With authorities scrutinised on $TENCENT(00700)$on many aspects, no doubt there have fallen off the altar temporarily. But i believe they will climb back to where they belong. Their prices are on discount and will reward their shareholders or believers well on the future.

Now with more and more countries pledging to a more eco-friendly environment, they are doing for zero combustion rate or no more fuel-performed vehicle, many EV comapnies have soared. Even many traditional car companies have evolve and pledge to go fully electrical by the end of this decade. EV is the only way forward. Companies who offer hardware or software needed for EV will bloom, and it is of no wonder the optimistism long term investment logic of new energy and lithium batteries are high right now.

BYD and Contemporary Amperex Tech will soar, but whether will they hold the altar seat remains to be seen in the future. With innovative, differentiation and no complacent  by the companies, altar will be there for them.


曾经有两个神股分别统治者港股和A股,被股民成为YYDS(永远的神)。 前者是$腾讯控股(00700)$ ,今年从高点跌了40%多:后者是$贵州茅台(600519)$ ,今年从高点跌了35%:就在年初,有人告诉我600的腾讯要抢着买,2000的茅台要闭上眼睛买。[微信] 如今,我只是觉得天台有点凉。现在,有人告诉我,时代变了,有“锂”才能走遍天下! 我定睛一看,但凡和新能源、锂电池相关的股票,都涨疯了: $比亚迪股份(01211)$ 网传其生产的刀片电池,切入$特斯拉(TSLA)$ 供应链,股价创出历史新高:$宁德时代(300750)$ 12000亿以上的市值,成为了新的神:$西藏珠峰(600338)$ 盐湖提锂,3月翻3倍:不仅如此,美国也声称要加速新能源汽车的建设: 拜登5日签署行政令:在2030年前,电动汽车销量提升到美国所有新售汽车的50%。 今日俄罗斯 称:美国正式加入了目前由中国主导的电动汽车“霸主地位”的争夺战。 随着中美不断押宝电动车事业,二级市场上的相关股票不断新高,似乎已经进入了有“锂”走遍天下的时代。 …… 最后,大家聊一聊: 你是否认为腾讯、茅台跌下神坛? 你是否看好新能源、锂电池的长期投资逻辑? 宁德时代和比亚迪股份,是新的YYDS吗? 精彩留言用户可获得888社区积分噢!




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