Signs of Market Consolidation - 4 Interesting ChartsBy Thomas Poh 24 Mar 2020www.pzhconsultants.com五天前欧洲央行ECB宣布了EUR7500亿债券回顾计划。美联储Fed昨日也公布的无底线量化宽松计划。在各央行的紧急行动下,国际融资市场终于开始显示回返正常操作的迹象。The funding markets seem to have found a temporary footing as central banks attempted to counter the outbreak with their own shock and awe bazookas. The ECB unveiled an EUR 750bio bond purchase 5 days ago while the Fed announced unlimited quantitative easing yesterday as their latest salvo. The US Congress is also debating an upsized USD2 trillion stimulus package.市场可能进入巩固阶段 - there are signs of the market reaching a temporary consolidation phase.在对抗病毒行动方面,虽然国际证实案件和死亡人数还在每天增加,今天却得到了好消息。中国政府将于本周三开始放松进出湖北省的限制.On the medical front, although the confirmed cases reported globally continue to rise toge