
    • IronteamIronteam
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      3 Unstoppable Stocks You Can Buy Right Now for Less Than $100

      Do you like high growth at an introductory rate? Check out these three stocks.
      3 Unstoppable Stocks You Can Buy Right Now for Less Than $100
    • IronteamIronteam
      My first time with tiger was to buy Tesla $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ I kept adding more as it dipped and now my holding has turned green. Pls continue to push the boundaries for EV and autonomous.


      感恩节马上要到了,小虎提醒:感恩节周四(11月25日)美股休市哦!感恩节翌日(26日)美股提前3小时收盘~ 为了回馈广大虎友们的支持与陪伴,小虎君为大家准备了一些小礼物,参与即可获赠66虎币,如果你愿意多聊2句,还有机会获得小虎全套盲盒。 不知不觉,老虎已经成立7年了, 在过去年的7年,我们认识了很多新老朋友 可曾记得你是何时加入老虎的? 又是缘何来到这里? 【参与方式】 本帖留言说出 「你和老虎的第一次」 你发布的第一个帖子是什么? 你关注的第一个好友是谁? 你关注/交易的第一只股票是什么? 【活动奖励】 凡是参与晒单的虎友均可获得66虎币,除此之外,还有机会获得以下奖励: 知己奖:我们会选取“第一条帖子”发帖时间最早的虎友赠予1套小虎盲盒手办(5个) 人气奖:我们会选取评论获赞量最高的3位虎友,随机赠予小虎盲盒手办1个 优质奖:我们会随机选取评论优质有趣的虎友,随机赠予小虎盲盒手办1个 【活动时间】: 2021年11月23日-11月29日 【特别说明】 水贴,重复内容,广告,恶意营销等属于无效内容; 文章需原创并首发于老虎,并且版权归老虎社区所有; 本次活动中用户所提到的标的,仅供参考,不构成投资建议,据此操作,风险自负; 活动最终解释权归老虎社区所有; 若对本次活动有不解之处,可在此贴留言,或微信虎妞(微信号:itiger2014)咨询。 欢迎大家在下贴评论区留言说说「你和老虎的第一次」,你发布的第一个帖子是什么?你关注的第一个好友是谁?你关注/交易的第一只股票是什么?参与即可获赠66虎币,如果你愿意多聊2句,还有机会获得小虎全套盲盒。
    • IronteamIronteam
      Sounds good!

      自动驾驶巨头Aurora借壳上市:AUR 股票登陆纳斯达克

      Aurora IPO 为投资者提供了投资商业化自动驾驶的机会。在与 Reinvent Technology Partners Y 达成 SPAC 协议后,该公司进入了市场。Aurora SPAC IPO:关于自动驾驶公司Aurora 是一家致力于提供自动驾驶技术优势的公司。自动驾驶行业专家于 2017 年创立了这家公司。 Aurora 背后的团队包括谷歌、优步和特斯拉的前自动驾驶项目主管。主要的名称,如亚马逊和红杉回极光。该公司在湾区、匹兹堡和达拉斯测试其车辆。此外,它在这三个城市和蒙大拿州博兹曼的办事处拥有 1,600 名员工。Aurora 通过其旗舰自动驾驶产品Aurora Driver提供服务。该平台汇集了软件、硬件和数据服务,以在一系列应用中操作各种车辆。有了这项技术,车辆可以在没有驾驶员的情况下完全运行。Aurora 计划从自动化重型卡车开始。Aurora Horizon是一家自主商业卡车运输公司,将于 2023 年底推出。此外,它将专注于乘车和送货服务。它计划在 2024 年推出无人驾驶叫车服务Aurora Connect。Aurora 提供了一种称为“司机即服务”的创新商业模式。Aurora 计划将其硬件和软件堆栈出售给其他公司,而不是运营车队。为此,该公司已与主要行业参与者合作。Aurora 收购 Uber 的 Advanced Technologies Group该公司于 2020 年 12 月收购了优步的自动驾驶部门 Advanced Technologies Group。作为交换,$优步(UBER)$ 向 Aurora 投资了 4 亿美元,获得了该公司26% 的股权。此外,优步 CEO Dara Khosrowshahi 也加入
      自动驾驶巨头Aurora借壳上市:AUR 股票登陆纳斯达克
    • IronteamIronteam
      $AURORA INNOVATION INC - WS(AUROW)$Anyone got any idea what is this? I got it after merging of $Reinvent Technology Partners Y(RTPYU)$
    • IronteamIronteam
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • IronteamIronteam
      Great ariticle, would you like to share it?

      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!

      Hello, dear Tigers! Happy Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃 Tap here to play the Halloween game, and you stand a chance to win various rewards! Promotion Period: October 27, 2021 18:00 - November 9, 2021 18:00 (SGT) 1. How to Participate? All Tiger clients may collect points which can be used to redeem rewards by taking part in the Trade or Treating Game. All existing Tiger clients will have 2 game attempts. Clients can get more game attempts by completing different tasks, such as 'Invite a friend' or 'Share Halloween Game'. 2. How to collect points? Each player has 30 seconds to catch falling candies while av
      [Halloween Game] Trade or Treat!
    • IronteamIronteam
      An interesting take on stocks that looked overvalued.

      3 Growth Stocks That Look Absurdly Overvalued but Really Aren't

      Don't trust the commonly used valuation metrics with these great stocks.
      3 Growth Stocks That Look Absurdly Overvalued but Really Aren't
    • IronteamIronteam
      If you read this without context, you will sure panic. ARK has to balance the portfolio for the fund, so selling is normal regardless of what their target is. However, price may go down if the majority thinks otherwise. That's when I'll buy more. [鬼脸] 

      Cathie Wood Sells $138.5M Tesla Shares In Two Straight Sessions

      The New York-based Ark Invest led by popular money manager Cathie Wood sold a hefty stake in Tesla I
      Cathie Wood Sells $138.5M Tesla Shares In Two Straight Sessions
    • IronteamIronteam
      $Reinvent Technology Partners Y(RTPYU)$my only green stock left. [流泪] 
    • IronteamIronteam
      富贵险中求。I believe that anything below $10 is a discount on this storck with huge upside potential. 

      SHAREHOLDER NOTICE: Brodsky & Smith Announces an Investigation of Reinvent Technology Partners Y (Nasdaq - RTPY)

      BALA CYNWYD, PA / ACCESSWIRE / July 15, 2021 / Law office of Brodsky & Smith announces that it is in
      SHAREHOLDER NOTICE: Brodsky & Smith Announces an Investigation of Reinvent Technology Partners Y (Nasdaq - RTPY)
