$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Why need to panic? [LOL] We have seen 60+ dropped to 29 and climbed back up to the 50 so why panic? Just relax and do smth else [Facepalm]
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Got rumours says that Jeff Bezos will be shorting AMC? [LOL] If he really did soon he will not hold the world richest man title [Facepalm] [Facepalm]
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Fuyooh wake up seemoney grow shiok ah HAHAHAH maybe we reallyneed these people spreading FUD to help make this place more interesting [LOL]
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$This stock is a world wide movement IMO no matter how much they short this stock will not fail [LOL] [LOL] Drop theprice of this stock apes will buy so I can’t see how will this fail