Uber acquired 27.5% stake in Grab back in 2018 when their shared angel investor Softbank urged them to merge rather than compete with each other in Southeast Asia. I have never been SEA but after reading up on it and hearing from people there who use the services I just felt like it has the potential to be big. I guess the biggest part of their business is the delivery but they also have their hands in a lot of other things. That makes me feel secure because even if one part of the business doesn't do well they can focus on other aspects.$Uber(UBER)$ $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$
The investment thesis behind GME is certainly not the business revenue and growth. The investment thesis there is MOASS. And there may be a way to make it happen because there is indeed something unique in GME and AMC and that's the retailers determined to HODL. So *if* the stocks prices go down, then this *may* allow several independent forces to push towards a squeeze: first, fast deceleration triggers short sales , which eats up available stock; second, lower share price allows more retailers to buy more stock, plain and simple; and lastly, lower price AND large retail ownership invites white whales for large purchases, potentially forcing a squeeze. Not sure how viable that is, just sharing my 2c.$GameStop(GME)$
What is sad about Lucid is that if they were transparent with information they would be liked so much more. How can people invest their hard earned money into a guess, and the big time fans here cannot seem to get this. Hey let me drop 20,000 into stock and maybe there are cars, maybe no, maybe deliveries maybe not, etc. LOL I want to like this company but they insist we question their goals, that is why its suffering, people have no confidence in anything they say anymore.$Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$
I think anyone long is just fine with this stock. I'm hoping it goes to 200 or even 100s so I can buy more but in 5 years I could see this at 1,000/share. So really it's all good. This is the market selling off overvalued growth stocks. This is normal with faster tapering expected to occur and several interest rate hikes over next two years. The growth sector is just too high and needs to come down.$Sea Ltd(SE)$
To all who think this is going up! Wait and see, all your investments made during the dips will feel very expensive. The new strain will not let Disney function to full capacity anytime soon$Walt Disney(DIS)$
Been watching the price action all day… 2 observations: 1) it was the retailers who sold the stock in most parts. Just look at the volume of individual sales most 100 to 50 shares each… it is comforting to see this because these are the clueless retailers with sheep mentality that go with the flow. They just took their hefty gains and happy to even pay the US treasury 40-45% of their gains toward our national deficits. So who were the buyers? The big boys of the street. The same folks whose analysts (such as Matt Schindler of B of A and John Hachte of Jefferies) who downgraded the stock and lowering their PT to $250 and $300 respectively (from $300 and $333). 2) And the best news of all Zacks has a SELL on UPST New buyers will be coming to the stock as the dust settles.. just be patient… t
their new SEC statement clearly states they know a big pop is coming otherwise they would have just done normal financing/dilution. Three big pharma partners, conferences etc highly likely a big PR is coming soon. It’s very obvious something big is coming. I expect a big PR, have your fun now shorts and take the small victory. Any shorts next will be decimated.$Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$
Interesting. Appears to be pre-market dumping in fear of the inevitable stop loss triggers that will kick in at $20.00. Poor longs. Shorting demands more attention to daily moves for sure. I started using small positions on a few select stocks, of which pltr is one of the most reliable. Good luck to you.$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$
60k shares. Up a buck and a half. Not a single short can rain on my parade with any of their short tricks.$Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$
Good news for longs. You can write off GME losses when you do your taxes. Of course you have to have earnings. You can google "earnings" if you don't understand.$GameStop(GME)$
I'm most confused by the UK. They ran a large scale trial, they approved Astrazeneca(while the FDA has not), Novavax ran an ad in UK papers, the ComCov and ComCov2 UK trials are just out, and you'd think they would prefer to be seen as a leader in this case rather than an EU follower. An approval from the UK would make a lot of sense unless maybe the UK is waiting on a sufficient amount of physical vaccines in country to approve.... either way, there is clearly missing information we don't know - all we have are a ton of tea leaves that tell us it should all be fine. We'll the interim we keep getting hit with shrapnel every few hours from all different directions.$Novavax(NVAX)$ $AstraZeneca Plc(AZNCF)$<
I will hold my $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ through all the ups and downs of the stock itself alone....but if the price goes down merely with the overall market sentiment (i.e. IFFFF there is some mega downturn coming) then i will start selling covered calls and will consider selling my position and playing the "wheel" with options
what confuses me is how this went from 9 to 14 in a matter of minutes. The selling would not have even enabled that much profit if any. The volume does not match a 50% swing up and then back down either…. this leads me to believe some extreme manipulation is occuring by MM intentionallyand it will be reversed soon. They now know normal business can not be executed during market hours due to the massive amount of retail investors and the access/spread of information. something is occuring here. Don’t think I would sell. Traders hold your sack for a day or two and see what happens.$Pear Therapeutics(PEAR)$
We're in a Macro environment where even a company with good fundamentals, which SOFI doesn't have, will get hammered when bad news breaks, like Omicron. Beware.$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$
Right on, get through the correction and off we go again. Can't have this bit without the corrections, and honestly, hardly a correction at all, just got some technical chart metrics back into the green zone, is all. The quarterly does need to be good, no way around that, but we have all the reason to believe they will be.$Dropbox Inc.(DBX)$
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ US default thesis is out the window, what’s next bears? Ya running out of thesis’s. 1k otw!
Not only should you be long here 2 3 four years out, but also recognize that NVDA's huge Projected Revenue Growth (about 40% annually) will keep you well ahead of Joe and the Hoe and their 11% inflation...$NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
Intel has over promised and under delivered for years. Nothing is going to change. They just have dreams that never materialize. TSM is best in class and will be for years. The market will eventually catch on.$Intel(INTC)$ $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$
never be hesitant when it goes down 1000 points that is a sure bet even if it goes down another 300 you will benefit for sure I did that day like 5k$Microsoft(MSFT)$
No matter what, don’t get stuck on what “ should” be!!! I’m holding a loss since late February because of the perception of being undervalued. It DOES NOT matter, at least short term, of what valuation retail buyers think it should trade at. I got a hard lesson on “ pump and dump “ scheme and the BS analysts project. The big boys ARE running this show. Period. All logic points north, same as first of the year. The big difference from February to now is that it had a near 30% correction. I’m still long and holding for my payday!$Micron Technology(MU)$
