
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Hopefully they won’t become another Walt Dysney… [Happy] 

      Netflix Just Made an Important Acquisition on Its Path to Becoming Disney

      The streaming pioneer is following a playbook developed and perfected by the House of Mouse.
      Netflix Just Made an Important Acquisition on Its Path to Becoming Disney
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Almost as relevant as asking: is it going to rain?Of course it will, sooner or later… unless you live in a desert/hostile environment.Apply this tot the stocks market and the question becomes: how to get ready for the next cycle?And a short answer could be: diversify your portfolio if your strategy is not “buy and hold”. If you are instead more an investor, then as the saying goes: keep calm and carry on.
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Regardless of who Elon Musk is, this story tells a lot about the absurdity of the tax system. Imagine ifall companies would need to sell off significant amount of shares in prevision of taxes they have to pay for withdrawing a fraction of their capital?This would lead to artifically decrease the value of remaining assets and would precipitate a wave of additonal selloffs from investors.A recipe for another market crash, created artificially by stupid policy makers and politicians.[Facepalm] 

      Tesla's Musk sells $930 mln in shares to cover stock option tax - filings

      Tesla CEO Elon Musk has sold $930 million in shares to meet tax withholding obligations related to t
      Tesla's Musk sells $930 mln in shares to cover stock option tax - filings
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Interesting perspective. Although i believe that no matter the stock valuation, its price will keep risingon the long term. Not really a concern if your strategy is to buy and hold.

      Sell AAPL? Why This Expert Sees Apple Stock Dipping 12%

      As Apple stock(AAPL) continues to hover around $150 apiece, one of the few skeptics on Wall Street h
      Sell AAPL? Why This Expert Sees Apple Stock Dipping 12%
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Could we ask Twitter how many Tesla shares Elon Musk should sell to me?[Happy] 

      Twitter Has Spoken: Musk Should Sell $21 Billion Tesla Stake

      (Bloomberg) -- Elon Musk’s social media followers have spoken: The Tesla Inc. chief should sell 10%
      Twitter Has Spoken: Musk Should Sell $21 Billion Tesla Stake
