
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      $LCID its funny seeing all the comments on this board about why it didn't keep running etc. If you were watching option flow, it was the massive influx of call volume at higher strike prices that was causing all the inflow on the tape. Right when it squeezed from 42.5 to 43+ the MMs blew up the IV on the options b/c risk of gamma squeeze on the 1/7 calls. That destroyed demand for calls and hence inflows slowed down and profit taking happened. Was never able to get past that high b/c that blow off top brought in so much supply. Easy sell of the $43 calls knowing that would be the top $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      $MTTR$CHPT$PYPL all moving in sync - it's the entire market. So if you believe in any of these stocks, don't sell on today's tiny ups and downs. $PayPal(PYPL)$ this makes no sense no matter how much this stock gains it will immediately give it all back in one trading session
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      the laggards of 2021,$INTC and$TSM, are still holding their bullish impulses and show since of continuous runs yet to come in Q1/Q2 while$AMD and$NVDA lost their bullish 1-5w advance and are setting up a choppy sideways ABCDE structure which will last until end of spring / early summer... $Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      $BNTX so Covid cases goes up and vaccines stocks goes down? There is a special place in hell for the bears shorting vaccines stocks.$PFE$MRNA$NVAX$OCGN $Pfizer(PFE)$ $PFE Get your calls ready folks.. Seeing a break of the downtrend on the daily, looking to take off from .618 Fib...Buy into weakness and sell into strength...Could see some upside very soon..Watching$JNJ for a possible swing...Shit paid today!!
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      $U just laugh at this point and hold. Everything gonna sink but down be the assclown that sold and watches it triple in 5 years.$Unity Software Inc.(U)$ $ETSY This is actually just not recommend buying. Guess we need a really good earnings report. Etsy actually makes money; this should not be trading on par with speculative growth stocks. Whatever. I will continue to hold this,$SPOT and$U for 10 years. Drop their prices all you want, Mr. Market.
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      I wanna buy the bottom of this one for long leaps. thinking ~5ish will be the bottom? what do you all think? $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      $Ford(F)$ up on a big red market day where all 4 major indexs are deep red.that means F likely to hit 26 - 26.50 on the next big green day These Bull/Bear BS posts are a hilarious waste of space and time. Paying more attention to the MACD, RSI, and current newsworthy events dictates when to dive in to "sink or swim." Sure, there is always that unpredictable anomaly that may hit. But it doesn't matter whether the spot price goes up or down daily, unless you put all your chips on the table every time. Playing the daily market easily bags several thousand every day, if you buy and sell in separate lots as the price fluctuates. If you can't make $500 to $1000 every day, you are definitely doing something wrong playing the daily curves.
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      I shoulda sold at 126 $BABA munger doubles position in third quarter this is old news heavy losses after buying in first quarter, down 50%, my guess is till death do them part $Alibaba(BABA)$ wow this must be so devastating for bulls, i am truly sorry..bears found a way to win again
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      You buys getting trapped today high volume and every one of you holding a bag.$Alibaba(BABA)$
    • MalcolmEmilyMalcolmEmily
      lets all be clear: Right now, the stock is red. Therefore, the worthless pieces of shit that are incessantly bashing the stock, will be replaced with a new set of scumbags, who will incessantly pump the stock on a green day. There is one common denominator of these low lifes: In both cases, they know NOTHING about this company nor it’s underlying stock, as is true for these turds with all their other daytrades. Unfortunately, this is type of garbage that this site attracts. I do believe the original intention of this site was to be informational to an investor; however, it has lost it’s way. $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$
