
    • SallyEuSallyEu
      In long term may be can take over Tesla.


      近日,$福特汽车(F)$ CEO Jim Farley表示: 我们有雄心壮志,最终在美国的电动汽车销量中超越$特斯拉(TSLA)$ ,但首先希望超越$通用汽车(GM)$ !我们致力于在24个月内达到约60万辆的年生产量。 据了解,特斯拉占据着美国三分之二的电动车市场份额,而福特目前仅排在第四位,落后于$大众汽车(VLKAY)$ 和通用公司。 不过,福特要实现称霸美国电动车也并非天方夜谭。 福特从今年开始加力转型新能源汽车,到11月份为止,福特电动汽车业务增长了153%。并且,有两款车型已经供不应求,十分热销。 一个是预定量超过20万的F-150闪电皮卡:另一个是电动野马Mach-E:目前,福特已经计划好,将大幅提高两款车型的产能,以满足强烈的用户需求。 总的来看,通用、福特等传统车企的加速转型,以及其他造车新势力($Rivian Automotive, Inc.(RIVN)$/ $Lucid Group Inc(LCID)$/$Faraday Future(FFIE)$ )的诞生,明年美国电动车市场将要进入“全面开花”的阶段,同时也可能是竞争最激烈的阶段。 不过,
    • SallyEuSallyEu
      Thank for sharing
      $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$Meta is looking interesting. We rebounded strongly off the 298 support. This could be a potential double bottom signal. We have to see it break back above 323 which is the long term upward channel. It was still rejected at the trendline which was 320 yesterday but closed above the immediate resistance of 5ema.If it does close above 323, this might signal the double bottom and meta will push up from here. However if we continue going down tonight, then it just means that it got rejected at my support turned resistance trendline and it is still not a buy signal.We will have to wait for confirmation before entering.As always, trade safe & invest wise!
      $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$Meta is looking interesting. We rebounded strongly off the 298 support. This could be a potential double bottom signal. We have to see it break back above 323 which is the long term upward channel. It was still rejected at the trendline which was 320 yesterday but closed above the immediate resistance of 5ema.If it does close above 323, this might signal the double bottom and meta will push up from here. However if we continue going down tonight, then it just means that it got rejected at my support turned resistance trendline and it is still not a buy signal.We will have to wait for confirmation before entering.As always, trade safe & invest wise!
    • SallyEuSallyEu


      聊聊今日份的交易想法,包括对于大盘走势后续的看法?看涨/看跌哪只股票、晒晒单等等。 港股市场 12月9日,恒生指数开盘上涨171.54点,涨幅0.71%,报24168.41点;国企指数开盘上涨63.25点,涨幅0.74%,报8586.15点;红筹指数开盘上涨7.83点,涨幅0.2%,报3878.09点。 恒生科技指数涨0.91%,大型科技股涨跌不一,$百度集团-SW(09888)$ 、$美团-W(03690)$ 涨超2%,$阿里巴巴-SW(09988)$ 、$腾讯控股(00700)$ 涨超1%,$网易-S(09999)$ 跌1.7%,$快手-W(01024)$ 、$小米集团-W(01810)$ 小幅低开; 港股教育板块走高,$新东方-S(09901)$ 涨近6%,新东方在线涨超
    • SallyEuSallyEu
      Long-term investment

      Southeast Asia's Grab slumps to 20.53%

      Southeast Asia's Grab slumps in U.S. debut after record SPAC deal Summary Grab listed on Thursday after $40 bln deal with Altimeter Debut marks biggest U.S. listing by a Southeast Asian firm Early backers SoftBank, Didi set for payday bonanza Bell-ringing ceremony takes place in Singapore SINGAPORE, Dec 2 (Reuters) - Shares in Grab , Southeast Asia's biggest ride-hailing and delivery firm, slid more than 20% in their Nasdaq debut on Thursday following the company's record $40 billion merger with a blank-check company. Grab's shares rose as much as 21% minutes after the listing before retreating to trade 23% lower at $8.51 by 1834 GMT. "The price makes no difference to me. I'm going to celebrate tonight and get back to work tomorrow," Chief Executive Anthony Tan told Reuters just after t
      Southeast Asia's Grab slumps to 20.53%
    • SallyEuSallyEu

      Stock Prediction: The Share Price of Grab📈

      Hey! Welcome you join our "stock prediction" column! ✨✨This column will update every Monday and Friday! Follow my steps to win Tiger Coins!🤑🤑🤑 Let's start the game! $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ 1. Predict the closing price of $Grab Holdings(GRAB)$ on Dec 8, Wednesday. 2. Please round your answer to the whole number, for example, round $323.57 to $324. 3. Leave your answer in the comment, the first 10
      Stock Prediction: The Share Price of Grab📈
    • SallyEuSallyEu

      Stock Prediction: The Share Price of Apple📈

      Hey! Welcome you guys join our "stock prediction" column! ✨✨This column will update every Monday and Friday! Follow my steps to win Tiger Coins!🤑🤑🤑 Let's start the game! $Apple(AAPL)$ 1. Predict the closing price of $Apple(AAPL)$ on Dec 3, Friday. 2. Please round your answer to the whole number, for example, round $323.57 to $324. 3. Leave your answer in the comment, the first 10 correct an
      Stock Prediction: The Share Price of Apple📈
    • SallyEuSallyEu


    • SallyEuSallyEu


      近日,$新东方在线(01797)$ 持续大涨,近10个交易日,涨幅达到115%!有分析人士指出,持续大涨的原因如下 1、俞敏洪的连续增持: 11月17日、18日,俞敏洪共斥资2499万港元,增持357.2万股,持股比例由4.63%上升至4.98%。 2、新东方进军直播业务: 11月7日晚间,俞敏洪表示”新东方未来计划成立一个大型的农业平台,自己将会和几百位老师通过直播带货,帮助农产品销售,支持乡村振兴事业。"引发舆论对于新东方与直播带货业务间的联想。 3,多家投资机构在第三季度加仓教育股: $高盛(GS)$ 第三季度: 增持2837万股$新东方(EDU)$ ,增持幅度高达352%; 增持2138万股$好未来(TAL)$ ,增持幅度达729%; 增持1510万股$精锐教育(ONE)$ ,环比增幅达89%。 景林资产第三季度: 加仓新东方788.2万股,环比增持幅度达1113%; 加仓好未来13.7万股,继续持有$高途(GOTU)$ ; 并表示“政府监管的目的主要是希望创造一个更公平的竞争环境。” 此外,还有人称,新东方等多家头部教培机构已经逐步完成转型,相信阵痛期结束后,这些企业将会开启新的征程。 …… 最后,大家聊一聊: 你是否看好新东方?是否看好超跌的教育股? 精彩留言用户可获得888社
    • SallyEuSallyEu

      Stock Prediction: The Share Price of Sea📈

      Hey! Welcome you guys join our "stock prediction" column! ✨✨ $Sea Ltd(SE)$ earnings on Nov 16, Tuesday. Let's start the game! $Sea Ltd(SE)$ 1. Predict the closing price of $Sea Ltd(SE)$ on Nov 19, Friday. 2. Please round your answer to the whole number, for example, round $323.57 to $324. 3. Leave your answer in the comment, the first 10 correct answers share 1000 Tige
      Stock Prediction: The Share Price of Sea📈
    • SallyEuSallyEu
      Good to invest

      EV Makers With No Revenue Continue to Surge

      Rivian Now World’s No. 3 Carmaker By Value As Post-IPO Stock Surge Rolls On $Rivian Automotive, Inc.(RIVN)$, the best-funded electric vehicle startup in U.S. history, continued to gain stock market momentum days after its Nasdaq debut–so much so that the California company currently ranks as the world’s third most valuable automaker, topped only by Tesla and Toyota. Shares of Rivian jumped about 15% to close at $149.36 on Monday. That pushed its market capitalization to $146.3 billion. The shares are up 38% since trading began on Nov. 10. The Amazon-backed startup, which only began building its battery-powered R1T pickup truck last month, won’t deliver many vehicles this year. The electric-vehicle start-up Lucid&n
      EV Makers With No Revenue Continue to Surge
