$游戏驿站(GME)$EN:Did anyone noticed? He actually called Gamestop as GameStink!!!Did he being emotional after his prediction in 26 Feb 2021 went the other way instead???Will he call GME as GameStop at $28 and GameSweet at $8 instead?Do you really want to trust your money with him in his current mental state?Let's see what he is predicting this time round:From yesterday (Thursday) close of $260.00:- Down 30% in 1 week ($182.00 max, by 18 Mar 2021 close)- Down 50% in a month ($130.00 max, by 9 Apr 2021 close)- Down 80% in 6 months ($52.00 max, by 10 Sep 2021 close)Why not I make a prediction that GME will:- Up 30% in a week ($338.00 minimum, by 18 Mar 2021 close)- Up 50% in a month ($390.00 minimum, by9 Apr 2021 close)- Up 80% in 6 months ($4
$游戏驿站(GME)$Superstonk ppl may not like it, but I really do believe that the buyers and sellers could be funds to-and-from each other aka Short Ladder / Wash Sales.I am inclined to believe that shorts do CLOSE MINIMALLY (Like 100 to 1k shares at a time) while they likely buy from another short sellers.Apes arent selling, Insitutional Buys for loaning the shares and pocket the interest / ETF purpose. So the majority of the volume should be short sellers followed by day traders / paperhands.