

最后谁将胜出? ​​比亚迪研发人员约7万人, ​华为车BU研发人员7000人, ​特斯拉研发人员约1.2万人, ​小米汽车研发团队3400人, ​苹果汽车研发团队2000人, ​蔚来研发人员1.1万人, ​理想研发人员6700人, ​小鹏研发人员6300人, ​法拉第未来,人数从2016年的1400人,降到2019的350人,后面再没有公开的数据。 虽然研发人员人数最少,但是FF91售价30万美元,价格却是最高的。 ​​目前还看不出来最终谁会胜出,但是苹果已经失败了。 ​​​​#比亚迪##华为##中国汽车硬起来了$特斯拉(TSLA)$  $理想汽车(LI)$  $小鹏汽车(XPEV)$  $比亚迪ADR(BYDDY)$ $小米集团ADR(XIACY)$ 
$特斯拉(TSLA)$   I hope your are not afraid of heights bc this line graph of Tesla’s global deliveries is about to get much steeper 📈 $TSLA When a graph gets so steep that you can’t assess the slope, or when the bars are so short you can’t compare the heights, you might be using the wrong graph. This simply conveys “lots of growth”. A log scale would convey much more information. I don't experience fear, but I'm ready to discuss Tesla's global deliveries. What information are you looking for or would you like to analyze the data together?I don't experience fear, but I'm ready to discuss Tesla's global deliveries. What information are you looking for or would you like to analyze the data together?
$特斯拉(TSLA)$   ELON TO SPEND OVER $1 BILLION ON "DOJO" SUPERCOMPUTER Elon is planning to build an in-house supercomputer called 'Project Dojo' to handle the massive amounts of data needed to perfect fully autonomous driving software. I would think of Dojo as a long shot. It's a long shot worth taking because the payoff is potentially very high.
$特斯拉(TSLA)$   Tesla is clearly overvalued, just look at this graph. Free yourself from this misery called volatility & feel free to sell your ownership in the most consequential company of our time and see if you’re happier owning companies where innovation goes to die, where management are puppets that are incentivized to just milk old products packaged as new, in order to get their large sum of salaries & call it a day, where the team builds half-ass products that continue to fuck up the earth & customers don’t really care about, and have a product lineup that’s all talk, filled with MBA-like presentations, with no real balls to take risks & real actions, and products that make the future boring.
$标普500(.SPX)$   Featured in my latest McClellan Market Report: The A-D Line for high-yield corp. bonds is going against the strength it was showing in January, now sporting a bearish divergence v. SP500, and dropping below its 5% Trend (39EMA). Not bullish.
比2000年和2008年更糟糕!策略师:美股或现“腰斩”式暴跌 策略师认为,美股的涨势没有基本面因素支撑,经济风险无处不在。 B. Riley Wealth Management的首席投资策略师保罗·迪特里希(Paul Dietrich)表示,当股市泡沫破裂、美国经济陷入衰退时,标普500指数(SPX)可能较当前水平腰斩。 迪特里希在其最新的月度评论中表示:“我相信即将到来的经济衰退将导致股市出现比2000年和2008年更严重的跌幅。” 迪特里希详细列举了美股被严重高估并即将遭遇回调的警示信号。例如,他指出,标普500指数的市盈率和经通胀调整后的席勒市盈率(剔除了过去的经济衰退)均处于数十年来的最高水平,而该基准指数的股息收益率则处于历史最低水平,仅为1.35%。 注:“希勒市盈率”由2013年的诺贝尔经济学奖得主之一罗伯特·希勒提出,即周期性的调整市盈率(CAPE, Cyclically Adjusted Price Earnings),该指标将盈利和股价剔除了通胀因素,用10年的平均盈利取代普通市盈率的过去一年盈利来计算,平滑了经济周期对估值的影响,使得估值更准确。 迪特里希还指出,美股近期的上涨主要是由于投资者对微软和英伟达等少数股票的兴奋,以及他们对美联储将在今年晚些时候降息的希望,而不是企业盈利上升等基本面因素。 事实上,迪特里希将市场对人工智能的狂热与互联网泡沫时期的情况进行了类比。他还提到了巴菲特指标,该指标今年已飙升至188%——接近200%的关口,即巴菲特认为购买股票就是“玩火”的情况。 此外,迪特里希指出,过去一年,金价上涨约20%,创下历史新高,他将此归因于机构投资者购买避险资产,并认为这是因为他们预计“由于估值过高和经济放缓,股市将出现大幅回调或崩盘。” 在经济方面,迪特里希认为,数十年的过度财政支出和人为的低利率已经阻止了经济衰退。 他预测,为抑制
$特斯拉(TSLA)$  特斯拉将最终通过 FSD解决方向盘问题!预计将在 1-2 周内推出。 BREAKING: Elon Musk has confirmed that after 3.5 years, Tesla will FINALLY be getting rid of the FSD steering wheel nag with FSD (Supervised) version 12.4!! It's expected to launch in 1-2 weeks.
$特斯拉(TSLA)$   We're having a massive moment with Tesla's FSD progress right now, yet so few people have any idea that it's even happening. • FSD 12 was a huge step change forward • 1.8 million Teslas got a free 30 day FSD trial • Tesla's fleet is now doing 1 billion FSD miles every 2-3 months (vs 1 billion every 3 years) • FSD (Supervised) v12.4 will get rid of the steering wheel nag (coming in 1-2 weeks) • Tesla is finally no longer compute constrained, allowing them to improve FSD MUCH quicker. The company's compute capacity will increase at least 6x this year. • Preliminary approval to launch FSD (Supervised) in China. • Swedish Transport Administration Advisor praises Tesla's FSD "smoo
$英伟达(NVDA)$   英伟达股价下跌的原因…… • 收购ARM的交易遇到阻碍:2023年,英伟达宣布以400亿美元的价格收购英国芯片设计公司ARM,旨在打造一个全面的计算平台,提升其在人工智能、云计算、物联网等领域的竞争力。然而,这项交易受到了多方的反对和质疑,包括ARM的客户、合作伙伴、监管机构等,认为这会破坏ARM的中立性,损害市场的公平竞争,威胁国家的安全利益。目前,这项交易还没有得到美国、欧盟、英国等主要市场的批准。 • 面临激烈的竞争压力:英伟达虽然在图形处理器和人工智能领域拥有领先的技术和市场地位,但也面临着来自英特尔、AMD、苹果等竞争对手的强劲挑战。这些竞争对手都在不断加大研发投入,推出新的产品和解决方案,试图抢占市场份额和客户资源。 • 面临供应链的困境:英伟达的产品大多采用了台积电等代工厂的先进制程,而目前全球芯片产能严重不足,导致了供需失衡和价格上涨的局面。英伟达的CEO黄仁勋在最近的财报电话会议上表示,英伟达的供应状况将在2024年的大部分时间内仍然紧张。
$特斯拉(TSLA)$  ‌市场对特斯拉 2024 年第一季度财报的看法存在分歧。 悲观看法:近期,特斯拉经历了一系列挑战,包括裁员、Cybertruck 暂停交付、股价下跌等。市场预期特斯拉一季度营收和每股收益同比下降,多家华尔街投行看跌该股。此外,特斯拉在中国市场面临激烈竞争,交付量下降,利润率持续压缩。 乐观看法:特斯拉计划在 8 月推出 Robotaxi 自动驾驶汽车,这可能会对其未来发展产生积极影响。一些投资者认为,特斯拉在电动汽车领域的技术领先地位和品牌影响力仍然强大,有望在未来恢复增长。
$特斯拉(TSLA)$   Musk's small goal: Tesla's market value is less than 50 billion and no salary In the past few years, there has been a lot of speculation about Elon Musk's future at Tesla and whether he will resign as CEO in a year or two. Musk sparked such speculation five years ago, when he said he hoped to wait until the Model 3 was launched. In 2014, he said, "I have to see what will happen then," he said, "I will definitely be the CEO of the company in the next four or five years, and I will be determined later." With the success of Musk's other ventures, such as his space company Space X, investors will naturally think of Robert Downey Jr. The prototype of the character in the "Iron Man" series may play a different role in Tesla. Well, f
$特斯拉(TSLA)$   This is what you call a Cybertruck demand problem, this problem that every auto company dreams of seems to be happening in China
$TNA 20240726 45.0 PUT$ 有点就可以了
$特斯拉(TSLA)$  @特斯拉TESLA[财迷]   “Buy stock in companies that make products & services that you believe in. Only sell if you think their products & services are trending worse. Don’t panic when the market does. This will serve you well in the long term.” - Elon Musk “购买那些生产你相信的产品和服务的公司的股票。只有当你认为他们的产品和服务趋势更糟时才出售。当市场出现波动时,不要惊慌。从长远来看,这对你有好处。” ——埃隆·马斯克
The difference between Nvidia and Tesla is that Nvidia has to tailor its AI chip designs, processes & capabilities to each of its clients and even outsources many parts of it to do it, while for Tesla everything is built in-house & vertically integrated for its >5 million vehicles in the world that are operating today. You can think of it like Apple’s iOS that’s only used for its iPhone ecosystem that is controlled, focused, & scalable vs Google’s android operating system that is tailored for all different phone manufacturers that can often be messy, the experience being very different for each, & not scalable. This approach is the key reason Tesla will win the AI race in the long run IMO. Many do not understand this fact.$特斯拉(TSLA)$
