$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$Hi Shortists, didn't you all want to short to 4 or even below? What are you waiting for? Do it! Or rather, do you want to cover your shorts at high?
$Sea Ltd(SE)$another stock with high short interest. Seem like shortists are not giving up and need to find something to short. Short further, I am ready to stock more of it up.
@MyrnaNorth:$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ “hedge funds“ aren’t controlling this. even short interest is low. No one is really interested in shorting it. the reason why this is limp is because retail owns too much of the float. Retail is slowly getting fed up watching other tickERs rocket or instead of buying shares are throwing their money away to market makers buying options.
$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$Not vested in Tesla but if you hve money and want to own a EV, will you choose to buy Tesla or other EVs like NIO? Tesla is the brand for EV just like Apple is the brand for tablet/phone.
@B.God:$Tesla Motors(TSLA)$The real fall haven started. When Fed taper and raise interest rates in 2022, thats where the real fall is. Tesla $400-500 shareprice. All good news about Tesla is already priced in at $500. So dont be silly and buy at such prices. Honestly anyone who buy above $800 is in for a big loss in 2022.