$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Tesla CEO Elon Musk to visit Berlin factory in mid February

Elon Musk will visit Tesla's factory in Berlin in mid-February, the chief executive tweeted on Tuesday, following speculation on Twitter that he would be in Germany this month.

"I obv can’t comment on every rumor, but this isn’t true. Am headed to Berlin mid Feb, not this week," Musk tweeted in response to an article by website Drive Tesla CA which cited a tweet claiming he was visiting Berlin on Jan. 16.

Musk added in a separate tweet that rumours around his travel plans online were becoming a "security issue," in response to an apology from the account owner who first posted the wrong travel date, Sawyer Merritt.

Musk said last year he expected the Berlin factory to have received its licence to begin mass production of its Model Y cars by December, but bureaucratic hurdles and an ongoing court case over the factory's water use have delayed the process.

A first hearing in the court case will take place on Feb. 11, although regional finance minister Joerg Steinbach told German newspaper Tagesspiegel earlier this month that the license to begin production could come before the case was resolved.

Tesla was not immediately available for comment.




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  • PagRobinson
    The automobile manufacturing industry in Germany is very developed. Tesla cars produced in Germany will have good quality.
  • NinaEmmie
    Factories in Berlin! Does this mean Tesla will further expand the European market.
  • EricVaughan
    Tesla has a lot of news recently. I am neutral and wait for Tesla to solve every problem.
  • MurrayBulwer
    Tesla has expanded its layout in Europe! Is this a good opportunity to invest in Tesla stocks?