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    • YohohoYohoho
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      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • YohohoYohoho
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • YohohoYohoho
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • YohohoYohoho
      $Lemonade, Inc.(LMND)$因为德州风暴的损失而下降评级根本就是可笑至极哪个保险公司只收保费而不赔偿的就是诈骗集团了。这次的天灾更反应出了科技的处理问题能力,公司竟然有能力在1个星期内解决90%的insurance claim,何等的效率!试想想,哪个传统保险公司能够有如此惊人的效率和能耐。也难怪保客们给出70分的评价,比起传统的保险业平均值高出了很多 。能够深得人心的企业才能壮大起来,增加用户黏性,提升subscription rate,长期来讲是好事,华尔街的大佬们肯定也心知肚明的。天灾是属于一次性的损失,并不会影响公司未来的现金流。以目前公司的亏损状态和现金,可以允许这家企业长达6-7年无盈利的烧钱扩展业务。给一家高速成长的企业这点时间,是合理的。
    • YohohoYohoho
      $Tattooed Chef, Inc(TTCF)$我所看到的公司经济护城河(目前公司还在不断的加强当中)1. 研发新产品的能力。CEO曾多次与不同的食品研发团队合作,但结果都不理想。他的女儿 Sarah(公司的creative director), 她的研发能力无人能及。显示出要在这赛道上成功,延续的研发能力极为重要,并且成功的门槛非常高。这也说明了公司产品在未经广告宣传都能达到如此高销售额的原因。2. 控制成本的能力。公司的营业模式是vertical integration, 从研发,种植,生产,到销售,公司拥有完整的产业链。这允许公司拥有定价能力,从而维持稳定的毛利率。此外,对食品品质的把控也能够非常到位,不可控的因素降低了。这说明了公司在对抗通货膨胀有着其他同行没有的绝对优势。3. 品牌效应(正在挖掘的护城河)。公司的TTCF产品占总销售额的比例逐渐提高。广告和宣传的效应,到底能够为公司带来多少营业额的增长?公司预测,广告的费用与营业额的比率会随着时间下降。这将会是我衡量品牌效应的准则,在接下来的财报当中持续关注这个指标。其他的利好因素包括大环境,素食者意识的增强,好多的运动员都转绿了。由于$Beyond Meat, Inc.(BYND)$的崛起,加强了更多人对素食与环保的概念。数据也显示,素食市场的需求正在加快脚步发展。公司的扩张市场也非常广泛,常常看见好多欧美的素食者都在询问公司的管理层何时把业务发展到该地区。总总的迹象都表明公司在利好的风口上。当然公司其实也有一些我在意的风险,但。。风险下次再聊!$THE VERY GOOD FO
    • YohohoYohoho
      $Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$ 非常值得期待的一家公司
    • YohohoYohoho
      $Tattooed Chef, Inc(TTCF)$比较起 $Beyond Meat, Inc.(BYND)$ 或者impossible food, 我更看好这家公司。Beyond 是很好的接引肉食者转向素食的管道,tattooed chef打的是素食者的市场。素食者并不会长期刻意去食用人造肉,反之tattooed chef的产品让很多顾客回头,包括非素食者。其原因除了价廉物美外,符合大众的口味,以及选择多样化是其最大的竞争优势。从面子书群组以及instagram就可以得知消费者对tattooed chef产品的热爱程度。未来若beyond想扩大其影响力,产品多元化,以及降低售价是不可避免的。最夸张的是,公司在2021年以前未花过一分钱打广告,都可以取得如此惊人的业绩。要在Costco, Wallmart 上架产品门槛不易,但要持续维持在架子上,产品摆放在最鲜艳触手可得的位置,是真的难。说明产品多么的抢手。目前我对tattooed的两个顾虑,第一是他们处理投资者疑问不够透明和关心。毕竟这本是家族生意,Sam galleti还不习惯吧?第二是产品都是属于冷冻食品,在欧美的网页上,唯一能查找到的产品cauliflower chicken wings被给予营养价值C的等级(中等),并且标明植物纤维不确定,糖,脂肪和盐份在很好的水平。其次加工指数在NOVA4,也是最差的评分,属高度加工食品。我也顺道查找了所有竞争者,包括beyond, impossible, tofukry, the very good food company, 等等的产品,同样坐落在NOVA4, 少数TOFUKRYNOVA3.&nbs
    • YohohoYohoho
      $KraneShares MSCI All China Health Care Index ETF(KURE)$长期看好中国医疗板块,值得长期累积的etf之一!
