$STI ETF(ES3.SI)$ if you look at the stock market cycle, we have seen panic and capitulation phase. I think that we will see the bottom soon.Just buy and hold!

Many great games will be made using Skillz software

$Skillz Inc(SKLZ)$ SKLZ just remember that … TWLO was also looked down upon like it was garbage during its first two years as a public company. Gaming stocks are tough to invest in because the market is always demanding for newer and better games , which we believe will happen in the near future, big buck hunter is a great example. Many great games will be made using Skillz software. We believe it.$Twilio(TWLO)$
Many great games will be made using Skillz software

For SPCE, I will tell you why shorts still have the upper hand

$维珍银河(SPCE)$ I will tell you why the shorts still have the upper hand. Quite simply. it's taken 2 YRS for VG to go back to space. For this "business" to justify this valuation, you'd need to send up multiple flights PER DAY. Now if you're waiting for a real meme moment... wait for them to announce an official date for Branson and possibly a FULL CABIN to go up. That will be something to behold.  
For SPCE, I will tell you why shorts still have the upper hand

Buy and hold. Waiting for the squeeze.

$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ it's funny how they all use the Ceo selling shares as a bearish excuse. The guy literary has announced he was going to do this in Q1. It should be no surprise. The guy is planning his estate. Regardless of the price he was going to sell. He has been holding since. He still has shares left. AMC going into the popcorn business soon. It's not dead yet. Spiderman tickets sold out for weekend. Movie going is not dead. Buy and hold. Waiting for the squeeze. 💎👋👋
Buy and hold. Waiting for the squeeze.
$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$ Good job. Hoping for the 7’s , one step up at a time to the tyde dividend and then we see a 100-200% gain day to get us in the 20-30 range, with some day traders pumping and gamma squeeze could see 40/50 range.

No one wants the covaxin

$Histogenics(OCGN)$ Sorry but when people are asked in the USA or Canada which vaccine do you want, johnson&johnson, Pfizer moderna novavax, or covaxin there will not be 1 person who will say covaxin.novavax as a tradition sly made vaccine is best and with least side effects. Let India stick to what they do best and that’s to make spices like tumeric and curry!$Pfizer(PFE)$ $Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ $Novavax(NVAX)$
No one wants the covaxin

Moon chips to the moon!

Huge rally and breakout baby on semis $半导体指数ETF-HOLDRs(SMH)$ $AMD(AMD)$ $英伟达(NVDA)$ Semis the future!!! Everything is gonna be machines Star wars planes Moon chips to the moon
Moon chips to the moon!

I think this has a chance to see $4+

$Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$ i will be looking for support lvl of $2.70s to hold if there is early profit taking. With current averages cost of holders around $2.36, I dont think there will be significant sell pressure.I think $3.70s will be a significant lvl and a good place to scale out with some profits but overall I think this has a chance to see $4+ within the near future.
I think this has a chance to see $4+

Buy and hold!

$Meta Materials Inc.(MMAT)$ the company they buy nanotech, its amazing huge demeand.we can't sleep, we feel it in the air. The patience, all the endurance, the psychological warfare that has been waged coming to fruition, the solidification of having made the right decision, the confirmation that rising early in the morning before the sun has rendered the fruits of our labor.Buy and hold!
Buy and hold!

leave away from the GME

$游戏驿站(GME)$ Man, leave away from the GME,this whole thing is like a carnival side show. People yelling and screaming about conspiracies and $5,000 or $50 million dollar share prices. Telling everyone else what they are supposed to do in order to make big bucks. Meanwhile, a small group of savvy traders and influencers are going out the back door with a wheelbarrow full of money.
leave away from the GME
$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$ If (when actually) this moons, it might as well be Jan or Feb 2022. A lot of Apes will save money on taxes and tendies can accrue interest (e.g. 9% USDC coin) before having to pay taxes. Either way, to the moon, and have a safe holiday weekend!$AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
$Alibaba(BABA)$ Instead of barring Baba from co-operation, sane person should work closely with Baba since it is the first to discover the security flaw in the world.
$SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD(C6L.SI)$ When you want to buy this stock you must learn the impacts of the COVID-19!Be careful!
$Phunware, Inc.(PHUN)$ 50k cleared for Monday. Will be buying at pre market. You weak hands can sell me all your shares if you want and penny flippers. This is heading to 50$+ minimum.

Buy Out imminent

$Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$ Buy Out imminent. this is not going to the moon. here are reasons why.1. huge volume on $5 strike price which means insiders know there is a buy out in the works 5-7 dollars. they want an option to buy just in case that happens.2. arityhmia is knows for investing in biotech and flipping for a profit3. volume every day shows pump in the morning dump in the afternoon like clock work. this company is even dumping there own shares to scare u into selling yours just so they can pick up more cheap shares on the fly.
Buy Out imminent
$Bionano Genomics(BNGO)$ regardless of the outcome I am always excited for earnings reports of the companies I own a part of.

a possible bump to $10-15

$Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$ Just speculating over current patterns, when shorts will cover, and possible catalysts. The second week in Nov may be when big parabolic activity happens, with a possible bump to $10-15 and back down somewhere between. Again, only speculating.Be careful with your money guys!Buy but do not hold for a long time!
a possible bump to $10-15
$Clover Health Corp(CLOV)$ if you’re waiting to buy, this is your chance!! Yeah you can wait and see if they push it to 7.30 or you can get in late over $9 or $10!! To the moon!!🍀🚀
$XIAOMI-W(01810)$ Expect explosive numbers as they have been making higher end models and store expansions. In less than 10 months, they've added over 9,000 stores in China alone. In the next few years, an extra 20,000 stores in China. India also. Hold for the long term as its market cap would explode.
$Bakkt Holdings, Inc.(BKKT)$ We will go higher. This app has nothing to do with the price of Bitcoin, but it has a lot to do with the platform.Millions of people have downloaded the app. And this is why the stock will be huge.
