
I’ll see a 30 plus share price

$Progenity, Inc.(PROG)$ Correct me if I’m wrong but that patent for treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with a SMAD7 inhibitor is a 15 billion dollar market not to mention global Biological market is 250 billion. I wonder if any other company treats the GI TRACT. If Progenity can deliver on this and make billions off this product like no joke I’ll see a 30 plus share price.
I’ll see a 30 plus share price
$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$ Wake up everyone! Palantir has 1.96 billion shares outstanding. This company has a market cap of 33.Billion and brought in less than 1.4 billion in revenue for 12 months.Negative net income. Negative EBITDA.Dilution machine. OVERVALUED$Palantir Technologies Inc.(PLTR)$

Long term holders know this will pop to 3, 4, or even 5

$Exela Technologies, Inc.(XELA)$ Although a follow up to Monday would have been nice, going from 1.5 to 1.9 is a great advance. (Especially with the new customer still being unannounced.) Long term holders know this will pop to 3, 4, or even 5 at some point. Maybe not now, but if we can form new base around 2.5 over the next week, that will be fine with me. I'm not patient with everything, but I am with this one.
Long term holders know this will pop to 3, 4, or even 5

when it seems like the best it has come

$Bakkt Holdings, Inc.(BKKT)$ unbelievable. I just turned $170k into $350k in 3 hours. I sold all and hope to jump back in in the pre market if it's substantially lower than it is now. If not, this has still been so much fun and I wish you all the best. I learned my lesson from DWAC that when it seems like the best has come, it just may have.$Digital World Acquisition Corp(DWAC)$
when it seems like the best it has come
$苹果(AAPL)$ $Marathon Digital Holdings Inc(MARA)$ After we are done with $AAPL - I will probably pick up PUTS for $MARA ! For the $50-$1k challenge🧤
$动视暴雪(ATVI)$ $AMC院线(AMC)$ $Facebook(FB)$ $美国银行(BAC)$ FREE #OPTIONS Ideas 🤯Scale out when above 25% Profit$AMC 40C >38.68 | 35P <36.53$FB 360C >359.83 | 355P <355.21$BAC 42C >41.52 | 40P <40.67$ATVI 85C >84.12 | 80P <82.78Help a brother out with a ❤️
$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ when all weak hands let go is time to go in. I see a lot of value in the future of this company, not your average pharma, way beyond that. BUY more below 410 if you can.

Just hold!

$Vinco Ventures, Inc.(BBIG)$ we will rocket esp when bears only go to is calling ppl bagholders. Don’t all stocks have bag holders. Also known as investors if your holding your bags for gains. Literally no bear has a good argument of why this goes down. But there are lots of why it goes up.
Just hold!

Go down to $2 soon!

$ContextLogic Inc.(WISH)$ revenue is going down .... Make sure you know this company haven't make margin yet... They still burn a lot of cash...soon they are running out of cash...they will dilute shareholders....we could see wish down to $2 .Keep your money and leave now,guy!$ContextLogic Inc.(WISH)$
Go down to $2 soon!

Just hold!It'll take us up to $45 to $50 !

$Aterian Inc.(ATER)$ People who sold are going to be kicking themselves soon. Won’t be long before shorts turn on each two ways:1. Take profit and so buy back shares (and so in theory the price should rise).2. As the price rises, other shorts will take profits (again by buying back shares) and in doing so push the share price higher.3. After a 20-30% rise, remaining shorts will now be trapped and the only way out is by covering and frantically buy back shares. That could potentially trigger the all short squeezes, easy 200-300% squeeze taking us up to $45 to $50 !
Just hold!It'll take us up to $45 to $50 !
$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ Why is it that the FDA takes 2 months to review data on MRNA vaccine for kids under 18 while it took weeks for PFE? The more time they need = safety concerns and severe adverse event? Only reason for the long delay.Be careful guys!$Moderna, Inc.(MRNA)$ $Pfizer(PFE)$

See you all at $200.

$SoFi Technologies Inc.(SOFI)$ Do we still see $14 noobs? Nope. Mark my word. This stock will be remembered as one of the best successful investment of the century. People who are mocking this stock is like the ones that mocked Amazon, Netflix, Tesla 5, 6 years ago. See you all at $200.$$ $Tesla Motors(TSLA)$ $Netflix(NFLX)$
See you all at $200.

The stock is starting to heat up

$Altimeter Growth Corp.(AGC)$ See all these deep ITM call sweeps…that sure looks like covering to me. Deep ITM calls trade a lot a Combined discounted price to stock price. Short sellers use this method to “cover” at a discount to current price.!It’s a good sign ,especially considering how well we are holding $12. No doubt about the stock is starting to heat up.
The stock is starting to heat up

I'm long on GE

$General Electric Co(GE)$ I'm long on GE. Worked there 20 years ago right before Welch left. Good products. Went through a period of mismanagement that caught them with commercial real estate exposure. They are slowly coming out of that debacle with an good CEO. The company is being positioned to come back strong the next few years.
I'm long on GE
$Upstart Holdings, Inc.(UPST)$ If you are debating on whether to invest in UPST or AFRM, just know this, UPST is already a profitable company with major growth ahead, and while AFRM will have growth ahead it won't be profitable until after 2024, if even then.$Upstart Holdings, Inc.(UPST)$ $Affirm Holdings, Inc.(AFRM)$
$特斯拉(TSLA)$ Had a meeting with my private banker today about opening up a business account for my real estate portfolio. She was shocked I had such little cash in the bank. I told her I put all my $ behind stocks and real estate.Cash is absolute trash.Assets > Cash$TSLA #Tesla
$Alibaba(BABA)$ There is no freaking way BABA will be anything bigger after it is forced to move the data to state owned cloud platform. It is no more than just another online store front. Plus the delisting from the US market, the forever shrinking ^HSI will only seal the deal of the demise of BABA stock price.

AMZN is the best!

$$ I anslyse fangs and not sure lately what is that investors like about , aapl, fb, MSFT and goog stock but Amazon!Off all these, I see Amazon has more growth coming, dominant position and profitability is about to shoot up. Pe will come down fast! However, Amazon is beaten down so hard and so difficult for it to gain than loose! Is it the split or JB’s departure or just ignorance?Any thoughts?$Apple(AAPL)$ $Meta Platforms, Inc.(FB)$ $Microsoft(MSFT)$
AMZN is the best!
$Altamira Therapeutics Ltd.(CYTO)$ the company is also in the development of enormously promising RNA - therapeutics ... if you like you can read on their website.Just buy more guys!

Things could get interesting

$China XD Plastics(CXDC)$ Hard to explain cxdc's share price recovery. Is it possible someone is competing with the insiders to steal the company? China XD is being taken over for very low valuation. If someone with deep enough pockets can figure out how to "beat" the insiders, things could get interesting. How else to explain the increased share price? If my theory is correct, the buyer will real themselves when the acquirer obtains more than 5% of CXDC's shares. The acquirer has 10 days to disclose from the time they have obtained more than 5% of CXDC's shares. Even if the acquirer doesn't have all the votes, CXDC wouldn't be allowed to steal the company if the acquirer is offering $10 or $20/share for the Company.
Things could get interesting
