
    • pigone11pigone11
      $Cloudflare, Inc.(NET)$ all players who didn't take profits or holding calls above $155 into earnings are eliminated. red light green light!!
    • pigone11pigone11
      $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ dear logical/non-delusional bulls, I have a serious question. Does this have the capability to go to $100 in a few years? Is this an actual possibility or a pipe dream?
    • pigone11pigone11
      $Amazon.com(AMZN)$ what is one company branded truck or van I see everyday? Amazon. Still undervalued despite the share price. You make money on the buy
    • pigone11pigone11
      $Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc.(GREE)$ I swung this for a 30% profit today but I’m gonna keep my eye on this l think there’s going to be many more opportunities here . I’m going to make sure I keep money on the sideline ready to jump in once again
    • pigone11pigone11
      $Aterian Inc.(ATER)$ $Greenidge Generation Holdings Inc.(GREE)$ Did any of you see these discrepancies with short interest?Any ideas of why?Bbig is showing 260% with numerous brokers, Ortex is only reporting 25%.I have been following AMC and GME closely and only seen it once with GME. AMC has shown discrepancies with price but not short interest.
    • pigone11pigone11
      $NIO Inc.(NIO)$ NIO Complete the summer testing of Et7. After completing winter testing of the ET7 in New Zealand in the southern hemisphere in July, NIO completed summer testing of the sedan in China's southernmost province of Hainan in August.
    • pigone11pigone11
      $特斯拉(TSLA)$ I buy $tsla every day, it’s called drip and of course, few understand this, nor do I have the time to explain it!! I’m too busy hodling
    • pigone11pigone11

      $VERB Verb is intergrated verb mail into all of $MSFT 365 apps

      $Microsoft(MSFT)$ $VERB Verb is intergrated verb mail into all of$MSFT 365 apps.So if u are on exel and want to send a quick video u can do that.Now u can already send a word or exel or access powerpoint email to someone without opening outlook.. U just choose this document send someone and press send. Verb is putting that feature onto all othe msft 365 programs.They wouldnt do that unless they were getting added to 365 and into the co-sell program. That announcement is going to send verb up a 100% in 1 day. I cant wait$Verb Technology Co., Inc.(VERB)$
      $VERB Verb is intergrated verb mail into all of $MSFT 365 apps
    • pigone11pigone11
      this held so well above $3 all day.. That's bullish af to me...So don't you paper hand it tomorrow when the short start attacking again.. $Exela Technologies, Inc.(XELA)$
    • pigone11pigone11
      I can't think of any other company where the CEO doesn't participate in the company earnings call. After all these years I can see letting Bezos slide but, this new guy during the first earnings report while on the job? I can't deal with that but, haven't sold.$Amazon.com(AMZN)$
