$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Relax guys, It's consolidating. Only a matter of time before the next run. Hedgies are losing the liquidity to crash the stonks as hard as they have. Soon they won't be able to at all and will have to cover. 🙌💎🚀🚀🚀
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Why do people not understand that the shorts have not even fully covered? Just HODL and you will be rewarded. Don’t have to listen to those people that keep askingyou sell. They will be hitting the air when we reach the moon 🤣🤣
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$All keep say going drop to single digit but I wake up still at $31 leh [Facepalm] You all so good at predicting things can tell me when will drop to single digit anot?
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Those scared to enter but don’t wanna miss out can just buy 1-10 shares based on your ability and hold it you never know what might happen [LOL] [LOL]
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Hello looking for this brother [Facepalm] [Facepalm] Why delete post? I thought u like to brag about your $50 profit and calling us bag holders? Don’t delete leh
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Where’s all the “guru” that keep spreading fear and told us to sell? Walao want spread fear must be consistent de what whr got amc stock price go up then u go back hide at your strawhut [Glance] [Glance] [Glance]
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Got rumours says that Jeff Bezos will be shorting AMC? [LOL] If he really did soon he will not hold the world richest man title [Facepalm] [Facepalm]
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$For the apes that already starting to lose money, why not give it a shot and stand tgt with us to fight against the hedgefund? Are u srsly gonna let them step over your head over and over again? Grow a pair of balls and man the f up to go against them. No extra money to buy then just HODL. 🦍🦍
$AMC Entertainment(AMC) I don’t get what those HF trying to do leh [LOL] Price drop apes keep buying also what [LOL] why don’t want just give up your ego and cover your shorts [LOL] All say we losing money but rmb smth our loss are limited we only lose what we invest while your shorts loss is infinite . [Sly] HF bring price down to 28-29 ppl keep buying already so what makes u think if AMC drop to 10 yuan like what y’all say stop ppl from doubling down on the stock? [LOL]
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$Remember why you even start this AMC movement. You want to let the rich get richer or u wanna get back what’s suppose to be yours? Think again.