老虎认证: Tiger Brokers FundMall

What Would Tiger Do 2022

Tiger Brokers have a series of webinars lined up for you on the 8th and 9th of January 2022! Whether you are new to investing or have significant experience with the markets, we believe you have much to gain from the topics that will be covered during the webinar, in essence giving you a boost to your investing journey in 2022 and beyond. So, what does Tiger Brokers have in store for you? Our webinar line upIn a macroenvironment where uncertainty is overarching, investors may begin to feel lost as to what to invest in but fret not! Our industry experts will be highlighting profitable opportunities from both a top-down and bottom-up perspective and equipping you with the right tools to enhance your portfolio returns through the webinars we have organised for you. To kick off the webinar ser
What Would Tiger Do 2022

WWTD 2022 - I was here

WWTD - Experience store happening at 7 Yong Siak Street 8 Jan and 9 Jan from 9am to 8pm!
WWTD 2022 - I was here

Tiger Boss Buys Dinner Tonight

Today Tiger Boss decided to bring Tiger team to eat dinner celebrate the start of the new year. Before we leave office, Tiger team member Ah Qing decided to check Tiger App for discount. Currently Tiger Brokers running WWTD 2022 event and if you crack open the golden eggs got chance for discount vouchers. See this beautiful golden egg? Remember to click and got chance for many types of promotions.   Wah got the 15% discount at The Working Class. Tiger Boss say 15% discount very worth it and very near Tiger office. Just nice got 5 of us so we all decided to head there for dinner. I'm thinking since Tiger Boss say very worth it means Tiger Boss treating? [Sly]  7pm already. Time t
Tiger Boss Buys Dinner Tonight

Top 5 funds that investors bought on Tiger Brokers in 2021

2021 was a year where marketsentiments played snake and ladders. 1H21 saw a strong performance in equities as an optimistic view of a global post pandemic reopening nearing led to upbeat spirits in market participants. Entering the second half of the year, investors turned a tad more cautious as the resurgence of the delta variant and lately, the omicron variant, dulled the global growth outlook. So how did Tiger Brokers' investors navigate the market this year? China and Vietnam are the top pick of investors geographically and at a sectorial level, tech continues to be well-liked by our investors. In today's article, we look at the top 5 funds which piqued investors interest and discuss the rationale behind these investments. Picture 1: Top 5 Subscribed Funds on Tiger Brokers in 2021 Chin
Top 5 funds that investors bought on Tiger Brokers in 2021

2021 Top 5 Performing Funds

In yesteryear when the pandemic struck, global equity markets sold off at a pace that was rarely seen in financial markets history. Tech stocks sold off hard and so did cyclical equity segments. Almost 2 years on, it appears to be a very different macroenvironment as economies emerge from the Covid-19 carnage. 2021 was a year filled with optimism as market participants expected a global post pandemic recovery to drive a rebound in growth. In the midst of such positivity, market momentum for the bulk of the year was high flying but has hit some speed bumps along the way – equity markets treaded water in 3Q21 as a resurgence of the delta variant worldwide dulled the outlook for global growth. So how did global equity markets performed thus far?  On a year to date basis, developed m
2021 Top 5 Performing Funds

Fund house introduction: UOB Asset Management

Tiger Brokers offers a variety of Unit Trusts on our platform which are provided by various fund management companies in Singapore. Given the array of funds, investors may find it confusing when it comes to selecting the funds that best suits their investment goals. In this series, we will be interviewing the fund houses that are on our platform to find out more about their specialty to help our investor select the best funds from these fund providers. Today, the fund house that we have interviewed is UOB Asset Management (“@UOBAM ”). An introduction to UOBAM @UOBAM is a leading Asia-based asset manager with its headquarters in Singapore. It has
Fund house introduction: UOB Asset Management

Fund Mall Activity: Win 1000 tiger coins

Pssssssst. Something big is coming! 😱 Tiger Brokers will be hosting our very first physical and virtual event in january and we would like you to participate in the preparation of this event! To thank you for helping us in the event, we will be giving away 1000 tiger coins!  How to win this 1000 tiger coins? 😍 Simply comment below your burning topics and questions that you would like us to share during our WWTD event.  O
Fund Mall Activity: Win 1000 tiger coins

How to pick the right Unit Trust ?

In the universe of Unit Trust, there are thousands of funds investors can choose from to include in their portfolio. So how exactly do you choose the “right” fund to meet your investment needs? In today’s piece, we will teach you how to analyse funds and think like an analyst!Top down or bottom up approach? Before choosing which funds could potentially generate good returns for us as investors, we need to formulate an investment thesis which we believe in. This can be done through a top down (assessing macro factors such as GDP, employment, interest rates etc to identify specific sectors or companies that could benefit) or bottom up (focus on analysing specific companies or sector based on its fundamentals rather than looking at the greater economy) approach. To provide a better under
How to pick the right Unit Trust ?

A Christmas present from Tiger Brokers

As the end of the year approaches, many of us will begin our Christmas shopping, assuming we haven't already done enough shopping sprees over the 9.9, 10.10 and 11.11 sale. However, we should also not forget to save a little and put it into our investment portfolio given that investing has the ability to perform its magic of compounding and delivering long term returns. One fund we think investors can look into is the $Fidelity Global Multi Asset Income A-MINCOME(G)-SGD(LU1084809471.SGD)$ fund and here’s why.Instead of holding cash, why not collect dividends and enjoy capital appreciation?Lately, both the fixed income and equity market has been volatile as inflationary fears rise. Investing in such market cond
A Christmas present from Tiger Brokers

Fund College: When should you take profit?

One pertinent question investors commonly ask themselves is: ‘when should I take profits?’. This is no doubt a tough question to answer since we as investors are always seeking higher returns from our investments. In today’s article, we will break down our thoughts on this topic for our platform’s investors. To begin with, there is nothing wrong with chasing more returns despite having your investments in the green. However, we think that it is a good practice to review your portfolio at the end of the year or even the start of the year, even if you have a time horizon of ten years or more, given that sometimes a certain investment may become a huge part in your portfolio, especially if it has rallied aggressively. Take for example you have invested in the technology sector during the Covi
Fund College: When should you take profit?

Fly SQ Biz Class to London On Us!

Invest, Earn and Win with Fund Mall! Promotional Period: 22nd November 2021 to 31st December 2021 Invest in funds with Fund Mall Earn GrabRewards Points Stand a chance to win 2 business class tickets to London 😎 How do I earn GrabRewards Points? *Tiger Brokers (Singapore) Pte Ltd is entitled to replace Grab Reward Points (GRP) with other rewards of the same value All rewards will be based on the net investment amount during the promotion period. Example 1: You invested $50,000 on 22nd November. Your qualified reward will be 50,000 * 0.8 = 40,000 GRP Example 2: You invested $120,000 on 1st December. Your qualified reward will be 120,000 * 1 = 120,000 GRP Example 3: You invested $120,000 on 1st December but redeemed $50,000 on 20th December. Your qualified reward
Fly SQ Biz Class to London On Us!

Tiger Comments: Fed Reserves Chairman Change

What implications will a change in US Federal Reserve chairman bring about?While inflation has been at the top of market participants’ minds lately, a potential change in the US Federal Reserves (“Feds”) Chair has also sparked chatter in the investment world due to the delayed decision by US president Joe Biden amid this crucial time - central bank preparation to taper its asset purchases and starting rate hike as early as next year.To give our investors more context, the race on who will be the next Fed chair lies between the current Fed chair, Jerome Powell and Fed governor Lael Brainard, albeit the former being favoured in the betting market.Who is Lael Brainard and what kind of Fed chair will she be?Lael Brainard is a Democrat and an economist who has been on the Fed’s board of governo
Tiger Comments: Fed Reserves Chairman Change

If I have $1000, which funds should I buy?

Market momentum has slowed down significantly in contrast to the high flying 1H21. Since then, investors are struggling with investing in the prevailing macroenvironment. Today, we will break down the market situations and help investors select potential winners heading into 2022. Equity Market Recap In the first half of the year, market sentiments was largely positive due to the expectation that a post-pandemic global reopening is near. However, with the resurgence of the delta variant in the second half, optimism has wavered. Supply shortages have also sent prices of raw materials, in particular energy related cost to record highs, threatening a looming inflationary pressure which is considered detrimental to the price of long duration assets, more specifically growth equities. Nonethele
If I have $1000, which funds should I buy?

What are the different types of funds?

Previously, we provided our readers with a brief introduction to Unit Trust. In today’s piece, we go a step deeper and take a look at the different types of Unit Trust an investor can add to their portfolio. Equity funds An equity fund is a fund that invests primarily in stocks. The objective of an equity fund is generally to seek long-term capital appreciation. These type of funds may focus on certain sectors of the market or may have a specific investment style, such as investing in value or growth stock. Fixed Income Funds A fixed income fund is a fund that invests primarily in bonds or other debt securities. Fixed income funds generally pay a return on a fixed schedule, though the amount of the payment can vary. Investors may consider this type of fund for their pot
What are the different types of funds?

Fund Mall - Fund College

Follow @FundMall for fund courses, tips and recommendations!  Watch and Read our courses available to learn more about funds and our suggested funds. What is a Fund? UT vs ETFs Allocating Unit Trust in your Portfolio Savings vs Investing Behavioral Finance - Availability Bias Behavioral
Fund Mall - Fund College

Preparing for Volatility

Given that the value of an investment may not rise or fall in tandem, diversifying your portfolio is an effective way to limit your downside risk. Yet the question of ‘how do you achieve a diversified portfolio?’ remains as a commonly asked question. Watch the video to find out more!Credits: @Fidelity 
Preparing for Volatility

Fund College: What is an Income Fund?

What is an income fund?Income funds is a mutual fund which primarily invests in bonds or other debt securities. These funds generally pay a return on a fixed schedule, commonly known as dividends, though the amount can vary. Investors can consider this type of fund for their ability to generate income and yet provide capital preservation or appreciation. Watch the video to find out more!Credits: @Fidelity 
Fund College: What is an Income Fund?

Income Investing

Five reasons why income investing can potentially help to limit uncertaintyAmid the ongoing pandemic from yesteryear, it is a timely reminder to investors that income investing can bring about benefits to their portfolio and here’s why. Watch the video to find out!Credits: @Fidelity  
Income Investing

Market Volatility - Defined and Explained

 To put it simply, volatility is a statistical measure of the rate at which the price of the market or security changes over time. Generally, the higher the volatility, the riskier the security. So what causes volatility? Watch the video to find out more!Credits: @Fidelity 
Market Volatility - Defined and Explained

Investing During Volatile Times

When it comes to investing, volatility is a factor that investors are unable to run away from. A recent example would be in 2020 when the pandemic just hit. Markets saw a violent sell down as investors reacted to a slew of negative news. So how should you approach investing when markets are volatile? Watch the video to find out more!Credits: @Fidelity 
Investing During Volatile Times
