
    • coolguy001coolguy001

      ZM Catches A Much Needed Break

      For a company that couldn’t seem to stop rallying last year, 2021 has been death by a thousand cuts for Zoom Video (NASDAQ: ZM). Shares of the video conferencing company hit their all-time highs in October of 2020, right around when COVID vaccines started being approved, and they’ve fallen 65% since then. But with a new variant starting to make the rounds that might be unaffected by existing vaccines, it’s not unreasonable to think that a much-needed bid could start appearing in Zoom shares shortly. Such is the view of Loup Ventures analyst Gene Munster and his team at least, who came out on Monday with bullish comments on Zoom Video and some of their pandemic power play peers. He made the point that he preferred Zoom as a stay-at-home play, as the hybrid working environment is likely to g
      ZM Catches A Much Needed Break
