$Camber Energy(CEI)$ [财迷] [看涨] [美金] [梭哈] [强] Lines of Business:[1] Majority-owned (73%) $VKIN (Oil & Gas); 2021 revenue projections of $40m t0 $50m. [2] Simson-Maxwell Ltd - Majority-owned (60.5%) dealing with power generation, energy solutions, cryptocurrency mining, clean energy, etc; revenue projections of $50m to $70m. [3] ESG Clean Energy - Exclusive IP license for patented carbon-capture system; 100% CO2 emissions capture to facilitate production of precious commodities; future revenue projections of $10m to 20mRecent Developments:[1] 7/14/2021 - Closed a $15m equity investment from institutional investor. [2] 7/14/2021 - Extended maturity date of existing promissory notes to 1/1/2024; holder is entitled to common stock conve