
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Hopefully they won’t become another Walt Dysney… [Happy] 

      Netflix Just Made an Important Acquisition on Its Path to Becoming Disney

      The streaming pioneer is following a playbook developed and perfected by the House of Mouse.
      Netflix Just Made an Important Acquisition on Its Path to Becoming Disney
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Almost as relevant as asking: is it going to rain?Of course it will, sooner or later… unless you live in a desert/hostile environment.Apply this tot the stocks market and the question becomes: how to get ready for the next cycle?And a short answer could be: diversify your portfolio if your strategy is not “buy and hold”. If you are instead more an investor, then as the saying goes: keep calm and carry on.

      Is the Stock Market Going to Crash Again?

      The next market crash is inevitable. Prepare while you can.
      Is the Stock Market Going to Crash Again?
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Regardless of who Elon Musk is, this story tells a lot about the absurdity of the tax system. Imagine ifall companies would need to sell off significant amount of shares in prevision of taxes they have to pay for withdrawing a fraction of their capital?This would lead to artifically decrease the value of remaining assets and would precipitate a wave of additonal selloffs from investors.A recipe for another market crash, created artificially by stupid policy makers and politicians.[Facepalm] 

      Tesla's Musk sells $930 mln in shares to cover stock option tax - filings

      Tesla CEO Elon Musk has sold $930 million in shares to meet tax withholding obligations related to t
      Tesla's Musk sells $930 mln in shares to cover stock option tax - filings
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Interesting perspective. Although i believe that no matter the stock valuation, its price will keep risingon the long term. Not really a concern if your strategy is to buy and hold.

      Sell AAPL? Why This Expert Sees Apple Stock Dipping 12%

      As Apple stock(AAPL) continues to hover around $150 apiece, one of the few skeptics on Wall Street h
      Sell AAPL? Why This Expert Sees Apple Stock Dipping 12%
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Could we ask Twitter how many Tesla shares Elon Musk should sell to me?[Happy] 
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Not sure between MacDonald and Starbucks….

      September Sell-Off: Best Stocks to Buy Now

      General economic worries today don't change the big picture for these companies.
      September Sell-Off: Best Stocks to Buy Now
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Quoting Warren Buffet:“Never invest in a business you cannot understand”.The same applies for short selling and other risky strategies.

      Short-selling stocks -- and trying to play short squeezes -- can be very dangerous

      How this type of high-stakes trading can influence stock prices It's easy to follow and online tradi
      Short-selling stocks -- and trying to play short squeezes -- can be very dangerous
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Lots of common sense here. I can only agree, except perhaps for the cash-vs-reinvestment plan part.It makes sense to cash out dividens if you are willing to spend time to trade/retrade but for other investors who seek for long-term investment, a DRIP (Dividend ReInvestment Plan) can be valuable.

      4 Investing Strategies to Navigate the Stock Market in 2021

      There are ways to stay invested for the long term even if you're nervous about what the market will do in the near future.
      4 Investing Strategies to Navigate the Stock Market in 2021
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      Wanting is one thing…. But creating a competitive one is an different thing. It’s interesting to see what these players will come with.
    • CoolFoxCoolFox
      There will be correction, of course. But that should not be a reason to prevent investors buying ETF toreplicate the performance of S&P 500 and rely on compound interests.Remember that bearish markes last less longer than bullish ones.

      Speak No Evil of the S&P 500’s Neverending Records

      Investors buying stocks no matter what shouldn’t fool themselves that the future will deliver the ch
      Speak No Evil of the S&P 500’s Neverending Records
