
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      $SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ now that the redemption is over and we have trimmed 35+% from the top look for the rebound to commence shortly. $13's if it makes it will be the lowest it can get in my opinion. Also the bank charter which we were hoping to see last month and now before the end of the year looks like will present itself in Q1 next year.I'm confident in this stock and still holding thousands of shares from the pre-spac merger under $10
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      $XPeng Inc.(XPEV)$ In my opinion this is the resistance area. I had a friend who predicted a couple of weeks ago that XPEV would touch about 41 and bounce back. I am a long holder as I have always indicated and don’t care much about fluctuations. I invest as much as my life (wife) allows ;)Not a financial advise. Do your own research.
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      A little bit more than 100 days ago MRNA filed for full FDA approval. It took BNTX about 100 days to get the same approval. Hopefully the full approval should come before January.$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ $BioNTech SE(BNTX)$
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ It will go up when it’s stops going down. But it’s not going out of business…ever. The business is growing. If you don’t need the money and you are not a trader. Don’t sell!
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      $NVIDIA Corp(NVDA)$ NVDA will retest the low 280s.There is a rebalancing taking place in portfolios, booking profits, and realizing that rising interest rates and a shrinking taper is not good for high multiple stocks. NVDA will do better than most, but will still be adjusted lower, providing a real bargain and entry point.Patience wins in this game.
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      It looks like the street is waiting to see how ROKU's earnings will be affected without you tube and maybe other apps. So ROKU will have to continue growing its revenues at least 40% per year by growing its international market. We will probably be in a waiting mode around $300,00 for a while, maybe 2-3 quarters. Success in international expansion is a must for ROKU.Total hours streamed will definitely go down without you tube even if revenues go up.My feeling is that ROKU's story will succeed big time but we will have to wait 2-3 quarters.If a deal is made, then ROKU will hit new highs very fast. $Roku Inc(ROKU)$
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      I am going to walk you through why you are getting the core business of BABA at 6.1x EBITDA, even after the explosive performance on Monday. We have a long way to run as of yet.Enterprise value (Market Cap + net debt) at end of trading on Monday = $284bn. We are at an annualized Adj. EBITDA of ~$20bn based on the six months ended 2021 (note that this is less than management adj. EBITDA, as I don't add back share-based compensation or operating lease costs when bridging to adj. EBITDA...both are real expenses, never let anyone tell you otherwise).Together, those give us 284/20 = 14x EV/Adj. EBITDA for the group as a whole. But this misses the bigger picture.1. The adjusted EBITDA above doesn't include a cent from the BABA investment portfolio, including a 1/3rd stake in Ant financial, which
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      Someone asked me "How does taking mobileye public increase value for intel shareholders?" His exact words. Quick answer: cash value.Mobileye revenues are growing, it's no secret. That gives it a high asset value.But splitting out the revenues coming from Mobileye will have an imperceptible effect on the remaining revenues coming into intel.It's hundreds of millions from Mobileye buried in Intel revenues of $80 Billion. Which, by the way grew 70 percent yoy.So selling that asset for $40 or $50 billion has minimal effect on revenues but more than doubles their cash available for opportunities.Oh yeah, and the INTC dividend will likely remain the same as well. Remember that before selling your shares of INTC into this news. Every share held short must pay that dividend.My sense is that short
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      $Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ thank you soft retail holders, you gave me an early Christmas present, now my average holding is at 19.94. You got played like a fiddle.... the institutions are accumulating as you sell only helping shore up their % of holding. Will soon go over 35% and would not be too surprised to see SEC Dec 30 filings head towards 40%. I will buy more if it goes down this week, holding this below $ 21 is a dream come true. Merry Christmas !!
    • BobbyLopezBobbyLopez
      Given the current short-term trend, the stock is expected to rise 61.79% during the next 3 months and, with a 90% probability hold a price between $231.16 and $268.57$AMD(AMD)$
