己“你要偷偷炒股,然后惊艳所有人!“结果这一”偷“,就是6年,至今还没还完欠款... ... 上面的都有些沉重,不过也有比较好的观点: 网友 虎嗅蔷薇max : 最开始炒股的时候,我也瞒着伴侣,主要因为做的不好。后来,摸索了一些门道,盈利也算稳定,就不避讳与爱人谈自己的持仓了。现在,我不会隐瞒持仓,更重要的是,她也不会每
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile

      Stocks making the biggest moves in the premarket: Casper Sleep, AMC Entertainment, 3D Systems and more

      Casper Sleep Inc. – The sleep products company reported record quarterly revenue that came in above
      Stocks making the biggest moves in the premarket: Casper Sleep, AMC Entertainment, 3D Systems and more
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile
      With authorities scrutinised on $TENCENT(00700)$on many aspects, no doubt there have fallen off the altar temporarily. But i believe they will climb back to where they belong. Their prices are on discount and will reward their shareholders or believers well on the future.Now with more and more countries pledging to a more eco-friendly environment, they are doing for zero combustion rate or no more fuel-performed vehicle, many EV comapnies have soared. Even many traditional car companies have evolve and pledge to go fully electrical by the end of this decade. EV is the only way forward. Companies who offer hardware or software needed for EV will bloom, and it is of no wonder the optimistism long term investment logic of new energy and


      曾经有两个神股分别统治者港股和A股,被股民成为YYDS(永远的神)。 前者是$腾讯控股(00700)$ ,今年从高点跌了40%多:后者是$贵州茅台(600519)$ ,今年从高点跌了35%:就在年初,有人告诉我600的腾讯要抢着买,2000的茅台要闭上眼睛买。[微信] 如今,我只是觉得天台有点凉。现在,有人告诉我,时代变了,有“锂”才能走遍天下! 我定睛一看,但凡和新能源、锂电池相关的股票,都涨疯了: $比亚迪股份(01211)$ 网传其生产的刀片电池,切入$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 供应链,股价创出历史新高:$宁德时代(300750)$ 12000亿以上的市值,成为了新的神:$西藏珠峰(600338)$ 盐湖提锂,3月翻3倍:不仅如此,美国也声称要加速新能源汽车的建设: 拜登5日签署行政令:在2030年前,电动汽车销量提升到美国所有新售汽车的50%。 今日俄罗斯 称:美国正式加入了目前由中国主导的电动汽车“霸主地位”的争夺战。 随着中美不断押宝电动车事业,二级市场上的相关股票不断新高,似乎已
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile
      For $Tencent Holding Ltd.(TCTZF)$, their games and business tactics have been spot-on. It is not easy to have gamers playing your games for a prolong period of time. But for them, the company did it.Just like gambling, most are playing leisurely. However there are bound to have rotten problem gamblers. Same goes for gaming, there will be a few gamers who exceed the line. Education is needed for this group of gamers.Saying back,$Tencent Holding Ltd.(TCTZF)$is definitely a good stock. Recently gotten on the wrong end by the authorities, but the future of the company is never in doubt. Personally, I would say this stock is on a discount.


      今日早上,经济参考报头版头条: “精神鸦片” 竟长成数千亿产业 业内人士提醒:警惕网络游戏危害,及早合理规范! 文中直言,网络游戏对未成年人的健康成长,造成不可低估的影响: “有的同学有时一天玩8个小时王者荣耀。” “手机被我摔了5、6个,孩子不吃早饭,把钱攒起来买手机,继续玩游戏。” “任何一个产业、一项竞技都不能以毁掉一代人的方式来发展。” ... ... 数据显示,我国: 62.5%未成年,经常在网上玩游戏; 13.2%未成年,是手机游戏用户,在工作日玩手游日均超过2小时。 2020年,我国超一半儿童青少年近视,因沉迷游戏影响学业、引发性格异化的现象呈增长趋势。 游戏危害越来越得到社会的共识,常常用“精神鸦片”“电子毒品”指代。 参经特别提到了$腾讯控股(00700)$ : 2020年,中国游戏市场收入2786.87亿元,同比增长20.71%。其中,腾讯游戏业务营业收入1561亿元,占到了一半以上。 根据腾讯2020Q4财报显示: 18岁以下的未成年人在网络游戏中流水占比为6%,其中,16岁以下的未成年人流水占比为3.2% 根据Questmobile 2021年3月数据: 中国手游行业18岁以下用户占比约8.87%。 重点游戏方面,18岁以下未成年人占比如下: 《王者荣耀》:15.5% 《和平精英》:14.95% 《原神》:16.5% 上面前两个都属于腾讯的游戏产品。 游戏的成瘾性,不仅消耗了未成年人的大量精力、财力,还对未成年人的精神造成了重大负面影响。 参经采访了一些学生家长: 小夏的父亲说: 自从孩子痴迷网络游戏后,学习成绩直线下降。手机已经被他摔了5、6个,孩子就不吃早饭把钱攒起来,偷偷买手机。他发现后,孩子从二楼阳台跳下去
    • Joker_SmileJoker_Smile
      Wah. Many people gotten their tiger coins burnt last night.
