$Alibaba(BABA)$People are all blaming China government but never realized it’s US pressuring chinaall the time. Market market mostly are done by US company. They do so as they wish. So we just wait.
$Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing(TSM)$Cansomeone enlighten me? Amd and nvidia design chips and tsmc manufactured almost all of it for them and it’s valued lower than them ? Not forgetting apple are relying on TSMC too. How is TSMC not a trillion dollar company yet? they are literally 3-5 years ahead of their competitors…
$Alibaba(BABA)$I’m a holder but got a feeling thisearning is really hard to beat. We all know last yearwas such a good year for e-commerce sales because of covid….
$NIO Inc.(NIO)$They missed the delivery numbers but anyone know how many cars ordered but haven’t delivered yet? I feel number of car orders is more important then delivery numbers causing this u-turn?
$Alibaba(09988)$With all the supply shortages due to ports delays. Now do you know why baba is buying delivery/logistics company? They have been working on logistics & fast delivery for years and have always been the priority . I don’t see this shortage of supplies will affect babe like how amzn is.
$Tiger Brokers(TIGR)$Clearly the same institutionsselling off futu and tiger like how baba got pinned down. Once the fud go , you know where it goes I’m bullish after this fud clear
$META MATLS INC PFD SER A(MMTLP)$Not selling for this unofficial price. Think guys , the bigger players themselves initiated this dividend buy back opportunities because they want the bigger percentage of the total final dividend
$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$This will go down guys, shorts are playing us… just look at the chart,they cover short to reshorting and it repeats~ justme seeing the trend …
$META MATLS INC PFD SER A(MMTLP)$calm down guys, it’s broker to broker trading with one another and self creating value of this pref A shares. The dividend is not finalized yet.