
Options Day Trader, my posts are for educational purposes, not investment advise

    • JayceLeeJayceLee
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?


      和很多年轻股民一样,年初那场散户逼空机构的华尔街交锋中,25岁的@JayceLee 真正见识到期权这个金融工具的威力。在这场投机游戏里,他亲眼见到游戏驿站(GME)期权一夜之间曾暴涨1000%。“期权是一场高风险、高回报的赌博,能在一夜之间改变人的命运。”这是Jayce对期权的第一印象。很多个人投资者也对期权抱持同样的观点,其中不少拥有多年炒股经验。可5个月后,Jayce对期权的看法变了。“后来,我发现期权要一夜暴富很难,但是控制好风险是可以稳稳盈利的。” 今年截止目前,包括期权在内,他的投资组合收益超过20%。从幻想暴富到慢慢变富,不到半年时间里,Jayce对期权的看法是如何发生变化的?向虎友学习网上有很多期权策略,新手刚接触常常感到混乱。Jayce一开始学习期权交易也没有方向,只好在网上找任何可能有用的资料。约翰是Jayce学习期权交易的指路人。“对新手来说,向那些发布实盘记录的交易者学习很重要。”约翰在老虎社区的ID是@约翰的理财库 ,经常分享实盘交易经验。尽管在游戏驿站(GME)小盘股的多空对战中,Jayce被期权吸引。但疫情居家办公后,还是约翰建议他趁这段时间多学点新的投资工具和策略。“不要贪,学会止损,保持耐心,都是约翰给我的投资建议。初学期权时,他还帮我至少规避了两个误区。” 而Jayce的两个认知错误都和时间有关。首先,和股票不一样,期权有时限,会过期。到期不行权被视为自动弃权,合约变废纸。另一个概念是,时间衰减。期权价格包含内在价值与时间价值两个部分。随着期权临近到期日
    • JayceLeeJayceLee

      Weekly Market Analysis S&P 500

      Market Crash incoming...?[OMG] Time and time again there will be articles calling the top and expecting a massive market crash in hopes to be right one time. These articles usually come with pictures of someone sad or shocked.[Duh]  Let's take a look at the previous times these articles appear.[Serious]  "A broken clock is right twice every 24 hours." Instead of predicting the top, they have been accurately calling the bottom of corrections/retracements more often than not.[Helpless] Technical Analysis $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$ Weekly Chart As we can see, $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$ is still in an uptrend and progressing well in the rising channel. While a
      Weekly Market Analysis S&P 500
    • JayceLeeJayceLee
      Thank you to all the people who voted for me! I will continue sharing my investment journey and my thoughts along the way.[ShakeHands] Let's get the money![Miser] 

      2021 Most Popular Author Voting: Who are Tiger Stars of the Year?

      Welcome to voting for Tiger Stars (the Most Popular Authors) of 2021 in the Tiger Community! How time flies! 2021 is coming to the end. During this year, many Tigers in our community have published a lot of excellent posts in various forms, and all their contents are very informative and impressive. We really appreciate everyone's contribution! Among those authors, whose contents do you find are the most helpful to your investing? And who is your favourite? It's now time to express your gratitude to them! Vote for your 3 favourite authors, and you stand a chance to win Tiger coins! First, let's congratulate these 20 authors, who are selected as the nominees for the 2021 Most Popular Author, and will be awarded a New Year 2022 Tiger Desk Calendar! Who will be thi
      2021 Most Popular Author Voting: Who are Tiger Stars of the Year?
    • JayceLeeJayceLee

      How to buy the dip for fundamentally good stocks? (Bollinger Bands)

      Many people heard of this advice "Buy low, sell high", but how exactly do we achieve that?[疑问] This post is for long-term investors who believe in DCA(Dollar-Cost Averaging).[开心] Fundamentals and TrendFirst, the stock we pick has to be a fundamentally good company and be on an uptrend from a long-term perspective. Information such as profitability, revenue, assets, liabilities, and growth potential are considered fundamentals.Example of a downtrend(Ref: $Robinhood Markets, Inc.(HOOD)$):Avoid stocks constantly making new ATL(All-Time Low)/52wk LowExample of an uptrend(Ref: $英伟达(NVDA)$):Look for stocks that have been making new ATH(All-Time High)/52wk HighBe Patient with
      How to buy the dip for fundamentally good stocks? (Bollinger Bands)
    • JayceLeeJayceLee

      Trade Recap

      Last week, I shared an idea about $沃尔玛(WMT)$. [嘘] Swing Trade Idea (Bonus)Many people complain about every single thing about their life. If you're complaining about why you haven't achieved your goals yet, the problem may be you're complaining too much. The market is full of opportunities every day. If you chase the money, you might end up chasing alone forever. Chase your purpose instead. Be kind and help others along the way. I'm an ordinary novice trader living an extraordinary dream. I aim to become a better trader and help others in doing so. Congrats to whoever trusted me and took my idea.[可爱] All 3 targets hit, multibagger. 🎯
      Trade Recap
    • JayceLeeJayceLee
      The only pain I accept is champagne. [Sly] $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$When market opens, we can see it clearly bouncing off premarket low, went in call for that bounce. Sold at previous resistance. 1.13 in, 1.61 out.40%+ in 13 mins [Miser] 
    • JayceLeeJayceLee
      世界上唯一不用努力就能得到的只有年龄。即便如此,也不要用年龄为借口。一直努力学习,千万别被老击败![YoYo] $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$今晚最后的交易 。3/3🎯跌破开盘前30分钟低点买入看跌期权。1.382 fib level 止盈。0.37进,0.46出。13分钟 20%+ [Victory] 
    • JayceLeeJayceLee
      世间万物变化无穷,却难挡人性贪婪。[Sly] $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$开盘下跌后在468左右找到支撑。我在3开盘前30分钟的0.618 fib retracement卖出。0.46进,0.65出。16分钟 30%+ [Miser] 
    • JayceLeeJayceLee
      走过最远的路,就是市场的套路。[Helpless] $S&P500 ETF(SPY)$盘前大幅度上涨,一般开盘就会回调。在跌破开盘前5分钟买入看跌期权,支撑位卖出。0.23进,0.31出。2分钟 30%+ [Miser] 
    • JayceLeeJayceLee

      Swing Trade Idea (Bonus)

      I have shared a few ideas for options trading yesterday. Just saw this and I love the setup, so sharing with everyone who's interested as well.Walmart ($Wal-Mart(WMT)$)As we can see, it is near a critical support zone which has been held nicely multiple times previously. Watch for another potential bounce or a double top breakdown below. Personally, I'm more inclined to buying calls with at least 2 months expiry and stop loss at a daily close below 134.My targets above are 139.96, 143.21, 146.06. These levels will act as magnets if the price holds here.Set stop-loss according to your risk appetite if you like my idea and choose to take the trigger. Take profits early if satisfied or the price action does not look good.Disclaimer: The levels given are
      Swing Trade Idea (Bonus)
