This feels like a pump and dump guys.... on Jan 19th 70% of class A shares will be unlocked. They are pumping this up to dump it. use your heads guys. This probably won't end well. $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$ Tesla is trending down and we are running. That's a great sign!
$GRAB what’s the catalyst for this fucking thing to turn its thieving ass around? $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ Only a matter of time, in my opinion, before lawsuits start flying and an SEC investigation comes. investing genius incredibull80 how many more days before you blow 5 million on this random turd stock.
$PFE This board is about a company with billions in product sales but the bots and the professional followers are obsessing in a vaccine debate. $Pfizer(PFE)$ The fundamentals of this company are rock solid. Anti-vaxers not withstanding.Invest wisely, please🙂
$TSLA$NVDA Max pain for next Friday (1/14) expirations are Tsla $1095, Nvda $290. A significant move higher then today's prices. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ If it means burning both sides, the greedyers on wall street will move Tech higher next week to reach those. Enjoy the weekend Bulls. Next week we move back up 🍻
Honestly I am disappointed at this price action .. this kind of short terrorism has struck this strong stock with no reason besides FOMC slight changes.This warranted calling for short attackban.Imagine if short attack is banned, we will be seeing small or some corrections, not 3 to 4 dollars .. when there is NO bad news or no reason.We need to fight back mofo. $Apple(AAPL)$
Apparently I chose the worst day to buy at the beginning of the day...lol Possible bullish flagging on support at 280 I won’t be surprised if we end on bullish note Sell the news buy the rumor type fomo Money has to go work $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ $GRTS If this is any indication of how bios would do in 2022, ETFs would be a safer bet. Everything is getting crushed -$NVDA,$NVAX,$AMD..
$PayPal(PYPL)$ On May 5th of 2020 the 150MA crossed above the 200MA with a ver bullish upside. Mid September 2021 the lines flattened (before the Pins rumor) and november 9th they started a down trend. On December 31st 2021, almost a year and a half later, the 150ma and 200ma crossed again, the first one below the other. Thats a very bearish trend. Fundamentals are still good, but not as good as before, and you have to take into account the Fed's Interest Rate Hikes that are coming this year, and remember that it was not the Fed news what started the fall here. Sure, PayPal is going nowhere, its a household name, as is Cisco... but their stock hasnt been able after 21 years to go back to the '00 highs. Beware if you are expecting ATH any time soon.
$AFRM what happen to all the bulls claiming this is a disruptor? how this is going to take over$V$MA$PYPL Stop believing everything you hear from CNBC either. Josh Brown claimed he sold all his credit card company stocks, they claim to buy shares everything day. They have a virtual account, you really think they have unlimited funding? its for media to hear!$Visa(V)$
More inflow than outflow 😉Be cool. Don't remember seeing this high a volume in the last year and a half...insane selloff...$SE nothing fundamentally with this company has changed. The future it still extremely promising. One firm dumping some equity doesn’t matter. This shit is such a overreaction. $Sea Ltd(SE)$ can someone plz tell what the EFF is going on here?
Always consider the source. $Microsoft(MSFT)$ "Instead, Microsoft has focused on "enterprise," or selling headsets to businesses that can stomach the $3,500 list price and want to see if the technology makes its workers more productive.The highest-profile client for HoloLens is the U.S. military. Microsoft won a $22 billion deal earlier this year to sell 120,000 custom HoloLenses to the government so soldiers can use them to "increase lethality." However, earlier this year, the Army said it would delay the start of a HoloLens field test to 2022.Whether the deal continues to get delayed or whether it turns out to be a winner for both sides will be an important signal for the ultimate health of the augmented reality market."
want to go down the drain i guess, it exceeded deliceries 2 cars without tires lol JMO $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ Nasdaq and S&P recovering that’s very bad for your bears but the NASDAQ is in bounce territory. It may help over here. We'll see soon I believe.  don’t be surprised it this head to $1300 by Friday if not then next week for sure. Healthy pull back, I definitily expected this$TSLA
I’m confused why bears acting like folks who are investing in apple care about the daily price. 1/4 point interest rate rise and AAPL has $ Quarter Trillion in cash.Yup, better sell since no way they can ever buy another share or company..Incredible.$Apple(AAPL)$ Great entry point below 180
$AMC Bears just using you around holidays. Thinking you will be hung over on monday. Bulls better wake up. If green on monday and tuesday bears will squeeze this thing. $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ $12,000 left today. These criminals should be proud. Lol maybe you degenerates should just buy shares
$SE not liking the action into the close. Bullish long term but this low volume day is looking sketch. Careful it could be a softness or bull trap for weeklies tomorrow. Don’t trust the reversal till volume pays the toll. We want strength into the close. In my opinion. We looking for conviction not these freaking pansie day trades playing for nickels. Regardless this is controlled by the big dogs.$Sea Ltd(SE)$
$MU all this Nancy talk. 🤣 🤣 50 strike - she would be stupid not to sell now. Read she already did. Waiting to buy more on the dip. GL 94 put I’m out 45% gain good luck just left 1 contract to see what will happen
$TSLA Imagine Elon Musk reveals his plans officially for TESLA phone and Starlink as internet provider. It will go $2000$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
$TSLA Tesla should sell 10 million invisible Cybertrucks. Then issue a recall stating the invisible trucks can be dangerous as people may hit them. As people start to return their invisible trucks they get the visible ones. P 🍀both bears and bulls are going at it here! 🤯 1100+ or no? 🧐💰$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$
$PLTR for 3 green days, it couldn't move a penny up. It remained stoned at 18.95 to 19 ,,,and in few red hours it drops in no time more than 40 cents. 🤔🤔🤔 $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ anyone know what percentage of PLTR shareholders are in the black. I am wondering...
Down agan. Watch for $140 today. Watch when Executives are given all shares and sell them today or by Friday. Stan will try to convince the move up this week so they will get to give more shares that they will sell immediately. The class action lawsuits against NVAX are pending due to the fraud alleged allegations.$Novavax(NVAX)$
$AMD$AMD(AMD)$ have you noticed that we started to outperform nvidia in the red days and in the Green Days the last 2-3 weeks. 2022 is def AMD’s year. 150%+ incoming Retail led like sheep .... You can see how the big guys are trying to prop it up, so they can dump/short at an opportune time
