
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      The monthly chart suggests a potential shift in the longer-term trend as the 20-month SMA shows signs of upward movement. This raises the possibility of reaching Fibonacci retracement or extension levels in the years ahead. $Block(SQ)$
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      $LCID We are going to surpass$RIVN in market cap soon. This is inevitable. Rivian is Wall St's darling and Lucid is retail investors' darling. Each group shuns the other group's favorite.Adam Jonas of Morgan Stanley (Wall St pumper) has $135 price target for Rivian and $16 price target for Lucid.In a year or so, Rivian should be close to $16 and Lucid close to $135. Wall St is betting on a losing horse. $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      $GRAB every week I sell calls and every week I don’t get called away$WEEvery week I lower my cost basis. Red on a red day and red on a green day! Still not so sure about this investment.One week both of these will be over$10 and that week I will get called away $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      $AMC$GME Apes came into this trade last January for a quick scalp but stayed for the revolution and received a PHD in market structure and trade analysis. 22 years in Banking here…. no better swim instructor than the push into the deep end. If you are here you know more than 80% of my peers! Don’t doubt yourself or the DD. We are the Army that has the fort surrounded and the supplies cut off. Time is not on our enemies side! We wait and bleed them dry! $AMC Entertainment(AMC)$
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      everyone always talks about how Hong Kong sells off our gains, but we really dropped the ball on them today.$Alibaba(BABA)$ the market didn't like jobs report. Looked like it was gonna be a 5 to 7% day at first. I am long and think this will move up nicely the next 6 months.Gap looks filled more or less
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      horts are covering. Get out while you can. If you have profit. Take it now.$UAL$CZR$AAPL$RCL Every time somebody says something that they’ve already said 25 times, the market acts like it’s never heard it before… So tired of it, it’s exhausting! $Apple(AAPL)$ entered with cheap weekly 180 calls during the dip... Let's see...
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      $NVDA I think 280 is a good level to add, will continue to average in on market weakness. They don't need to raise capital to grow the business, they will likely be able to pass most or all price increases to the customer. Also added to$LMT and$HASI. HASI is risker between the two but with lots of long-term energy agreements, cash flow looks good for a company that has multiple decades of growth ahead. Recent 2.3GW solar and wind facility completion will add to cash flow in the coming years. $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      $PYPL$SQ just torn between staying long in my SQ and jumping over to PayPal to survive Q4. Oh decisions decisions. PayPal has Amazon, SQ has their new Afterpayfor 2022. PayPal has the PE and EPS. But SQ holds that unpredictable growth in the crypto sector but also a crackhead at the helm. $PayPal(PYPL)$
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      $BABA$SAVA$GME Start trading over 3 month ago and I lost all of money. $Alibaba(BABA)$ the pump and excitement over this stock is a scam / ploy for someone big to make money...thats all it is. Short it if you want to be on the correct side i guess. Sad. is the US bubble popping? Who called green to red? LFG
    • EdithHardyEdithHardy
      $AACG$CELZ$GNPX The time for short squeezes has come -->$VUZI 23% short float$V partnership $Visa(V)$
